venerdì 25 luglio 2014

Intactivist Dr. Paul Fleiss dies at 80

LA Times
July 2014

[Intactivist] Dr. Paul Fleiss dies at 80; father of 'Hollywood madam' Heidi Fleiss

Dr Paul Fleiss
(at the 6th International Symposium on Genital Integrity
in Sydney, Australia in 2000)

Pediatrician Paul Fleiss, who pleaded guilty in 1995 to conspiring to hide profits made by his daughter, convicted "Hollywood madam" Heidi Fleiss, died Saturday morning at his home in Los Angeles, said his cousin, Joel Fleiss. Paul Fleiss was 80.

The cause of death was unclear. Paul Fleiss' son, Jesse, heard him having trouble breathing while still in bed, Joel Fleiss said. A call was made to 911 and paramedics pronounced Fleiss dead at the scene.

Fleiss, who was known for having a gentle bedside manner and devoted patients, was still practicing medicine. He was the rare doctor who made house calls, and although he was pediatrician to children of several Hollywood celebrities, he also took on patients whose families could not afford to pay him.

[Despite being Jewish, Dr Fleiss was a strong opponent of infant circumcision. With others he wrote articles for medical journals debunking medical claims, and a book, "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Circumcision"]

Hundreds of supporters crowded into the courtroom for his sentencing in 1995 for the crime that prosecutors said involved Fleiss signing the mortgage on a luxury home his daughter used as a headquarters for her call-girl ring. "I never intended to cheat or lie or steal," Fleiss said outside the courtroom. "I only wanted to help my daughter."


He ... was sentenced to three years' probation, 625 hours of community service and a fine of $50,000.

Paul Fleiss was born Sept. 8, 1933, in Detroit. He trained as a pharmacist and osteopath, moving to Los Angeles after a law was passed in California in the early 1960s allowing an osteopath to convert to an M.D. degree. He took his residency in pediatrics at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center.

domenica 20 luglio 2014

Attivista del Mese

Intactivist of the Month:

Dr John Fitton
East Midlands Regional Council,
British Medical Association

Dr. John Fitton: All Genital Mutilation is a Violation

Speaking against a motion at the BMA conference about female genital cutting because it fails to protect male and intersex children (but making it very clear he opposes all cutting) he said:
"This cutting trade has no place in our profession and any doctor who is profiting from it should be ashamed.
And be warned, if molestation can be prosecuted after 40 years, so might mutilation." (Starts at 13:02)

This motion discriminates. It is downright sexist. [...] The billions of normal, uncut world populations would think it is absurd that we are even debating this in our tiny, tolerant time, let alone qualifying the phrase 'genital mutilation' with the word 'female.' FGM, MGM - all GM - is a violation.

I was over 50 before I saw my first case of screaming infant after mutilation at one of the cutting clinics that had sprung up in our shire counties. [...] It is disgraceful that the general medical council turns a blind eye to this trade. And what a profitable bloody trade it is too! And I use the word 'bloody' to remind us of the occasional child who bleeds to death.

This cutting trade has no place in our profession and any doctor who is profiting from it should be ashamed. And be warned, if molestation can be prosecuted after 40 years, so might mutilation.

The male (left) and female (right) clitoris/penis and prepuce are analogous and homologous organs. During the first trimester, they are also visually the same. Both are natural, normal, purposeful body organs that equally contribute to the health, functioning, and well-being of their owner.

Bravo too to Dr Antony Lempert of the Secular Medical Forum for first speaking against the motion.

sabato 5 luglio 2014

Ricerca, cellule embrionali dai testicoli

Ricerca, cellule embrionali dai testicoli

Le cellule staminali, su cui la ricerca punta per risolvere molte tra le più diffuse e misteriose malattie oggi con delle terapie d’urto. sarebbero ricavabili dai testicoli maschili.

Si tratta della scoperta compiuta dai ricercatori dell’equipe del dottor Thomas Skutella, dell’università di Tubingen in Germania.

Gli studiosi sono riusciti ad isolare delle cellule embrionali grazie alle biopsie testicolari di 22 pazienti.

Le staminali si troverebbero in mezzo alle cellule spermatogoniali dei testicoli, serbatoio degli spermatozoi.
Grazie a questa importante scoperta sarà possibile estrarre le cellule staminali senza utilizzare embrioni umani ed impiegarle nelle terapie d’urto di molte patologie ancora senza soluzione.

Si tratta di un passo avanti fondamentale per la ricerca, perchè risolverebbe anche molti problemi etici legati all’utilizzo di embrioni umani, non più necessario con questo metodo.


mercoledì 2 luglio 2014

Lotta all'Aids

Lotta all'Aids, Hiv "scomparso" in tre bambini grazie a un farmaco

Gli antiretrovirali sono stati somministrati subito dopo il parto

Tre bambini sono stati dichiarati liberi dall'Hiv dopo la somministrazione di un nuovo farmaco a poche ore dalla nascita. Un quarto bebè ha un livello molto basso del virus dopo aver ricevuto lo stesso trattamento. La scoperta sarà annunciata alla conferenza Aids 2014 che si terrà a Melbourne a partire dal 20 luglio.

Si tratta di una scoperta importante nella lotta contro l'Aids e gli scienziati sperano che possa trattarsi di una vera e propria cura se la terapia è somministrata abbastanza presto. Non è ancora nota l'età attuale dei bambini.

Sharon Lewin, che interverrà al convegno, ha detto al Daily mail Australia che, sebbene alcuni definiscano i risultati come una "terapia", questa classificazione è ancora prematura.

Una speranza in più - Lewin ha detto: "Al momento, i medici non sanno ancora se i pazienti sono guariti. L'unico modo per scoprirlo è interromper la somministrazione dei farmaci anti-Hiv e osservare se si verifica una ricomparsa. Siamo eccitati per la scoperta soprattutto perché tutti e quattro i bebè hanno ricevuto il trattamento molto presto dopo il parto e quando i dottori hanno cercato di localizzare il virus, non l'hanno trovato. Questi casi ci dicono che curare molto presto l'Hiv potrebbe far sì che molte persone riescano a fermarlo".

L'esperta ha precisato: "In ogni caso, il modo migliore per evitare che i bambini siano infettati dall'Hiv è curare la madre durante la gravidanza".

A un anno dal primo caso - Dopo aver contratto il virus dalle madri, ai quattro bambini canadesi è stata somministrata un'alta dose di tre diversi farmaci antiretrovirali. La notizia dei quattro bambini è arrivata un anno dopo l'annuncio del primo bambino "curato" dall'Hiv. Il bebè, nato in Mississipi nel 2010, è risultato senza alcuna


Aids, buoni risultati da vaccino terapeutico per i bambini

martedì 1 luglio 2014

11 Ragazzi morti a causa della circoncisione

AP via CTV News (Canada)
June 26, 2014

Botched circumcision rituals in South Africa kill 11 young men

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - The South African government says 11 young men have died so far this year in botched circumcision rituals that have killed hundreds in past years.
The government said in a statement Thursday that seven of the deaths in the current initiation season happened in South Africa's Eastern Cape province.
The ministry is urging traditional leaders to work with state medical experts to prevent deaths, some of which are due to dehydration and septic shock. It also says owners of illegal initiation schools should be arrested and prosecuted.
The circumcision ceremonies are meant to usher youths into manhood. Initiations are mostly practiced by the Xhosa tribe in eastern South Africa.