Urologist Renounces Infant Circumcision; Discusses Risks, Harms, & Lack Of Benefits
Dr. Snyder, former president of the Virginia Urological Society, talks about the obvious ethical problems with performing an unnecessary procedure on a child that cannot consent.
He also de-bunks the myths that newborn circumcision can stop penile cancer (the rarest of all male cancers), urinary tract infections, or HIV.
Finally, Dr. Snyder addresses the real risks associated with circumcising infants, including:
- Death, usually by bleeding or infection
- Loss of the entire penis or parts of the glans (head)
- Various healing complications such as skin bridges
- Meatal stenosis (urethral strictures), which can prevent urination and damage the kidneys
- Sexual side effects from tight erections due to so much skin being cut off
Dr. Snyder was actually surprised that non-therapeutic circumcision continues to this day, seeing as most major U.S. medical associations have made it clear since the early 1970's that newborn circumcision is not a medically indicated procedure. He concludes that, with circumcision rates plummeting in the US, circumcision will likely fall completely out of favor in the US within a generation, as happened in other circumcising countries like the UK, New Zealand, and Australia decades ago.
Doctor Discusses Circumcision Controversy
Questo Blog nasce per Informare sulla Circoncisione Maschile, contro le Violenze-le Menzogne-i Falsi Miti, la Disinformazione e la Violazione dei Diritti Umani. La Circoncisione maschile non previene ne riduce HIV, MST/STD's, anzi, rende il pene più esposto a infezioni, virus e batteri, aumenta le IVU nei bambini, incoraggia escissioni sulle bambine, viola l'etica medica e il diritto di scelta per il proprio corpo. Negli Stati Uniti è la 1°causa di mortalità infantile sotto i 2 anni. Stop Now!