Excessive foreskin removed
Adhesions/ Skin bridges
Inclusion cysts
Abnormal healing
Meatal stenosis
Urinary retention
Urethrocutaneous fistula
Necrosis of the penis
Amputation of the glans
SPOILER (clicca per visualizzare)
AAP, "Circumcision Policy Statement". Peds, Mar 103(3):686-693, 1999.
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AAP, "Circumcision Policy Statement". Peds, Mar 103(3):686-693, 1999.
Bazmamoun, H, et al. "Lubrication of circumcision site for prevention of meatal stenosis in children younger than 2 years old". Urol J, fall 5(4): 233-236, 2008.
Ben Chaim, J, et al. "Complications of circumcision in Israel: a one year multicenter survey". Isr Med Assoc J, Jul 8(7): 518-519, 2006.
Brisson, PA, et al. "Revision of circumcision in children: report of 56 cases". J Ped Surg, Sep 37(9): 1343-1346, 2002.
Elder, J. "Circumcision". BJU Int, Jun 99(6): 1553-1564, 2007.
Eroglu, E, et al. "Buried penis after newborn circumcision". J Urol, Apr 181(4): 1841-1843, 2009.
Hutcheson, JC. "Male neonatal circumcision: indications, controversies, and complications". Urol Clin N Amer, Aug 31(3): 461-467, 2004.
Lerman, SE and JC Liao. "Neonatal circumcision". Ped Clin N Amer, 48(6):1539-1557, 2001.
Niku, SD, et al. "Neonatal circumcision". Uro Clin N Amer, 22(1): 57-65, 1995.
Okeke, LI, et al. "Epidemiology of complications of male circumcision in Ibadan, Nigeria". BMC Urol, Aug 6(21): online, 2006.
Shoemaker, C. "Neonatal circumcision: risks and benefits ". Up to Date, version 17.1: online, 2009.
Alcuni studi:
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Glans necrosis after circumcisionAminsharifi A1, Afsar F, Tourchi A.
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Postcircumcisional ischemia of the glans penis and treated with pentoxifylline.Karaguzel E1, Tok DS, Kazaz IO, Gur M, Colak F, Kutlu O, Ozgur GK.