martedì 3 luglio 2012

Londra: bambino muore per circoncisione


LONDON: Baby bleeds to death two days after circumcision

Bambino muore dissanguato in seguito a circoncisione

Londra - Giugno 2012

Un neonato di appena 28 giorni di vita del Queen's Park ha perso in seguito alla circoncisione tre quarti del suo volume totale di sangue morendo nel giro di poche ore dall‘intervento.

Westminster Coroner’s Court heard it eventually stopped and his mother Maame Abrafi, who lives in Ashmore Road, thought he was fine.

L’operazione di circoncisione di Angelo Ofori-Mintah sembrava procedere per il meglio, ma a solo poche ore dopo l'incisione il neonato ha cominciato a sanguinare. Il neonato ha iniziato a piangere in maniera insistente, mentre il suo corpo diventava freddo e pallido ed è stato ricoverato con urgenza in ospedale. E’ sopragiunto un arresto cardiaco in seguito alla forte perdita di sangue ed è morto nelle prime ore di giovedì.

Tests revealed he had lost about three-quarters of his total blood volume and died as a result of an acute haemorrhage due to circumcision. (ed è morto a causa di una emorragia acuta dovuta alla circoncisione.)

The inquest heard Mrs Abrafi had received clear aftercare instructions from Rabbi Mordehai Cohen, who carried out the procedure.The qualified practitioner gave her a printed guide which included his contact details in case of emergency.

He also explained that she was to leave the bandage on for 24 hours ‘at all costs’. But realising her 28-day-old son was bleeding, the court heard, Mrs Abrafi who is originally from Ghana, removed it within nine hours. She was unable to call the Rabbi because she did not have enough phone credit so texted a friend who contacted him for her. The friend said the Rabbi had suggested applying petroleum jelly but as she hadn’t seen the baby she was relying on Mrs Abrafi’s description.

This created a ‘tragic break-down in communication’ said Deputy Coroner Shirley Radcliffe, which left Rabbi Cohen unaware of the full circumstances.
Rabbi Cohen was entirely blameless for the tragedy. Directing her comments to Mrs Abrafi, Mrs Radcliffe said: “This is simply a tragic accident, an unforeseen consequence of the surgical procedure that this baby undertook.