Quando: sabato 14 gennaio 2012.
Ora: 3.00 fino a 8.00
Shame on you, ACLU! The ACLU of Northern California opposed a San Francisco ballot initative that would have granted male minors protection from all non-medically-necessary genital surgery including routine infant circumcision. Furthermore, the ACLU of Northern California... continued to disregard the human right to bodily integrity by endorsing AB 768, the recently-passed California state law which prohibits cities from restricting male circumcision.
Bay Area Intactivists will hold a protest in codemnation of these actions outside of the Monterey College of Law during the ACLU of California Social Justice Conference. Take a stand with us to remind the ACLU that men's bodies are their own and that all children, regardless of gender, deserve protection from non-therapeutic genital surgery.