mercoledì 24 agosto 2011

2 month old baby dies after circumcision

Baby dies after circumcision

The day after going home with their child the parents performed a circimcision at home which they state was in concordence with their religious beliefs.
The following day the child is noticed having difficulties breathing whilst in its pram being pushed by the parents. They flag down a passing police car who rushes the child to hospital. It died the following day. Post mortem states that the child died as a direct consequence of shock of the cutting of its foreskin which caused  the childs system to over produce over production of andrenalin and other internal chemical reactions which led to its death. The parents have been charged with manslaughter and are currently applying for bail pending the trail. Truly sad but I worry that there are so many fucked up stories regarding the horror emenating from the living ,practising mythologist community that there is the risk of becoming immune. WHich is why I took the time to post this.Lest I get to the point of  just sighing and raising eyebrows.

Valencia, Spain. 2011

4 commenti:

PINO ha detto...

troppi morti negli ultimi tempi x simili barbarie.

luca ha detto...

condoglianze alla famiglia, la si dovrebbe smettere di anteporre gli interessi religiosi e politici alla vita e al diritto alla salute di un bambino!!!!!!

Bolognini ha detto...

I medici dovrebbero informare gli immigrati sui rischi elevati che corrono cironcidendo i loro figli in casa o senza personale medico. Se poi non le fanno, visto che non siamo più nel medioevo o in culture della violenza, ma in Europa e certe cose non fanno parte della nostra cultura o tradizioni, l'è molto meglio!

Monica ha detto...

Simili genitori vanno condannati severamente e gli andrebbe impedito di avere altri figli!!!!

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