giovedì 9 febbraio 2012

Bambina sottoposta a FGM portata d'urgenza in ospedale

Bambina ricoverata in ospedale dopo essere stata sottoposta a FGM

Una bambina di un anno (il cui nome viene tenuto nascosto) che viveva nel distretto di Hai, nella regione del Kilimanjaro, si trova ora in ospedale per cure mediche specialistiche presso il Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) a causa di più del sanguinamento causato da una circoncisione illegale.
La bambina era stata circoncisa segretamente nel villaggio Ormolili

... la bambina era stata circoncisa dalla propria madre. La nonna della bambina, identificata come Rehema, insieme con la madre, sono state arrestate dalla polizia.
La madre del bambino, Magdalena Julius (19), ha detto che sua figlia era affetta da un’infezione allo stomaco e di conseguenza non poteva imparare a camminare, anche dopo aver raggiunto l'età di 12 dodici mesi. Ha detto che alcuni vicini di casa l’hanno consigliata di prendere il bambino e portarlo a un guaritore tradizionale. "Ho portato mia figlia da sua nonna, che ha sostenuto che per poter guarire, doveva essere sottoposta a circoncisione , "ha detto.
Tuttavia, la nonna del bambino, Rehema Taraa, ha detto che non sapeva nulla della presunta circoncisione.. ..

A one- year child (name withheld) in Hai district, Kilimanjaro region is undergoing specialised medical treatment at the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) due to over bleeding caused by an illegal circumcision.

The girl was circumcised secretly in Ormolili village in the district recently, according to information issued by the Social Network for Educating the Society on the effects of Female Genital Mutilation (Nafgem).

In a statement at the weekend, the Network said it has followed up the incident closely and discovered that the child was circumcised by her own mother. The child’s grandmother, identified as Rehema and the mother are being held by police.

The child's mother, Magdalena Julius (19), said her child was suffering from stomach infections, as a result she couldn’t learn how to walk even after attaining the age of 12 twelve months.

She said some neighbours advised her to take the baby to a traditional healer. “I sent my child to her grandmother, who claimed in order for the child to be healed, she must undergo circumcision,” she said.

However, the grandmother of the child, Rehema Taraa, said she didn’t know anything about the alleged circumcision. “Soon after my daughter in law came back, I saw my grandchild so weary and stained. I decided to take her to Hai District Hospital, and then she was referred to Mawenzi Hospital,” she said.

Program Officer of Nafgem, Honoratha Nasua, said the Network has decided to monitor closely “the brutal practice”

"We provide education and campaigns against such kind of practices and childhood marriages, we have a great challenge because nowadays circumcision is done secretly while babies are just months old.

Kilimanjaro regional police commander Absalom Mwakyoma confirmed occurrence of the incident, saying police were still investigating the matter.