Amber Craig
One of the most influential people in the intactivist movement, Amber Craig, Director of NOCIRC North Carolina, has spent the last two decades educating people about the risks and harms of circumcision. The proud mother of four beautiful children and a licensed speech therapist, Amber was involved in the creation of Intact America, and she serves on the organization's Steering Committee. At the impressionable age of 11, Amber was shocked when she learned about circumcision. It was clear to her from the beginning that it is simply wrong to cut a body part of a healthy, normal child. Amber was equally horrified 15 years later when she became pregnant with a boy and was asked by medical professionals if she wanted her son circumcised. From that day on, Amber has been committed to ending the practice of infant circumcision in this country. In addition to leading NOCIRC of North Carolina, Amber has been active in the Medicaid defunding project—focused on eliminating the use of taxpayer dollars to circumcise baby boys. She has also written several articles countering the current hysteria claiming circumcision prevents HIV/AIDS.
Leonard Glick
Leonard Glick, MD, PhD, is a cultural anthropologist with a medical degree and author of Marked in Your Flesh: Circumcision from Ancient Judea to Modern America. He is also one of the most outspoken intactivists in the movement to end the ritual cutting of baby boys.
Gillian Longley
Gillian Longley, a neonatal nurse and devoted intactivist, has been co-coordinator of the Colorado chapter of the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers (NOCIRC) since 2005, and is a member of Intact America’s Board of Health Professionals. She speaks out frequently in defense of infants and their right to genital integrity, and has discussed circumcision and the intact penis with nurses, doctors, doulas, midwives, parents, legislators, and academic audiences. Her two-part "Mother Nurse Intactivist" video, which tells the story of how she became involved in intactivism, brings a loving, empathetic voice to the plight of nurses and mothers forced to deal with this barbaric practice.
Dr. Michelle Storms
A family physician and mother of three, Dr. Michelle Storms is an outspoken proponent of genital integrity. She witnessed her first circumcision while in her residency in Milwaukee. “I was appalled,” she says. “The baby writhed and screamed while being strapped down and cut.”
In 1988, Dr. Storms stopped performing circumcisions.
Amy Callan
Amy Callan is one of the main forces behind Intact America, but she wasn't always an intactivist. Amy has been a tireless proponent of babies' rights, attending conferences, organizing fundraising campaigns, and helping drive Intact America to the forefront of the pro-intact cause. She has become the face of Intact America, and an incredible resource of information, activism, and enthusiasm. "So many people have never thought about this issue before," she says. "When I mention it to my friends, they're surprised—but as soon as they listen to what I have to say, they understand why it's such a critical issue. That's my goal, to get people talking about it and thinking about it."
Shelton Walden
Shelton Walden is a media producer, videographer, and host/producer of "Walden's Pond," a weekly radio program on health, culture and politics that's been airing on New York's WBAI/Pacifica Radio since 1989. Shelton is also a long-time intactivist, donating his time and skills to helping Intact America in its efforts to reach the public with the message that circumcision is harmful and wrong.
Martha Roth
Martha Roth, an activist and midwife from Nyack, New York, says she doesn't deliver babies; rather, she "catches them." As a firm believer that, whenever possible, babies should be born at home, Martha has helped mothers bring more than 500 babies into the world. The Journal News recently featured an article about Martha and the practice of midwifery in New York’s Hudson Valley. Martha’s non-interventionist caregiving philosophy extends to keeping infant boys intact: she's been an intactivist and supporter of Intact America from the organization’s beginnings. Both she and her husband, actor and IA Board of Advocates member Bill Irwin, are outspoken proponents of the fight to end circumcision. “We embraced circumcision in America because of gross misinformation given to parents by doctors, says Martha. “It was easy to implement, little by little, but it’s become such a part of the medical industry that it’s difficult to eradicate. Those of us who do patient care have to re-educate parents one-by-one—to persuade them that the natural male body is just fine. I am so grateful that there is an organization—Intact America—that is doing the work to educate people on a national level."