circumcision violate the health code?
Danimarca valuterà se
la circoncisione viola il codice di etica medica
(JTA) - La Danimarca
ha commissionato un'indagine governativa domandandosi se la procedura di
circoncisione non medica viola il codice deontologico e quello di etica
La circoncisione religiosa è un pericolo per la salute del
bambino? In quali condizioni si svolge? Quali ne sono le principali
complicazioni? A questo ed altro dovrà rispondere la commissione
"Prenderemo in esame le raccomandazioni del Mistero della salute
per questo settore", ha detto il primo ministro danese Helle Thorning-Schmidt
nella sede a Copenaghen del Politiken daily .
Politiken ha riferito che
il governo danese ha commissionato uno studio su questa questione. Il mese
scorso il giornale ha pubblicato un intervento che ha detto che il Consiglio
Nazionale della Sanità non ha mai monitorato le condizioni in cui si svolgono la
circoncisione. Non è dato neppure sapere se si sono svolte in un ambiente
sterile o con la presenza di personale medico qualificato.
non medica su minori, oltretutto non consenzienti, è stato oggetto di un acceso
dibattito in Danimarca nel corso degli ultimi mesi. Diversi politici hanno
chiesto un divieto della pratica, specie se eseguita su neonati, tra le reazioni
di rabbia spropositata di ebrei e musulmani.
Venstre, il più grande
partito della Danimarca, deciderà se chiedere il divieto delle circoncisioni
rituali, anche sulla base dei risultati dello studio, ha detto un portavoce del
partito JTA.
The chief rabbi of Denmark, Bent Lexner si è dichiarato
pronto a partecipare al dialogo.
- The AAP Committee on
Bioethics report states, "Pediatric health care providers � have
legal and ethical duties to their child patients to render competent medical
care based on what the patient needs, not what someone else expresses� .[T]he
pediatrician�s responsibilities to his or her patient exist independent of
parental desires
Circumcision violates the Golden Rule. Adults would not
consent to having a healthy genital part cut off, with or without pain
medication. Yet adults put a helpless, vulnerable, sensitive newborn child
through this painful ordeal.
Questo Blog nasce per Informare sulla Circoncisione Maschile, contro le Violenze-le Menzogne-i Falsi Miti, la Disinformazione e la Violazione dei Diritti Umani. La Circoncisione maschile non previene ne riduce HIV, MST/STD's, anzi, rende il pene più esposto a infezioni, virus e batteri, aumenta le IVU nei bambini, incoraggia escissioni sulle bambine, viola l'etica medica e il diritto di scelta per il proprio corpo. Negli Stati Uniti è la 1°causa di mortalità infantile sotto i 2 anni. Stop Now!
venerdì 31 agosto 2012
martedì 28 agosto 2012
Male Genital Mutilation
A cura di
Male Genital Mutilation
traditional custom of ritual cutting and alteration of the genitalia of male
infants, boys, and adolescents, referred to as male genital mutilation (MGM),
persists primarily in the United States, Canada, Australia, South Korea, the
Philippines, Africa and among certain communities in the Middle East and Asia.
Families from all regions in the United States may have sons who have undergone
a ritual genital procedure or may request that such a procedure be performed by
a physician
MGM is most often performed between the ages of
infancy and 14 years, although in some communities it may be postponed until 20
years of age.11 In developing countries, typically a local village practitioner
or lay person is engaged for a fee to perform the procedure, which is done
without anesthesia using a variety of instruments, such as knives, razor blades,
broken glass, or scissors. In developed countries physicians or mohels may be
sought to perform MGM under clean or sterile conditions with or without the use
of anesthesia. Figure 1 shows the normal genital anatomy of a prepubertal male.
The various ritual genital practices are classified into four types based on the
severity of structural disfigurement.12
Fig. 1. Normal male genital

Click to View
Type I MGM, often termed circumcision, involves
excision or injury of part or all of the skin and specialized mucosal tissues of
the penis including the prepuce and ridged band (Fig 2). When this procedure is
performed in infants and young boys, a portion of or all of the frenulum may be
removed. If only the tip of the foreskin is removed, or if the foreskin has only
been prematurely and forcibly retracted, the physical manifestation of Type I
MGM may be subtle, necessitating a careful examination of the glans, foreskin,
and adjacent structures for recognition.
Fig. 2. Type I male
genital mutilation.

Click to View
Type II MGM, referred to as glandectomy or
penectomy, is excision or injury to the glans and/or penis shaft, along with
Type I MGM. (Fig 3). Crude stitches may be used to control bleeding from the
penile artery and raw tissue surfaces, and patients with Type II MGM have a
shortened urethra resulting from the absence of the glans and/or penile shaft
that may cause problems urinating and/or ejaculating
Fig. 3. Type
II male genital mutilation.

Click to View
Type III MGM, known as castration, is the most
severe form in which the testicles are excised with or without some or all of
the foreskin and/or penile shaft (Fig 4). The raw surfaces are stitched together
and the patient may no longer be able to maintain an erection or father
Fig. 4. Type III male genital

Click to View
IV includes different practices of variable severity including pricking,
piercing or incision of the prepuce, glans, scrotum or other genital tissue;
cutting and suturing of the prepuce over the glans (infibulation); slitting open
the urethra along the ventral surface of the penis (subincision); slitting open
the foreskin along its dorsal surface (superincision); severing the frenulum;
stripping the skin from the shaft of the penis; introducing corrosive or
scalding substances onto the genital area; and any other procedure which falls
under the definition of MGM given above.
The physical complications
associated with MGM may be acute or chronic. Early, life-threatening risks
include hemorrhage, infection, excessive skin loss, skin bridges, glans
deformation, bowing, meatal stenosis, loss of penis, and death.13,14
Circumcision (Type I) is often associated with long-term sexual function
difficulties. Common problems involve chafing and dryness during intercourse,
reduced sexual feeling, and a buildup of desensitizing keratin on the exposed
glans and remaining inner foreskin.
Less well-understood are the
psychological, sexual, and social consequences of MGM, because little research
has been conducted in countries where the practice is endemic.15 However,
personal accounts by men who have had a medicalized genital procedure recount
anxiety before the event, terror at being seized and forcibly held during the
event, and lack of sexual pleasure during intercourse.16 Some men have no
recollection of the event, particularly if it was performed in infancy, while
others deny that the procedure has had any negative effect on their health or
sexual life.
National Organization
to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males. Genital Mutilations.
National Organization
to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males. Statistics on Human Genital
National Organization
of Circumcision Information Resource Centers. About NOCIRC.
International Coalition for
Genital Integrity. About Us.
Doctors Opposing Circumcision.
Foreskin Curriculum.
for the Rights of the Child. Position Statement on Infant Circumcision.
Proceedings of the First
International Symposium on Circumcision. Declaration of the First International
Symposium on Circumcision.
Sections 664 and 665 of the
Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996, Division C,
Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 1997. Pub L No. 104-208;
Sept 30, 1996.
for the Rights of the Child. Who We Are.
About Us.
National Organization to
Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males. Genital Cutting Customs by Age
and Region/Ethnic Group.
Coalition for Genital Integrity. Human Genital Mutilation (HGM) Classifications.
N. and Kapila L. Complications of Circumcision.
Information and Resource Pages. Complications of Circumcision.
Information and Resource Pages. Psychological impacts of male circumcision.
Menage J. Circumcision and
Psychological Harm.
Abu-Sahlieh S. To Mutilate in the Name of Jehovah or Allah.
Jewish Circumcision
Resource Center. Information Summary.
Goldman R.
Circumcision to Look Like Others.
Winkel R. Male
Circumcision in the USA: A Human Rights Primer.
Young H. The
role of money in the continuation of circumcision.$$$.html.
Kennard J.
Complications following Male Circumcision.
B. A Delicate Ritual.
J. Male Circumcision and the Rights of the Child.
Abd el Salam S. Male
Genital Mutilation (Circumcision) A Feminist Study of a Muted Gender Issue.
Goodenough P. Activists
Want UN to Declare Circumcision a Human Rights Crime.
MGM is most often performed between the ages of infancy and 14 years, although in some communities it may be postponed until 20 years of age.11 In developing countries, typically a local village practitioner or lay person is engaged for a fee to perform the procedure, which is done without anesthesia using a variety of instruments, such as knives, razor blades, broken glass, or scissors. In developed countries physicians or mohels may be sought to perform MGM under clean or sterile conditions with or without the use of anesthesia. Figure 1 shows the normal genital anatomy of a prepubertal male. The various ritual genital practices are classified into four types based on the severity of structural disfigurement.12
Fig. 1. Normal male genital anatomy.
