Brian J. Morris
Member of: Gilgal Society
Associates with: Circlist
Cutting Club
Acorn Society
Colleagues & Benefactors: Vernon Quaintance
Jake H. Waskett
Bertran Auvert
Robert C. Bailey
Daniel T. Halperin
Edgar J. Schoen
Stephen Moses
Thomas E. Wiswell
Notice: Brian Morris has been attempting to keep the information on this page from staying available to the public. On March 7th 2011, Morris attempted to remove this page; more on that here. On April 26th 2012, Morris removed information from his website and pamphlets due to information published on this page, information published about the Gilgal Society, and due to an arrest of Vernon Quaintance as a result of information on Quaintance's page. You can review this page, and the related pages, to see what Brian Morris doesn't want you to know.
Brian James Morris[1] is a molecular biologist and professor of molecular medical sciences at the University of Sydney, Australia.[2][3] He is an avid circumcision advocate,[4] who's never heard an argument for circumcision he didn't like.[5] He's the most vocal Australian circumcision promoter, stating that circumcision should be mandatory,[6] and uses regular scare tactics in an attempt to frighten parents into circumcising their children.[7]
Morris is also a member of the Gilgal Society,[8][9][10] who publishes circumcision propaganda, fetish stories of young boys being circumcised while others masturbate, and other materials. Gilgal Society has doctors and (circumcision to prevent HIV) researchers among their members.[11] Gilgal is headed by Vernon Quaintance, who was recently arrested for child pornography.[12][13]
Morris is in regular contact with Jake H. Waskett,[14] who is the number one Wikipedia editor of any articles on circumcision, or are even somewhat related to circumcision.[15]
Connection to the Gilgal Society
Morris hides his association with the 'Gilgal Society'
On the 26th of April, 2012, documents suddenly disappeared from Brian Morris's website.[16] The documents were his leaflets promoting circumcision, bearing the imprint of the Gilgal Society.[10][9][8] Recently, the head of the Gilgal Society, Vernon Quaintance, has been convicted of possessing child pornography.[12][13]
Until the 26th of April, 2012, Morris's leaflet, "Circumcision A Guide For Parents", said it was published by Brian Morris & The Gilgal Society, with the society's address and logo.[10][9] As of the 26th of April, 2012, all reference to the society are gone, along with a reference to Morris's "interest in circumcision".
Morris's leaflet for women, "Sex and Circumcision: What every woman needs to know", which boasted a long list of co-authors—a virtual roll-call of the pro-circumcison movement—was removed and later replaced by a black and white version—again, with all reference to the Gilgal Society removed. Links to the Circumcision Foundation of Australia and the circumcision fetish site Circlist have been added.
Since April 11th 2012 (the day Vernon Quaintance's court hearing was set, the Gilgal Society website has carried the message:
"We regret that as a result of major computer failure none of our publications are currently available to order from us." But Professor Morris's leaflets continue to be advertised on the site.
Morris's site continues to show a "circumcision humor" page, including a verse by Vernon Quaintance, directly under a picture of a baby with his foreskin trapped in a cellphone.[17]
Brian Morris' Websites
Original Website
Brian Morris ran a circumcision website hosted by the University of Sydney. While no longer on University of Sydney equipment, is again operational.[18] The University of Sydney asked Brian Morris not to associate his views on circumcision with his position at the university.[citation needed]
Morris' website links to the following recommended websites and groups (8 of which are circumfetish sites, and 7 that sell devices to perform circumcisions):[19]
The Gilgal Society[20]
Circlist (German)[21]
Circlist (Yahoo Asian)[22]
Erotic Male Circumcision[23]
Circumcised Kids[24]
Circumcision Fetish[25]
Teen Circ[27]
Cutting Club[28]
Beschnittene Gay Boys[29]
Misc. Kids[30]
Misc. Kids Health[31]
Misc. Kids Pregnancy[32]
A list of places to get circumcision devices[33][34][35][36][37][38][39]
Morris' website also has a circumcision humor section, which contains jokes about children, and even a video called "Don't cha wish your boyfriend was circumcized?"[17] It also contains a picture of a naked child, with a folding cellphone clamped onto his foreskin, dangling from the end of his penis, on the humor section of his website.[40] It appears as if an adult purposely put the cell phone there and took the picture.[citation needed]
Foreskin Fetish?
On several occasions Morris has called those against circumcision, foreskin fetishists. He sometimes cites a paper written in 1965 called "Foreskin fetishism and its relation to ego pathology in a male homosexual" (which links to Jake H. Waskett's website).[41][42] Waskett is homosexual.[43]
Allegations of a Homosexual Agenda Behind
A subgroup of the gay community practice “docking”, a sexual practice that requires the foreskin. Naturally such men would want to ensure that an adequate supply of boys with foreskins are coming up through the ranks, where a proportion will have an orientation towards males. Why don’t those who wish to outlaw male circumcision be honest enough to admit the REAL reason for their campaign? And by the way, “docking” is regarded on gay health websites as unsafe sex, as it exposes the vulnerable mucosal inner lining of the foreskin to infection by HIV, to name just some of the medical hazards posed by the foreskin“
-- Brian J. Morris 06 Jun 2011 at 12:33 am. Comment #58. Diary of a Wimpy Catholic.
