Dr John Fitton
East Midlands Regional Council,
British Medical Association
Dr. John Fitton: All Genital Mutilation is a Violation
Speaking against a motion at the BMA conference about female genital cutting because it fails to protect male and intersex children (but making it very clear he opposes all cutting) he said:
"This cutting trade has no place in our profession and any doctor who is profiting from it should be ashamed.
And be warned, if molestation can be prosecuted after 40 years, so might mutilation." (Starts at 13:02)
This motion discriminates. It is downright sexist. [...] The billions of normal, uncut world populations would think it is absurd that we are even debating this in our tiny, tolerant time, let alone qualifying the phrase 'genital mutilation' with the word 'female.' FGM, MGM - all GM - is a violation.
I was over 50 before I saw my first case of screaming infant after mutilation at one of the cutting clinics that had sprung up in our shire counties. [...] It is disgraceful that the general medical council turns a blind eye to this trade. And what a profitable bloody trade it is too! And I use the word 'bloody' to remind us of the occasional child who bleeds to death.
This cutting trade has no place in our profession and any doctor who is profiting from it should be ashamed. And be warned, if molestation can be prosecuted after 40 years, so might mutilation.

The male (left) and female (right) clitoris/penis and prepuce are analogous and homologous organs. During the first trimester, they are also visually the same. Both are natural, normal, purposeful body organs that equally contribute to the health, functioning, and well-being of their owner.
Bravo too to Dr Antony Lempert of the Secular Medical Forum for first speaking against the motion.