Click to View Larger:
Type I MGM, often termed circumcision, involves excision or injury of part or all of the skin and specialized mucosal tissues of the penis including the prepuce and ridged band (Fig 2). When this procedure is performed in infants and young boys, a portion of or all of the frenulum may be removed. If only the tip of the foreskin is removed, or if the foreskin has only been prematurely and forcibly retracted, the physical manifestation of Type I MGM may be subtle, necessitating a careful examination of the glans, foreskin, and adjacent structures for recognition.
Fig. 2. Type I male genital mutilation.
Click to View Larger:
Type II MGM, referred to as glandectomy or penectomy, is excision or injury to the glans and/or penis shaft, along with Type I MGM. (Fig 3). Crude stitches may be used to control bleeding from the penile artery and raw tissue surfaces, and patients with Type II MGM have a shortened urethra resulting from the absence of the glans and/or penile shaft that may cause problems urinating and/or ejaculating
Fig. 3. Type II male genital mutilation.
Click to View Larger:
Type III MGM, known as castration, is the most severe form in which the testicles are excised with or without some or all of the foreskin and/or penile shaft (Fig 4). The raw surfaces are stitched together and the patient may no longer be able to maintain an erection or father children.
Fig. 4. Type III male genital mutilation.
Click to View Larger:
Type IV includes different practices of variable severity including pricking, piercing or incision of the prepuce, glans, scrotum or other genital tissue; cutting and suturing of the prepuce over the glans (infibulation); slitting open the urethra along the ventral surface of the penis (subincision); slitting open the foreskin along its dorsal surface (superincision); severing the frenulum; stripping the skin from the shaft of the penis; introducing corrosive or scalding substances onto the genital area; and any other procedure which falls under the definition of MGM given above.
The physical complications associated with MGM may be acute or chronic. Early, life-threatening risks include hemorrhage, infection, excessive skin loss, skin bridges, glans deformation, bowing, meatal stenosis, loss of penis, and death.13,14 Circumcision (Type I) is often associated with long-term sexual function difficulties. Common problems involve chafing and dryness during intercourse, reduced sexual feeling, and a buildup of desensitizing keratin on the exposed glans and remaining inner foreskin.
Less well-understood are the psychological, sexual, and social consequences of MGM, because little research has been conducted in countries where the practice is endemic.15 However, personal accounts by men who have had a medicalized genital procedure recount anxiety before the event, terror at being seized and forcibly held during the event, and lack of sexual pleasure during intercourse.16 Some men have no recollection of the event, particularly if it was performed in infancy, while others deny that the procedure has had any negative effect on their health or sexual life.
lunedì 27 agosto 2012
Brian J. Morris
Member of: Gilgal Society
Associates with: Circlist
Cutting Club
Acorn Society
Colleagues & Benefactors: Vernon Quaintance
Jake H. Waskett
Bertran Auvert
Robert C. Bailey
Daniel T. Halperin
Edgar J. Schoen
Stephen Moses
Thomas E. Wiswell
Notice: Brian Morris has been attempting to keep the information on this page from staying available to the public. On March 7th 2011, Morris attempted to remove this page; more on that here. On April 26th 2012, Morris removed information from his website and pamphlets due to information published on this page, information published about the Gilgal Society, and due to an arrest of Vernon Quaintance as a result of information on Quaintance's page. You can review this page, and the related pages, to see what Brian Morris doesn't want you to know.
Brian James Morris[1] is a molecular biologist and professor of molecular medical sciences at the University of Sydney, Australia.[2][3] He is an avid circumcision advocate,[4] who's never heard an argument for circumcision he didn't like.[5] He's the most vocal Australian circumcision promoter, stating that circumcision should be mandatory,[6] and uses regular scare tactics in an attempt to frighten parents into circumcising their children.[7]
Morris is also a member of the Gilgal Society,[8][9][10] who publishes circumcision propaganda, fetish stories of young boys being circumcised while others masturbate, and other materials. Gilgal Society has doctors and (circumcision to prevent HIV) researchers among their members.[11] Gilgal is headed by Vernon Quaintance, who was recently arrested for child pornography.[12][13]
Morris is in regular contact with Jake H. Waskett,[14] who is the number one Wikipedia editor of any articles on circumcision, or are even somewhat related to circumcision.[15]
Connection to the Gilgal Society
Morris hides his association with the 'Gilgal Society'
On the 26th of April, 2012, documents suddenly disappeared from Brian Morris's website.[16] The documents were his leaflets promoting circumcision, bearing the imprint of the Gilgal Society.[10][9][8] Recently, the head of the Gilgal Society, Vernon Quaintance, has been convicted of possessing child pornography.[12][13]
Until the 26th of April, 2012, Morris's leaflet, "Circumcision A Guide For Parents", said it was published by Brian Morris & The Gilgal Society, with the society's address and logo.[10][9] As of the 26th of April, 2012, all reference to the society are gone, along with a reference to Morris's "interest in circumcision".
Morris's leaflet for women, "Sex and Circumcision: What every woman needs to know", which boasted a long list of co-authors—a virtual roll-call of the pro-circumcison movement—was removed and later replaced by a black and white version—again, with all reference to the Gilgal Society removed. Links to the Circumcision Foundation of Australia and the circumcision fetish site Circlist have been added.
Since April 11th 2012 (the day Vernon Quaintance's court hearing was set, the Gilgal Society website has carried the message:
"We regret that as a result of major computer failure none of our publications are currently available to order from us." But Professor Morris's leaflets continue to be advertised on the site.
Morris's site continues to show a "circumcision humor" page, including a verse by Vernon Quaintance, directly under a picture of a baby with his foreskin trapped in a cellphone.[17]
Brian Morris' Websites
Original Website
Brian Morris ran a circumcision website hosted by the University of Sydney. While no longer on University of Sydney equipment, is again operational.[18] The University of Sydney asked Brian Morris not to associate his views on circumcision with his position at the university.[citation needed]
Morris' website links to the following recommended websites and groups (8 of which are circumfetish sites, and 7 that sell devices to perform circumcisions):[19]
The Gilgal Society[20]
Circlist (German)[21]
Circlist (Yahoo Asian)[22]
Erotic Male Circumcision[23]
Circumcised Kids[24]
Circumcision Fetish[25]
Teen Circ[27]
Cutting Club[28]
Beschnittene Gay Boys[29]
Misc. Kids[30]
Misc. Kids Health[31]
Misc. Kids Pregnancy[32]
A list of places to get circumcision devices[33][34][35][36][37][38][39]
Morris' website also has a circumcision humor section, which contains jokes about children, and even a video called "Don't cha wish your boyfriend was circumcized?"[17] It also contains a picture of a naked child, with a folding cellphone clamped onto his foreskin, dangling from the end of his penis, on the humor section of his website.[40] It appears as if an adult purposely put the cell phone there and took the picture.[citation needed]
Foreskin Fetish?
On several occasions Morris has called those against circumcision, foreskin fetishists. He sometimes cites a paper written in 1965 called "Foreskin fetishism and its relation to ego pathology in a male homosexual" (which links to Jake H. Waskett's website).[41][42] Waskett is homosexual.[43]
Allegations of a Homosexual Agenda Behind
A subgroup of the gay community practice “docking”, a sexual practice that requires the foreskin. Naturally such men would want to ensure that an adequate supply of boys with foreskins are coming up through the ranks, where a proportion will have an orientation towards males. Why don’t those who wish to outlaw male circumcision be honest enough to admit the REAL reason for their campaign? And by the way, “docking” is regarded on gay health websites as unsafe sex, as it exposes the vulnerable mucosal inner lining of the foreskin to infection by HIV, to name just some of the medical hazards posed by the foreskin“
-- Brian J. Morris 06 Jun 2011 at 12:33 am. Comment #58. Diary of a Wimpy Catholic.
A subgroup of the gay community practice “docking”, a sexual practice that requires the foreskin. Naturally such men would want to ensure that an adequate supply of boys with foreskins are coming up through the ranks, where a proportion will have an orientation towards males. Why don’t those who wish to outlaw male circumcision be honest enough to admit the REAL reason for their campaign? And by the way, “docking” is regarded on gay health websites as unsafe sex, as it exposes the vulnerable mucosal inner lining of the foreskin to infection by HIV, to name just some of the medical hazards posed by the foreskin“
-- Brian J. Morris 06 Jun 2011 at 12:33 am. Comment #58. Diary of a Wimpy Catholic.