A subgroup of the gay community practice “docking”, a sexual practice that requires the foreskin. Naturally such men would want to ensure that an adequate supply of boys with foreskins are coming up through the ranks, where a proportion will have an orientation towards males. Why don’t those who wish to outlaw male circumcision be honest enough to admit the REAL reason for their campaign? And by the way, “docking” is regarded on gay health websites as unsafe sex, as it exposes the vulnerable mucosal inner lining of the foreskin to infection by HIV, to name just some of the medical hazards posed by the foreskin“
-- Brian J. Morris 06 Jun 2011 at 12:33 am. Comment #58. Diary of a Wimpy Catholic.
Does it make sense to have a fetish about a genital organ?
fet·ish [fet-ish, fee-tish]
Psychology. Any object or nongenital part of the body that causes a habitual erotic response or fixation.[44]
Ecco cosa pensano realmente le madri, le donne di Circlist, di Morris e della sua banda del procirc
I had never been to that website. OMG! How do people think they are getting good info from there? It was so disgusting. The stories are shocking. It seems these are all stories about boys who hated the fact that they were intact and desperately wanted to be circ'd. But when you read the stories. No fing wonder! The story about the Navy dad who held nightly inspections and would scrub with soap and water on his boys even into the teenage years. ANd if it wasn't clean enough he would beat them. He also gave forced weekly enemas. And when they finally "begged" to be circ'd he talked of how real men have tight circ's and no frenulum would be left. That was the only way! WTF? I s this creative writing or are these real stories? This man should be arrested for assault.
The scare tactics are overwhelming. And this is supposed to be the website Dr. Edgar Schoen recommends? My GOD! How do most people in this country have a chance of getting correct info with dr's like that. I recently met a new ob and he told me that the reason this country has so many problems with intact penis' is not because of dr ignorance. No. American's are biologically different and have different influences causing more infections than Europeans and the rest of the world. Come again? Wasn't it just about the hygeine issue? If that were the case we should never get any infections because we soap and wash everything to death. Talk about talking in circles. Funny because he was really trying to argue me into doing it. I brought up adhesions. Both his sons had adhesions that he forcibly ripped when they were older. They're fine now. So happy to be like everyone else.
I'm having a homebirth!
I'm going to go kickboxing now!
Yes- Circlist is fiction a lot of the time- What you discribed was erotic fiction for a genital mutilator. Read the page on here is you have any further doubts. Part of the tension of the story is the fear and domination- that's one aspect which gets them off. Humiliation is another common theme. A domineering mitary man forcefully scrubbing a pubescent boy? Total porn.
Americans are biologically different from Europeans? What? Our water doesn't wash like theirs? Since when? How many generations do you have to be an American before your sex organ biologically mutates beyond tolerability? Yes, I bet American women have vaginas that need episiotomies all the time too. This person is a doctor? Maybe you should report that to the state! Yowza!
Love Sarah
Frankly Speaking
Biologically Different????????? The vast majority of us are Europeans for gosh sakes! We are not biologically different! Something like that would be evoloutionary and would take thousands of years or millions of years and the continuing immigration of Europeans here would be continiously setting the evolution back. That's the most stupid thing I have ever heard. How did that guy ever get through medical school?
I agree that a lot of the problems intact children/adults suffer are the result of improper care and NOT because the foreskin is a faulty area that needs removal.Another ridiculous site/quote I came across the other day...
Oh goodness there is just so much bad stuff it is hard to qoute one thing.The bottom section is good to quote on the misinfo
RE: Terrible Trio
Frankly Speaking
Brian Morris along with his cohorts, Thomas Wisell and Edgar Schoen have no hestitation to lie about facts and pervert medical research in order to convince parents to circumcise their sons. Their zeal and publicity seeking at least borders on peversion if not worse. The good thing about the internet is that it is a valuable source of information. The bad thing about the internet is it is a source of bad information or outright lies. This site fits into the latter like a glove.
I recently met a new ob and he told me that the reason this country has so many problems with intact penis' is not because of dr ignorance.
I recently met a new ob and he told me that the reason this country has so many problems with intact penis' is not because of dr ignorance.
What a load of horse pookie !!
btw, I have met Wiswell face-to-face. This was November 2000. He was giving his imfamous speech "Pondering the Prepuce" at a Neonatology conference at University of Michigan. I was invited to go to this as a member of NOCIRC - we had a booth of information there. Yes, we knew Wiswell would be there. I can't say much good about the man- he is a liar. You can see it in his eyes when you talk to him. I chatted with him for quite a while about premature babies- JUST to not be talking about circ, so that I could look at him to see what kind of a person he is. I don't have to tell you the answer to that!
Another ridiculous site/quote I came across the other day...
Another ridiculous site/quote I came across the other day...
All this is a copy and paste from the site of Brian Morris.