A man is murdered and thrown from the roof of a building after sustaining deep bite wounds on his penis. Detectives Benson and Stabler's investigation leads to a young teenage graffiti artist, Logan Stanton. His DNA appears to be a match to the salvia in the bite, but his twin sister Lindsay confesses to the crime, and it is then revealed that she was born male and was re-assigned as female after a botched circumcision.
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Law and Order: Unità vittime speciali - "Identità"
Il componente di una banda viene ucciso, gettato da un tetto, con evidenti segni di morsicature sugli organi genitali. Benson e Stabler indagano sull'accaduto e cercano una giovane senzatetto sordomuta, la quale potrebbe essersi vendicata a causa di una violenza subita. La giovane in seguito viene assassinata da un altro componente della stessa banda. L'indagine prende una nuova direzione quando vengono esaminati i graffiti vicino alla scena del crimine. La pista conduce ad un giovane ragazzo di buona famiglia. La sorella gemella si auto accusa del delitto, avvenuto per evitare uno stupro. Ma il DNA estratto dal morso è di un giovane maschio, così Benson e Stabler si convincono che la ragazza stia proteggendo il fratello. Ulteriori indagini rivelano che la giovane donna in realtà è nata maschio. I suoi genitori l'hanno sottoposta al cambio del sesso dopo un incidente durante la circoncisione.
The parents describe the accident
Mrs. Stanton: It's supposed to be a routine procedure. They do it hundreds of times a day.
Detective Stabler: What?
Mr. Stanton (sighs): Circumcision.
Detective Stabler (appalled): They took off too much?
Mrs. Stanton: They used, um... some sort of device? To remove the foreskin.
Mr. Stanton: It malfunctioned. Burned him severely.
Mrs. Stanton: We spoke to all the experts... and they all said he would never be normal.
Detective Benson: He could have stayed a boy.
Mr. Stanton: Never a fully functional one.
Detective Stabler: He could have gotten a prosthesis.
Mrs. Stanton: Not until puberty. And even then... it would never fool anyone.
Mr. Stanton: Imagine the abuse he'd take in locker rooms. (tearfully) The humiliation of explaining it to the girl he fell in love with. (shakes his head) We couldn't put him through that.
Detective Benson: You thought a sex change operation... would be easier on him?
Mrs. Stanton: What else could we do? Dr. Blair convinced us it was the only hope our child had for a normal life!
Mr. Stanton: He found us the leading surgeon in sex reassignments.
Mrs. Stanton: Promised us that it would work. He promised us. As long as we were committed to raising her as a girl.
The circumcision is not discussed again (the episode focuses on Lindsay's painful experience of gender dysphoria and the unethical practices of their gender reassignment therapist, culminating in the twins' murder of him).
Loosely based on the story of David Reimer, a Canadian boy whose penis was burnt off during (an unnecessary) circumcision, who was unsuccessfully reassigned as female, and who later committed suicide.