Does it make sense to have a fetish about a genital organ?
fet·ish [fet-ish, fee-tish]
Psychology. Any object or nongenital part of the body that causes a habitual erotic response or fixation.[44]
Ecco cosa pensano realmente le madri, le donne di Circlist, di Morris e della sua banda del procirc
I had never been to that website. OMG! How do people think they are getting good info from there? It was so disgusting. The stories are shocking. It seems these are all stories about boys who hated the fact that they were intact and desperately wanted to be circ'd. But when you read the stories. No fing wonder! The story about the Navy dad who held nightly inspections and would scrub with soap and water on his boys even into the teenage years. ANd if it wasn't clean enough he would beat them. He also gave forced weekly enemas. And when they finally "begged" to be circ'd he talked of how real men have tight circ's and no frenulum would be left. That was the only way! WTF? I s this creative writing or are these real stories? This man should be arrested for assault.
The scare tactics are overwhelming. And this is supposed to be the website Dr. Edgar Schoen recommends? My GOD! How do most people in this country have a chance of getting correct info with dr's like that. I recently met a new ob and he told me that the reason this country has so many problems with intact penis' is not because of dr ignorance. No. American's are biologically different and have different influences causing more infections than Europeans and the rest of the world. Come again? Wasn't it just about the hygeine issue? If that were the case we should never get any infections because we soap and wash everything to death. Talk about talking in circles. Funny because he was really trying to argue me into doing it. I brought up adhesions. Both his sons had adhesions that he forcibly ripped when they were older. They're fine now. So happy to be like everyone else.
I'm having a homebirth!
I'm going to go kickboxing now!
Yes- Circlist is fiction a lot of the time- What you discribed was erotic fiction for a genital mutilator. Read the page on here is you have any further doubts. Part of the tension of the story is the fear and domination- that's one aspect which gets them off. Humiliation is another common theme. A domineering mitary man forcefully scrubbing a pubescent boy? Total porn.
Americans are biologically different from Europeans? What? Our water doesn't wash like theirs? Since when? How many generations do you have to be an American before your sex organ biologically mutates beyond tolerability? Yes, I bet American women have vaginas that need episiotomies all the time too. This person is a doctor? Maybe you should report that to the state! Yowza!
Love Sarah
Frankly Speaking
Biologically Different????????? The vast majority of us are Europeans for gosh sakes! We are not biologically different! Something like that would be evoloutionary and would take thousands of years or millions of years and the continuing immigration of Europeans here would be continiously setting the evolution back. That's the most stupid thing I have ever heard. How did that guy ever get through medical school?
I agree that a lot of the problems intact children/adults suffer are the result of improper care and NOT because the foreskin is a faulty area that needs removal.Another ridiculous site/quote I came across the other day...
Oh goodness there is just so much bad stuff it is hard to qoute one thing.The bottom section is good to quote on the misinfo
RE: Terrible Trio
Frankly Speaking
Brian Morris along with his cohorts, Thomas Wisell and Edgar Schoen have no hestitation to lie about facts and pervert medical research in order to convince parents to circumcise their sons. Their zeal and publicity seeking at least borders on peversion if not worse. The good thing about the internet is that it is a valuable source of information. The bad thing about the internet is it is a source of bad information or outright lies. This site fits into the latter like a glove.
I recently met a new ob and he told me that the reason this country has so many problems with intact penis' is not because of dr ignorance.
I recently met a new ob and he told me that the reason this country has so many problems with intact penis' is not because of dr ignorance.
What a load of horse pookie !!
btw, I have met Wiswell face-to-face. This was November 2000. He was giving his imfamous speech "Pondering the Prepuce" at a Neonatology conference at University of Michigan. I was invited to go to this as a member of NOCIRC - we had a booth of information there. Yes, we knew Wiswell would be there. I can't say much good about the man- he is a liar. You can see it in his eyes when you talk to him. I chatted with him for quite a while about premature babies- JUST to not be talking about circ, so that I could look at him to see what kind of a person he is. I don't have to tell you the answer to that!
Another ridiculous site/quote I came across the other day...
Another ridiculous site/quote I came across the other day...
All this is a copy and paste from the site of Brian Morris.
giovedì 23 agosto 2012
Circoncisione: nessun beneficio per Hiv o Mst
PUERTO RICO: No benefit
from circumcision for HIV, STDS

Puero Rico: Circumcision not protective
Circumcision does not protect men against HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases, according to a study conducted in Puerto Rico.
The 660 men were randomly sampled from an STD clinic waiting room. Almost a third of them were circumcised.
The circumcised men reported significantly (but not greatly) more STDs in their lifetimes, were more likely to have been diagnosed with warts, and were more likely to have HIV.
J Sex Med. 2012 Aug 15. doi: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2012.02871.x.
More than Foreskin: Circumcision Status, History of HIV/STI, and Sexual Risk in a Clinic-Based Sample of Men in Puerto Rico.
Rodriguez-Diaz CE, Clatts MC, Jovet-Toledo GG, Vargas-Molina RL, Goldsamt LA, García H.
Medical Sciences Campus-School of Public Health, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico National Development and Research Institutes, New York, NY, USA Centro Latinoamericano de Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual, Puerto Rico Department of Health, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Introduction. Circumcision among adult men has been widely promoted as a strategy to reduce human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission risk. However, much of the available data derive from studies conducted in Africa, and there is as yet little research in the Caribbean region where sexual transmission is also a primary contributor to rapidly escalating HIV incidence.
Aim. In an effort to fill the void of data from the Caribbean, the objective of this article is to compare history of sexually transmitted infections (STI) and HIV diagnosis in relation to circumcision status in a clinic-based sample of men in Puerto Rico.
Methods. Data derive from an ongoing epidemiological study being conducted in a large STI/HIV prevention and treatment center in San Juan in which 660 men were randomly selected from the clinic's waiting room.
Main Outcome Measures. We assessed the association between circumcision status and self-reported history of STI/HIV infection using logistic regressions to explore whether circumcision conferred protective benefit.
Results. Almost a third (32.4%) of the men were circumcised (CM). Compared with uncircumcised (UC) men, CM have accumulated larger numbers of STI in their lifetime (CM = 73.4% vs. UC = 65.7%; P = 0.048), have higher rates of previous diagnosis of warts (CM = 18.8% vs. UC = 12.2%; P = 0.024), and were more likely to have HIV infection (CM = 43.0% vs. UC = 33.9%; P = 0.023). Results indicate that being CM predicted the likelihood of HIV infection (P value = 0.027).
Conclusions. These analyses represent the first assessment of the association between circumcision and STI/HIV among men in the Caribbean. While preliminary, the data indicate that in and of itself, circumcision did not confer significant protective benefit against STI/HIV infection. [Actually, what the the data indicate is that intactness confers significant protection, compared to being circumcised.] Findings suggest the need to apply caution in the use of circumcision as an HIV prevention strategy, particularly in settings where more effective combinations of interventions have yet to be fully implemented.
Puero Rico: Circumcision not protective
Circumcision does not protect men against HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases, according to a study conducted in Puerto Rico.
The 660 men were randomly sampled from an STD clinic waiting room. Almost a third of them were circumcised.
The circumcised men reported significantly (but not greatly) more STDs in their lifetimes, were more likely to have been diagnosed with warts, and were more likely to have HIV.
J Sex Med. 2012 Aug 15. doi: 10.1111/j.1743-6109.2012.02871.x.
More than Foreskin: Circumcision Status, History of HIV/STI, and Sexual Risk in a Clinic-Based Sample of Men in Puerto Rico.
Rodriguez-Diaz CE, Clatts MC, Jovet-Toledo GG, Vargas-Molina RL, Goldsamt LA, García H.
Medical Sciences Campus-School of Public Health, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico National Development and Research Institutes, New York, NY, USA Centro Latinoamericano de Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual, Puerto Rico Department of Health, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Introduction. Circumcision among adult men has been widely promoted as a strategy to reduce human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission risk. However, much of the available data derive from studies conducted in Africa, and there is as yet little research in the Caribbean region where sexual transmission is also a primary contributor to rapidly escalating HIV incidence.
