Finnish Unitarian Leader Condemns Circumcision
Antti Pelkola, duly elected Chairman of the Unitarian Universalist Society of Finland (equivalent of President of the US society), has today clearly stated his censure of male circumcision:
Il presidente Finlandese Antti Pelkola, ha oggi chiaramente espresso il suo dissenso nei confronti della circoncisione maschile.
*As a Unitarian, I believe in naturalness and the freedom to choose as basic guidelines. As long as it has not been proven otherwise, circumcision represents not only an act against nature but a procedure not medical which encroaches on a child's right to self-determination, from which commercial advantage is obtained primarily by physicians and self-styled barbers (in the event they are paid for their work), as well as bigots who wish to identify those of the "right persuasion" on the basis of their physical appearance.
..sino a quando non ne è stato dimostrato il contrario, la circoncisione infantile rappresenta non solo un crimine contro natura, ma una procedura non medica che viola il diritto all'autodeterminazione
e alla scelta per il proprio corpo di ogni bambino, spesso eseguita da barbieri o personale non medico… …
"God, I feel, looks elsewhere.
"Hair and fingernails can be cut -- they grow back. Irreversible operations are, however, even at their most beneficial, akin to cosmetic foolery which should -- in appealing specifically to the protection of children -- be completely prohibited."
(He goes on to suggest that though a foreskin can be surgically replaced later, the risks and costs of such an operation are such that circumcision can not be justified on such a pretext alone.)