JOHANNESBURG: Doctor gets 10 years for circumcision death
Toddler's tragic death after circumcision
A Johannesburg doctor has been jailed for 10 years after a three-year-old boy died following circumcision surgery.
Un medico di Johannesburg è stato condannato a 10 anni dopo che un bambino di 3 anni è morto in seguito a circoncisione.
Il dottor Charles Mdamombe - che ha cercato di fuggire dopo l'intervento fallito - è stato riconosciuto colpevole di omicidio colposo per la morte di Chinonso Onyenekwu presso il Poly Lister clinica a Johannesburg nel gennaio 2009.
Dr Charles Mdamombe - who tried to flee after the botched operation - was found guilty of culpable homicide in the death of Chinonso Onyenekwu at the Lister Poly Clinic in Johannesburg in January 2009.
The boy did not wake up after the surgery and Mdamombe failed to examine him despite repeated attempts by a nurse to alert the doctor to the boy's deteriorating condition.
Botya ha saputo da un infermiera che il bambino aveva smesso di respirare. Ha segnalato questo al dottor Mdamombe che ha optato per terminare il pranzo prima di rispondere. Ha poi dichiarato che il bambino era "morto".
L'infermiera aveva chiamato altre quattro volte prima del suo arrivo e aveva tentato di rianimare il bambino.
Mdamombe ha poi cercato di fuggire ma il padre del bambino, Douglas Onyenekwu, è riuscito ad agguantare lui con l'aiuto di due guardie di sicurezza. La polizia è stata chiamata ed è stato prontamente arrestato.
Mdamombe also failed to ensure that the child had not eaten for six hours prior to a general anaesthetic being administered - and this resulted in him choking to death as the contents of his stomach pushed up into his lungs. [Since the circumcision was unnecessary, the circumcision killed him.]
Botya said another nurse had told her the child had stopped breathing. She reported this to Mdamombe who opted to finish his lunch before responding. He thereafter told her the child was "fine".
The nurse called him a further four times before he arrived and attempted to resuscitate the boy.
Mdamombe then tried to run away but the child's father, Douglas Onyenekwu, managed to nab him with the help of security guards. Police were called and he was arrested.
The 41-year-old was also convicted of practising without being registered with the Health Professions Council of SA.
Chinonso's mother, Lerato, welcomed the sentence. "I am happy that the doctor has been punished. This should serve as a lesson to other doctors that if they make a mistake like this one, they will go to jail."
She said Chinonso had been full of beans when he played with his elder brother the day before the surgery. She said: "My child was not sick when I walked into the clinic with him. That man killed him."
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