Aim. In an effort to fill the void of data from the Caribbean, the objective of this article is to compare history of sexually transmitted infections (STI) and HIV diagnosis in relation to circumcision status in a clinic-based sample of men in Puerto Rico.
Methods. Data derive from an ongoing epidemiological study being conducted in a large STI/HIV prevention and treatment center in San Juan in which 660 men were randomly selected from the clinic's waiting room.
Main Outcome Measures. We assessed the association between circumcision status and self-reported history of STI/HIV infection using logistic regressions to explore whether circumcision conferred protective benefit.
Results. Almost a third (32.4%) of the men were circumcised (CM). Compared with uncircumcised (UC) men, CM have accumulated larger numbers of STI in their lifetime (CM = 73.4% vs. UC = 65.7%; P = 0.048), have higher rates of previous diagnosis of warts (CM = 18.8% vs. UC = 12.2%; P = 0.024), and were more likely to have HIV infection (CM = 43.0% vs. UC = 33.9%; P = 0.023). Results indicate that being CM predicted the likelihood of HIV infection (P value = 0.027).
Conclusions. These analyses represent the first assessment of the association between circumcision and STI/HIV among men in the Caribbean. While preliminary, the data indicate that in and of itself, circumcision did not confer significant protective benefit against STI/HIV infection. [Actually, what the the data indicate is that intactness confers significant protection, compared to being circumcised.] Findings suggest the need to apply caution in the use of circumcision as an HIV prevention strategy, particularly in settings where more effective combinations of interventions have yet to be fully implemented.
lunedì 20 agosto 2012
Oltre 700 medici, giuristi contro la circoncisione
Open letter to the
circumcision "Religious freedom can not be an excuse for violence"
The circumcision debate on FAZ.NET appeal more than 700 physicians and lawyers in federal government and parliament to protect the children more.
All we can say is medically clear that there are no medical reasons for removal of a healthy prepuce in a healthy, incompetent little boy
Oltre 700 medici, psicologi, giuristi, scienziati contro la circoncisione rituale-religiosa, per i diritti dei bambini:
The co-signer:
• Prof. Dr. Jörg Abbing, St. Wendel
• Graduate economist Nicola Abu-Khalil, a board member of the Refugee Council of Schleswig-Holstein
• Prof. Dr. Dieter Adam, Munich
• Lutz eagle, 1 Chairman of the DEMO (The former child victims) National Association Hessen eV
• Mina Ahadi, chairwoman Central Council of Ex-Muslims
• lawyer Franz Albrecht, Marktredwitz / Upper Franconia
• Dr. Rudolf Albrecht, Vienna
• Dr.Irmgard Albrecht, Marktredwitz
• Prof. Dr. Heiko Alfke, EBIR, Director, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Klinikum Lüdenscheid
• Lawyer Oliver Allesch, Food
• Prof. Hartmut Amft, Professor of Social Medicine Emeritus, Zollikon, Switzerland
• Norbert Andersch MD, MRC Psych, neurologist / psychiatrist, London and Praelo (It)
• Dr. Hellmut Anger, Doctor, Bielefeld
• Dr. jur. Alexander Archangelsky, Berlin
• Dr. Jens-Uwe Asmussen, specialist in general medicine and surgery, Gross Wittensee
• Lawyer Seyran Ates, Berlin
• Thomas Baader, spokesman of Peri Association for Integration and Human Rights eV
• Daniel Bäde, Leipzig
• Christian Bahls, 1st Chairman MOGiS eV - a voice of reason (Association of victims of sexual violence in childhood)
• Dr. Michael Balke, judges in the 7th Senate Finance Court of Lower Saxony
• Dr. Waltraud Ballmer-Omar, Ruhr-University Bochum, Department of Psychology Cognitive Psychology GAFO
• Dr. med. Heidrun Baronowski, Zurich
• Dr. Max Bartel, Psychotherapist, Berlin
• Lawyer Matthias Bartel, Wiesbaden
• Dr. Jan Bartussek, neuroscientists, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
• Dr. rer. nat. Michael Basten, Dipl.-Psych., Psychotherapist, Hamburg
• Dr. Jens Bathmann, specialist in nuclear medicine, Freiburg
• Reinhard Bauerschmitz, Geographer, Wiesbaden
• Andrea Baumann, doctor, psycho-oncological care Skin Cancer Center, University Hospital Düsseldorf
• Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Beck, Berlin
• Heike Beck, MD, specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, Frankfurt / Main
• Dr. Joachim Becker, gynecologist
• Manfred Beckers, Dipl.-Phys., Dresden
• Lawyer Masoud Behraznia, Hamburg
• Prof. Dr. Hans Behrendt, Bielefeld
• Dr. Gisela Behrmann, Education and Ethics, retired, Potsdam
• Prof. John Bellmann, General Education, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
• Prof. Dr. oec. HSG Oliver Bendel, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, School of Business, Institute of computer science, director competence focus on Digital Innovation & Learning (DIL)
• Wolfgang Benn, psychiatrist and psychotherapist, Weinheim / Bergstraße
• Dr. Wolfgang Bensch, specialist in orthopedics, Isny
• Gisela Bergmann-field mouse, psychologist and psychoanalyst, Danish Nienhof
• Dipl.-Psych. Best Dieter, Psychotherapist, National Chairman of the
German Association of Psychotherapists
• Hening Bettermann, school doctor retired, Oslo
• Dr. Gottfried Beyvers, specialist in occupational medicine, author, Landshut
• Dr. jur Peter Bezler, lawyer
• Lawyer Brigitta Biehl, Vice Chairman peri eV, Cologne
• Prof. Dr. theol. Reimund Bieringer, professor of New Testament exegesis, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
• Drs Ingrid and Wolfhard Bindeballe
• Gitta Binder Klinsing, physician general practitioner and psychosomatic medicine, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, Frankfurt / M.
• Lawyer Alexander Beer, LL.M., King Winter
• Professor Mark Binz
• Dr. med Bisler, Sebastian, LVR-Klinikum
• Gerhard Bleckmann, children and young doctor, Baunatal
• Astrid Blumenstock, Attorney & Mediator, Food
• Dr. Frederick Bode, Former Undersecretary, Mönchengladbach
• Thomas Böhm, urologist, yard
• Jens Böhmer, Queen Silvia Children's Hospital, Sahlgrenska University, Gothenburg / Sweden
• Attorney Anna E. Boldt, Reinbek
• Dr. Ing. Arnold Bölkow, a specialist in internal medicine and diploma in electrical engineering, Hauzenberg
• PhD. Ralf Bönt
• Dr. Joachim Börner, wages
• Dr. Dietrich bosses, Leverkusen
• Dr. Hans-Werner Bouman
• Dr. Annegret Brauer, specialist in child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy, Halle / Saale
• Prof. em. Dr. iur. John Brown, Passau
• Attorney Alexandra Brown, Hamburg
• Dr. Nico Breitbach-Faller, Consultant Child and Adolescent Medicine with emphasis pediatric neurology, director of the Social Paediatric Centre Esslingen, Children's Hospital
• Dr. Hans Breuninger, Ravensburg
• Priv. Prof. Dr. med Karl Heinz Brisch, Munich
• Dipl.-Psych. Waltraud Brecht, Psychotherapist, Backnang
• Dipl.-Psych. Ellen Broos-Marr, Bochum
• Dr. Carla Bruchhausen, radio log, Wiesbaden
• Dr. med. Klaus EF Brucker, Offenburg
• Dr. Klaus-Peter Bruck Mooser, anesthesiologist, Dr. Horst Schmidt Hospital, Wiesbaden
• Dipl.-Psych. Monika Brzoza, Psychotherapeutic Practice, Frankfurt
• Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joerg J. Buchholz
• Regine Buchold, doctor
• Bühmann, Consultant Urologist - Andrology Med.Tumortherapie - quality management, Westerland Sylt OT
• Dr. phil. Dipl.rer.pol. Joachim Bullinger MA, naturopaths for psychotherapy, Offenbach
• Retired Pastor Michael Buelow, Witten
• Christoph von Bülow, LL.M., Attorney at Law of the State of New York
• Georg citizens, Dipl.-Psych., Oldenburg
• Prof. Dr. Carsten Burstedde, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University of Bonn
• Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fritz Büsching, Brunswick
• Carsten B. Caspers, Dipl Chem, Rommerskirchen
• Dr.rer soz Alessandro Cavicchioli, Psychotherapist, child and adolescent psychotherapist, lecturer and supervisor (DVT), Schwäbisch Hall
• Tomislav Chagall, Frankfurt
• Med pract. Homayon Reinhardt Chaudhry, Federal and FMH specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy practitioner, Zurich
• Frank Christmann, Ph.D. in Philosophy and Ethics, St. Louis University, Dipl.-Betr.W., HTW Saarland
• Dr. onk. Maraijke Helga Claar, Kertváros Keszthely, Hungary
• Dr. Birgit Clever, chairman bvvp Federal Association of Psychotherapists contract
• Dr. Cornelius Courts, Department of Forensic Medicine, functional area of Forensic Genetics, University of Bonn
• Lawyer Norman Czoch, Oranienbaum-Wörlitz
• Dr. Ulrich Damerau, Gifhorn
• Carsten Dams, lawyer, Food
• Dr. Horst Christian Danner, specialist in anesthesiology, Kelheim
• Timo Deba, medical student, University of Witten / Herdecke
• Michael Degen, psychologist, psychoanalyst, psychotherapist Psycholgischer, child and adolescent psychotherapist, Cologne
• Eva Julia Dehl, dentist, Ratingen
• Dr. phil. Dipl.-Psych. Frank Roland Deister, Psychol psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, Frankfurt
• Norbert Denef, Chairman netzwerkB - Network and survivors of sexual violence eV
• Dr. Franz Lothar Deres DESA, anesthesiologist and pain management
• Carsten Dettbarn, Dipl.-Ing. (Univ)
• Prof. Dr. V. Patrick Dias (Dr. Theol., PhD, Dipl.-Psych., Professor Emeritus, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Department of Education)
• Christian Dibbert; physician pediatric surgery; Schwerin
• Lawyer Bernd thickness Müllrose
• Andreas Dieckmann
• A. Diemand, Dr. rer. nat., agronomist and bioinformaticians, Schaffhausen
• Dr. Ralph Dietrich, surgeon, Munich
• Dr. Brigitte Dietz, practicing child and youth health care professional deputy. Chairman of the Professional Association of Child and Adolescent Physicians in Bavaria, Taufkirchen
• Prof. Dr. Dr. hc Hans Georg Dietz, Children Surgery, Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital Sches, Hospital of the University of Munich
• Axel Dinslage, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Bad Vilbel
• W.Dittrich, Dipl.-Psych. (Ret.), Düsseldorf
• Adem Dolas, Neurology, University Hospital Düsseldorf
• Dr. S. Raymond Dominguez, Augsburg
• Lutz Dondit, neuro pediatrician, neonatologist, clinic for children and adolescents, a member of the child protection team, Klinikum GmbH Esslingen
• Dr. Kai Dordelmann, general practitioner, Karlsruhe
• Elisabeth von Dorrien, top government and lecturer at the University of Koblenz, Andernach
• Lawyer Klaus W. Dörwald, Wolfertschwenden
• Henning Droege, General medicine, homeopathy, naturopathy, Waldenburg
• Dr. Ingo Dulisch, General Medicine, Karlsruhe
• Dr. phil. Benita von Eberstein, psychologist, Merzen
• Professor Dr. Theodor Ebert, Erlangen
• Dr. Klaus Eckhardt, M Oers
• Prof. Dr. theol. hab. Angelika M. Eckart, Department of Pastoral Psychology at the Faculty of Theology Vallenda
• Prof. Dr. theol. hab. Joachim Eckart, Philosophy and Theology Vallendar
• Thomas Eckelmann, a specialist in internal medicine, Oelsnitz iV
• Dr. Michael Eckstein, FA in internal medicine, sports medicine, emergency medicine, family doctor, Reilingen
• Prof. Dr. Ulrich Egle, Freiburg, Chairman of the Interdisciplinary Society for Psychosomatic Pain (IGPS)
• Dr. phil. Hans-Jörg Ehni, Deputy. Director, Institute for Ethics and History of Medicine, Tübingen
• Dr. Alexander Ehnis, Consultant Dermatology and Venereology, Lampertheim
• Lawyer Georg Ehrmann, CEO of Deutsche Kids Help
• Patrick O. Ehrmann, Chemist (University of Karlsruhe), Microsoft Certified Professional Sytemanalytiker
• Dr. Verena Ellerkamp, Specialist in Pediatric Surgery, University Hospital Tübingen
• Attorney Heiner end, Cologne
• Prof. Dr. phil. hab. Bernd Enders, musicologist, Osnabrück
• Dr. Gerhard Engelmayer Chairman freethinkers Confederation Austria
• Edgar E. Engesser, children, youth and family psychologist, Karlsruhe
• Martin heritage, doctor, Saarlouis
• Prof. Dr. Jeanette Erdmann, University of Lübeck
• Prof. Dr. Bernd Erichson
• Dr. Holger C. Erne, Munich
• Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Helmut Esche, Cologne
• Prof. Michael Falkenstein, Dipl.-Psych., Dipl.-Ing. Head of Project Group "Aging and CNS alterations", Leibniz-Institute for Industrial Research at the Technical University of Dortmund (IfADo), Dortmund
• Attorney Bernard J. Fassbender, Lecturer of Business Law at the University of Applied Sciences North-DIPLOMA Hesse
• Dr. Heidrun Fehling, Hamburg
• Professor Thomas J. Feuerstein, doctor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Neurology and Psychiatry
• Dr. Christian Fiala, a specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, Vienna
• Graduate Jur Henry Figge, Law Clerk
• Egbert Finck, Specialist in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine - Chiropractic - Acupuncture, inpatient and outpatient surgery, Sana Clinic Düsseldorf - Benrath practice of Orthopaedic Surgery, Düsseldorf
• Law Auditors Hanns-Erich Fink, Berlin
• Herwig Fischer, retired judges, Salzhemmendorf
• Helmut Fink, Nuremberg, Chair of the Humanist Association HVD Bavaria
• Dr. Monika Fierus, Leverkusen
• Dr. Hans Fischer, dermatologist, allergist, Dornstetten
• Dr. Peter Fischer, Arnstein
• Dr. Doris Fischer, Specialist Children's Hospital, Frankfurt / Main
• Peter Fleiner, vice-president of the Social Court, retired, Waldkirch
• Gabrielle Fleitmann, Dipl.Psych. & Doctor Heidelberg
• Dipl. Psych Michael B. Flöter, Psychotherapist / behavioral therapist, teacher contract Therapist kvno, member of the German Association of Psychotherapists, a member of the DVT, Cologne
• Graduate - Psych Regina Forberger, Bensheim
• Dr. Helmut Förster, Food
• Andrea Frank, doctor, assistant training in general medicine, Munich
• psychotherapist Konrad Franke, Frankfurt
• Prof. Dr. Matthias Franz Düsseldorf, Clinical Institute of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, University
• Prof. Dr. Berthold Franzen, course director engineering computer science, Institute of Engineering and computer science, department of mathematics, science and computer science, Technical University of Central Hesse
• Peter Paul Friday, a psychologist and psychotherapist, Nuremberg
• Dr. Dieter Freundlieb
• Prof. Dr. Ivar Friedrich, cardiothoracic surgeon, Trier
• Heike Friederichs, Specialist in Neurology and Psychiatry, Zurich
• Dr. med.dent. Fritz Berthold, specialist in orthodontics, court experts in local and district courts in NRW
• Dr. Fritz Berthold, Duisburg
• Manfred Fröde, Köthen
• MD, Thomas Fröhlich, pediatrician, doctor
• Jochen Gaedcke, biologist, Ettenheim
• Dr. med. Miriam Gaggl, Dielsdorf
• Manfred Galland, a specialist in neurology and psychiatry, psychotherapy, Horb
• Thomas Galos, MBA, Vienna
• Prof. Dr. iur. Ulrich M. Gassner, Mag rer. publ., M. Jur (Oxon.), University of Augsburg
Faculty of Law, Institute for Organic, Health and Medical Law (IBGM), Augsburg
• Timm Guard doctor - psychotherapy, Nettetal
• Dipl.-Phys. Dr. rer. nat. Hans-Georg von Garßen, Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn
• Prof. Dr. iur. Ulrich M. Gassner, Mag rer. publ., M. Jur (Oxon.), University of Augsburg,
Faculty of Law, Institute for Organic, Health and Medical Law (IBGM)
• Tobias Gauss, Consultant, Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care, Beaujon Hospital, University Hospital, Paris Nord Val de Seine
• Gabriele Gawlich, deputy chairman MOGiS V.
• Dr. Guido F. Gebauer, a psychologist, legal psychologist, Hanover
• Christian Gebel, for the Dortmund pirates
• Lawyer Ludwig Gemeinhardt, Food
• Daniela Gerstner, Qualified Social, emphasis clinical social work - psychotraumatology Berlin
• Franz Gescher, lawyer and notary, Berlin
• Dipl.Biol. Dr. Med Bernhard J.Giesguth, general practitioner, Mönchengladbach
• Lawyer Oliver Glaser, Cologne
• Dr. Martin fortunate children and young doctor, neonatal ambulance, Fritzlar
• Priv-Doz. Dr. Georg Göbel, biostatistician, Medical University Innsbruck, Austria
• Prof. Dr. Hartmut Goebel, a specialist in neurology, special pain therapy, psychotherapy, Kiel Pain Center
• Dr. sc. Tobias Goerdt, MSci, Departamento de Física Teorica, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
• Daniel Goldberg, president of Children's Lobby Switzerland
• Claudia Goldner, Dipl.Päd.univ., Counseling Landshut
• Angelica Santana Gonzalez, graduate lawyer, trainee lawyer and mediator
• Dr. Sebastian GoB, medical assistant (anesthesia), Cologne
• Prof. Dr. Rainer Gothe, a veterinary specialist in parasitology, veterinary DTVM for Tropical Veterinary Medicine (Edinburgh)
• Ass. Wolfgang Gourgé, Stade
• Prof. Dr. Dittmar Graf, biologist, University of Dortmund
• Prof. Dr. Oliver Grau, Danube University Krems
• Prof. Robert Greb, fertility centers Dortmund, Siegen, Dorsten MVZ, Dortmund
• Dr. Bernhard Greiling, specialist in internal medicine - gastroenterology, specialist in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy - psychoanalysis, Eutin
• Detlev Gretsch, a psychologist, Berlin
• Lawyer Christoph Grimm
• Prof. Helfried Dimension, former chief physician at the Children's Hospital in Nuremberg
• Dipl. Psych Gesa Groh, University Hospital of Munich, Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital Sches
• Dr. Horst Gross, Anaesthetist and Intensive Care Medicine, Berlin
• Dr. Hans Peter Grunder, Specialist for Psychiatry, Zurich
• Tatjana Grützmann MA, Department of History, Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine
• Dr. Joachim Gubitz, Cologne
• Walter Gummersbach, Dipl.Psych, Dipl.Soz., Forensic Psychology, Berlin
• Dr. Helmut Günther
• Graduate Biochem. Jörg-Peter Gütlein, Beimerstetten
• Mag Olliver Haas, Independent Administrative Senate Vorarlberg Bregenz
• Attorney Dirk Stefan Haase, LL.M., Hamburg
• Dipl.-Psych. Gerhard Hafner, advice for men - violence, Berlin
• medical officer Dr. Rolf Hähnel, ophthalmologist, Neubrandenburg
• Dr. Walter Lorenz Hähnle, Hamburg
• Dr. phil. Walter Haider, a degree in education, Hochheim
• Maria U. Hammer, Dipl.-Psych., Psychotherapeutic Practice, Düsseldorf
• Prof. Dr. Klaus Hamper, wave
• Prof. Dr. iur. Bernhard Hard Tung, University of Rostock
• Norbert Hartkamp, specialist in psychosomatic medicine, psychoanalyst, practice for
Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Solingen
• Dr. Sabine Hartmann, Doctor of ENT, Speech Pathology and Audiology, Klinikum Dortmund
• Assia Maria Harwazinski, PhD., Islam and religious scholar, Tübingen
• Dr. Anh-Ha Thi Tam, ENT Specialist, Lüneburg
• Dr. Gunnar Hartung, FA f Neurology and Psychiatry / Psychotherapy, Chemnitz
• Dr. Robin Hau, Dipl.-Psych., Regensburg
• Dr. Hubertus Hautzel, Department of Nuclear Medicine (KME) ad site of the Forschungszentrum Jülich, Düsseldorf University Hospital
• Ulrich Hegemann, Dipl.-Psych, PP, Greven
• Dr. med Marcus Heidemann, Fachazt for Child and Adolescent Medicine, Bielefeld
• Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Eduard Heindl
• Frank Heinze, nurse, member of the clinical ethics consultation at the University Hospital Erlangen
• Priv-Doz. Dr. rer. nat. Juergen Henke, Neuss
• Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Biol. Alexander Henke, tumor biologist at the University Hospital of Cologne
• Ass Jur Dirk Henke, Dortmund
• Günter hen, Cologne
• Dr. jur. Gudrun Henne, lawyer and coach, Berlin
• Lawyer Kristof Henrich, Frankfurt
• Dr. Jochen Hentschel, lawyer, Cologne
• Hermann Herf, Director of Studies, Westfalenkolleg Bielefeld (establishment of the Second
Educational path), Bielefeld
• Rainer Herlitz, lawyer (member of the Düsseldorf Bar Association)
• Martina Herpich, running
• Dr. Mark Herpich, Berlin
• Professor, Doctor of Divinity. Horst Herrmann, University of Münster
• Prof. (emeritus) Dr. Rolf Dietrich Herzberg, Ruhr-Bochum Univerity
• Dr. Martin Heyse, Bad Wurzach
• Prof. Dr. Uwe Hillebrand, Wolfenbüttel
• Dr. GW Himmelmann, Hamburg
• Clemens Hirsing dentist
• Dr. Mathias Hirsch, a specialist psychiatric, psychotherapeutic medicine, psychoanalysis, Düsseldorf
• Dipl.Psych. Raimund Hirth, Birkenheide
• Carsten HOBBJE psychologist, psychotherapist, behavioral therapy, Quakenbrück
• Dr. phil. Fritz Erik Hoevels, Dipl.-Psych., Psychoanalyst, Freiburg iBr.
• Dr. Albrecht court Aalen
• Attorney Stephan Hoff, Frankfurt (Oder)
• Dr. Moritz Hoffmann
• Ass. Andreas Hofmann, Senior Research Fellow, Faculty of Law, University of Bayreuth
• Dr. Andreas Hofmann, Karlsruhe
• Dr. Johanna Holldack
• Prof. Dr. Walter Hollstein, Berlin / Basel
• Ulrike Hopf, senior public prosecutor, retired, Brunswick
• Dr. Gereon Hoppenkamps, occupational medicine, psychosomatic medicine, psychoanalysis (DGPT, DPV, IPV), Cologne
• Dipl.-Psych. Kordula Horstmann, Psychotherapist, Bohmte
• Dr. Oliver hoof, specialist in internal medicine / cardiology, Kaiserslautern
• Dr. Werner Paul Hürzeler stone
• Stefanie Immler, Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital Munich Sches
• Dr. Robert Ivancic, physician for Neurology, Psychiatry, Augsburg
• Associate Professor Dr. med. Renate Jahn, MD
• Kornelia Jahn, Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bad Wildungen
• Prof. Paul L. Janssen, Bochum
• Dr. Ludwig Janus, Heidelberg
• Felicitas Jendral, Fachärztin für Allgemeinmedizin, Dresden
• Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Dieter Jendrossek, Universität Stuttgart
• Professor Dr. iur. Dr. phil. Dr. iur. hc Günter Jerouschek MA, Lehrstuhl für Strafrecht, Strafprozessrecht und Geschichte des Strafrechts an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena; Appr. Psychotherapeut, Psychoanalytiker (DPV, IPV)
• Rechtsanwalt Heiko Jörges, Berlin
• Christoph Jovy, FA f. Pschychotherapie u. Psychosom. Medizin, Freiburg
• Angelika Jung, Diplom-Psychologin, Psychologische Psychotherapeutin,
Praxis für Psychotherapie, Bramsche
• Dipl.-Wirtschaftsinformatiker Andreas Jung, Fachhochschule Schmalkalden
• Rechtsanwalt Klaus Jung, Wettenberg
• Prof. Dr. Klaus Junker, Institut für Klassische Archäologie, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
• Dr. Dr. Joachim Kahl, Philosoph, Marburg
• Dr. med. Bita Kahlen, Universitätsklinikum Mainz
• Dr. med. Jan Kahrs, FA Allgemeinmedizin, Twist
• Prof. Dr. Jochen Kaiser, Direktor des Instituts für Medizinische Psychologie. Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
• Sebastian Guevara Kamm, Arzt, Promoviert in der Kinder und Jugendpsychosomatik der Universität Gießen Marburg, Stellv. Vorsitz des Vereins KroKi für chronisch kranke Kinder eV
• Dr. jur. Heinz Kammeier, Münster
• Dr. med. Wolfgang Kämmerer
• Dr. med. Thomas Kanthak, Urologisches Facharztzentrum Wetzlar
• Andre Karger
• Dipl.-Psych. Angela Kartschall, Praxis für Psychotherapie, Busdorf
• Dr. med. Ricarda Kauert, FÄ für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Wuppertal
• Gary Kaufhold, Dipl.Psych, Psycho-Analytiker, Glücksburg
• Karl-Heinz Keil, Riemerling
• Dipl.- Psych. Dr. Udo Keil, Darmstadt
• Dipl. Soz.-Wiss. (Soziale Arbeit und Erziehung), Dipl. Soz.-Wiss. ( Soziologie) Studienrat Peter Kelm, Krefeld
• Christian Kemper, Zahnarztpraxis, Hamburg
• Wolfgang Kemperdick (Dipl.Psych.), Psychologischer Psychotherapeut, Kinder- u. Jugendlichenpsychotherapeut, Soest
• Prof. Dr. Waltraut Kerber-Ganse, Psychologie/Erziehungswissenschaft, pensioniert, ehemals Technische Universität Berlin
• Nicolaus Kern, Assessor jur., Mitglied des Landtags NRW – Piratenfraktion
• Dr. med Norbert Ketteler, Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin, Bottrop
• Dr. Wolfgang M. Kieninger, Arzt f. Kinder u. Jugendliche, Meckenbeuren
• Dr. med. Michael Kirsch, Facharzt für Neurologie und Psychiatrie
Psychotherapie, Psychoanalyse, Dresden
• Ingo-Wolf Kittel, Facharzt für Psychotherapeutische Medizin, Philosophische und Psychotherapeutische Praxis, Augsburg
• Dr. med. Peter Klare, FA. Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe, SP Gynäkologische Onkologie, SP Reproduktionsmedizin und gynäkologische Endokrinologie, Berlin
• Prof. Dr. med. Johannes Klein, Zentrum Endokrine Medizin, Lübeck
• Dr. phil. Richard Klein, Horben
• Dr. med. Mathias Klemme, LMU München, Klinikum Großhadern, Neonatologie, Facharzt für Kinderheilkunde
• Dr. med. Mechthild Klingenburg-Vogel, Fachärztin für Psychotherapeutische Medizin – Psychoanalyse, Kiel
• Dr. med. Hartmut Klink, Künzelsau
• Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Klosterhalfen, Prof. für Medizinische Psychologie (nicht mehr aktiv)
• Oliver Kloth, Rechtsanwalt, Fachanwalt für Familienrecht, Teningen
• Dr. med. Christian Knobloch, Medical Consulting, Pharma - Biotech – Healthcare, Berlin
• Dr. med. Michael Knoch, Kindergarten- und Schularzt, FWS Kreuzberg, Berlin
• Dr. Wolfgang Köbele, Anger
• Dr. phil. Marion Koch, Sozialwissenschaftlerin, Bielefeld
• Dr. med. Veit Koch, Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin - Flugmedizin – Betriebsmedizin, Bühl-Vimbuch
• Andreas Koch, ETH, Hombrechtikon, Schweiz
• Professor Georgy Koentges, PhD, Laboratory of Systems Biomedicine and Evolution, School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
• Dr. Albrecht Köhl, FA für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, FA für Innere Medizin – Psychoanalyse, Wetzlar
• Dr. Bruno Köhler, Vorstandsvorsitzender MaNNdat eV - Geschlechterpolitische Initiative
• Diplom Biologe Joachim Köhne, Berlin
• Dipl.-Psych. Andreas Köhnke, Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeut, Hamburg
• Dr. med. Karsten König, Internist, Damme
• Ralf Konnopke, Diplom Sozialpädagoge/Sozialarbeiter(FH), Systemischer Therapeut und Familientherapeut(DGSF), Traumapädagogik und Traumazentrierte Fachberatung (DeGPT)
• Dr. med. Ulrike Koock, Prüfärztin in klinischen Studien sowie Assistenzärztin im Fachbereich Onkologie, Krankenhaus Nordwest in Frankfurt/Main
• Dr. med. Ursula Kouba, Oberstdorf
• Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus Kraemer, Institut für Soziologie, Universität Graz, Österreich
• Dipl.-Phys. OStR Torsten Krallmann, Burgdorf
• Dr. med. Sebastian Kramberg, Denkendorf
• Prof. Dr. Lothar Krappmann, UN-Ausschuss für die Rechte des Kindes (2003-2011)
• Hartmut Krauss, Sozialwissenschaftler, Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Aufklärung und Menschenrechte (GAM)
• Dr. rer. pol. Andreas Kraußer, MANNdat eV
• Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Krönert, Gransee
• Dipl. Psych. Stefan Krug, Georgsmarienhütte
• Stefanie Krumsdorf, Assistenzärztin Kinderchirurgie, Universitätsklinikum Jena
• Dr. Heinz-Werner Kubitza, Verleger, Tectum Wissenschaftsverlag, Marburg
• Anca Kübler, Rechtsanwältin und Opferschutzanwältin, Dresden
• Dr. med. Jochen Kuhl, Facharzt für Innere Medizin-Kardiologie, Gemeinschaftspraxis für Herz- und Kreislaufkrankheiten, Bonn
• Horst Kuhli, MA, Mag.theol., Dipl.-Pol., Dipl.-Päd., Pfarrer iR (Nidderau)
• Dr. med. Hans- Georg Kühn, Internist und Proktologe, Berlin
• Gisela Kühn, FÄ Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Berlin
• Dr. rer. nat biol. Uwe Kullnick, Neurophysiologe
• Dr. Gunther Kümel, Virologe, Kelkheim
• Tobias Kutschinski, Rechtsanwalt, Bremen
• Dr. Stefan Laarmann - Arzt für Chirurgie, Arzt für Urologie
• Dr. Ingeborg Lackinger Karger, Psychoanalytikerin und Frauenärztin, Autorin, Düsseldorf
• Dr. med. Hans-Dieter Lang, Facharzt für Innere Medizin iR, Kiel
• Dipl.-Psych. Fredi Lang MPH, Berlin
• Walid Laschin, MA
• Ulrich Lasse, Diplom-Psychologe, Erziehungsberatungtellenleiter im Ruhestand
• Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Lau-Bomert, Kassel
• Frau Corinna Laureys, Dipl.-Heilpädagogin, Familientherapeutin, SAFE-Mentorin
• Martina Leber, Psychoanalytikerin, Frankfurt
• Dr. med. Hanjo Lehmann, Berlin
• Tornalf Lehmann, Facharzt für Innere Medizin, Dietenhofen
• Dirk W. Lehmann, Arzt für Anästhesiologie, Köln
• Jochen Lehmann, Ass. iur. und Promovent, Düsseldorf
• Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lehmkuhl, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
• Prof. Dr. Gerd Lehmkuhl, Universität Köln
• Gerd-Elmer Lennartz , Facharzt für Neurologie und Psychiatrie , Psychotherapie , Suchtmedizin, Weingarten
• Dr. Manon Letzelter, Zahnärztin, Trier
• Prof. Dr. Anne Levin, Allgemeine Didaktik und Empirische Unterrichtsforschung, Universität Bremen
• Mathias Lexis, Diplom-Psychologe, Psychologischer Psychotherapeut, Speyer
• Sema Ley, Diplom-Psychologin und Psychologische Psychotherapeutin, München
• Prof. Dr. Manfred Liebel, European Master in Childhood Studies and Children's Rights (EMCR) an der FU Berlin
• Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Lieberz, Mannheim
• Dipl. pol. Jürgen Liminski, Publizist, Moderator beim Deutschlandfunk, GF des Instituts für Demographie, Allgemeinwohl, Familie ev
• Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Lipinski, Poughkeepsie, NY
• Dr. med. Ignatius vd Lippe, Augenarzt, Neustadt an der Orla
• Christine Lipp-Peetz, Diplom-Pädagogin, Dozentin an der Pädagogischen Akademie Elisabethenstift, Darmstadt
• Gottfried Lobeck, Dresden
• Prof. Volker v. Loewenich, Kinder- und Jugendarzt, Frankfurt aM
• Katharina v. Loewenich, Frauenärztin, Frankfurt aM
• Dipl.Psych. Gisela Loh-Dietrich, Mainz
• Dr. Fiona Lorenz
• Olde Lorenzen, Volljurist, Sydney
• Dr. Silke Lüder, Fachärztin für Allgemeinmedizin, Hamburg
• Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Karl Ludwig, Chefarzt Radiologie, Herford
• Dr. Patrick HM Maas, Frankfurt am Main
• Gabriele Mahro, Verwaltungsjuristin, Bremen
• Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Bernd Mahro, Hochschullehrer, Bremen
• Ass. jur. Hans Maier, Buseck
• Rechtsanwalt Dr. Daniel Maier, Stuttgart
• Prof. Dr. med. Friedrich Manz, Kinderarzt, Dortmund
• Frau Irmgard Manz, Analytische Kinder- und Jugendlichen-Psychotherapeutin, Dortmund
• Prof. Dr. Jürgen Marenbach, Psychoanalytiker, Düsseldorf
• Rechtsanwalt Armand Maréchal, Frankfurt/M.
• Marcus Marquardt, praktischer Arzt, London
• Rechtsanwalt Andreas Marx, Königstein im Taunus
• Dipl.-Volkswirt Udo von Massenbach, President American German Business Club Berlin eV
• Dipl.-Psych. Frank Massow, Psychologischer Psychotherapeut, Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeut, Chemnitz
• Dr. med. Benedikt Matenaer, Facharzt für Anästhesie, Spezielle Schmerztherapie, Palliativmedizin, Bocholt
• Prof. Dr. Kosta Mathey, GLOBUS Global Urban Studies Institute International Academy at FU Berlin
• Dr. jur. Milosz Matuschek, Berlin
• Dr. Eugen Maus, Diplom-Psychologe, Mitbegründer und langjähriger Vorsitzender von „MANNdat e. V., Frankenthal
• Prof. Dr. Rainer Mausfeld, Institut für Psychologie, Universität Kiel
• Dr. rer. nat. Ekkehard May, Dipl. Biol.
• Wolfram Meier-Stuckenberger, Leitender Ministerialrat aD im bayerischen Gesundheitsministerium
• Günther Meinel, Europabüro Diplomaten International
• Rechtsanwältin Julia Meinken, Hamburg
• Dr. Wolfgang Meinrenken, Arzt für Kinder und Jugendmedizin, Bremen
• Dr. med. Michael L. Meiser, Facharzt für Innere Medizin und Arbeitsmedizin, Hamburg
• Klaus Menne, Diplom-Soziologe und Geschäftsführer, Bubenreuth
• Dr. Grischa Merkel, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Lehrstuhl für Strafrecht, Strafprozessrecht und strafrechtliche Nebengebiete, Juristische Fakultät, Universität Rostock
• Prof. Dr.Peter Meusers, Esssen
• Dr. med. Frank Meyer, Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Klinik für Forensische Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie Weissenau, Leitung Forensische Ambulanz, ZfP Südwürttemberg
• Dr. med. Ursula Meyer, Fachärztin für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Ravensburg
• Anja Meyer, Fachärztin HNO, Ravensburg
• Dr. Christopher Michaelsen, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, Sydney NSW 2052, Australia
• Hugo Mildenberger, Arzt, Grünberg
• Prof. Dr. Petra Mischnick, Wolfenbüttel
• Dr. Kai Moeller, Lecturer in Human Rights Law, Law Department, London School of Economics and Political Science
• Dr. Christina Morina, PhD, Lehrstuhl für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
• Dipl. Psych. Simone Mosch, Psychotherapeutin, wissenschaftliche Assistentin am Lehrstuhl für klinische Psychologie, Psychotherapie und Psychoanalyse, Zürich
• Dipl.-Phys. Mag. rer. nat. Roland Mross, Dietach, Österreich
• Dr. med. Frank Muenster, Verden
• Dr. med. Thomas Gerd Müller, Facharzt für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle – Wittenberg
• Dr. Jörg Müller, Augenarzt, Gera
• Dr. Sabine Müller, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
• Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dietrich O. Müller, Berlin
• Dr. Wolfgang Philipp Müller, Verleger
• Dr. med. Helmut Müller, Urologe, Oberarzt am Klinikum Deggendorf, 1. Vorsitzender des Ärztlichen Bezirksverbandes Niederbayern (KdÖR), Vorstandsmitglied der Bayer. Landesärztekammer, Bernried
• Dr. Karl Müller-Bruckschwaiger, Arzt und Zahnarzt, Zwettl, Österreich
• Eva Müller-Grathoff, Diplom Psychologin, Rennerod
• Dr. Jonas Müller-Hübenthal, Facharzt für diagnostische Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin, Köln
• Diplom-Psychologin Andrea Müller-Mann, Olgahospital Stuttgart, Sozialpädiatrisches Zentrum
• Prof. Dr. Jochen Musch, Universität Düsseldorf
• Simone Muth, Diplom-Sozialarbeiterin, Dernau
• Andreas Henning Nauenburg, Ltd. Oberarzt, Abt. f. Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin, Sana Hanseklinikum Wismar GmbH
• Dipl.-Phys. Dr. rer. nat. Arno Neidig
• Friedrich Neitscher
• Christian Nelles, Internist und Kardiologe, Karlsruhe
• Dr. med. Lars Nelleßen, Facharzt für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin -Sportmedizin-, Kassel
• Dr. med. Heide Nespital, Allgemeinmedizin/Sozialmedizin, Leitende Medizinaldirektorin aD
• Dr. Eva Neumann, Diplom-Psychologin, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Medizinische Fakultät, Abteilung für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie
• Prof. Dr. Ing. Dietrich Neumann, Architekturhistoriker, Brown University, Providence, RI USA
• Dr. med. Gregor Nietgen, Augenarzt, Ulm
• Dr. med. Thomas Noll, Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin, Enger
• Dr. Stephan Heinrich Nolte, Kinder- und Jugendarzt,Neonatologie-Psychotherapie-Homöopathie-Palliativmedizin, Lehrbeauftragter der Philipps-Universität Marburg, Bezirksobmann Marburg des Berufsverbandes der Kinder- und Jugendärzte
• Dr. med. Ulrich Onken, Burgebrach
• Kirsten Offermanns, Rechtsanwältin, Wiesbaden
• M.Sc. Dipl.-Ing. Christian Olt, Frankfurt
• Dr. Gerlinde Opel, niedergelassene Fachärztin für Dermatologie, München
• Wolfram Ortlieb, Facharzt für Orthopädie, Trier
• Walter Otte, Rechtsanwalt, Berlin
• Rechtsanwalt Dr. Oliver Panetta, Hannover
• Eerke Pannenborg, LL.M., Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Strafrecht, Wirtschaftsstrafrecht und Strafprozessrecht der Universität Osnabrück
• Prof. Dr. med. Mechthild Papousek, im Ruhestand, ehemals Leiterin der Forschungs- und Beratungsstelle „Frühentwicklung und Kommunikation“ am Institut für Soziale Pädiatrie, LMU München
• Dr. Willibald Pateter, Steiermärkische Krankenanstaltenges.mbH, LKH - Univ. Klinikum Graz Bereich Recht und Beschwerden, Graz
• Sandra Pauen Dipl. Sozialpädagogin, systemische Familienberatung Neuss
• Prof. Dr. Ulrike Petermann, Lehrstuhl Klinische Kinderpsychologie, Zentrum für Klinische Psychologie und Rehabilitation, Bremen
• ref. iur. Johannes Peters, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Strafrecht, Strafprozeßrecht und Geschichte des Strafrechts von Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. hc Günter Jerouschek der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
• Dr. med. Jörg Peters, Bundeswehrzentralkrankenhaus Koblenz
• Dr. med. Susanna Peters, Internistin, Hamburg
• Dirk Petsch, Dipl.-Politologe, Tönning
• Dr.Erich Pillwein, Präsident der Bundeszahnärztekammer aD
• Dipl. Phil. Helena Piprek, Kooperationspartnerin der Europäischen Kommission, Projektpartnerin für das Europäische Parlament, HUB Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin , Beeidigte Urkundenübersetzerin für die polnische Sprache, Hamburg
• Dr. med. Christine Pirschel, Augenärztin, Salzwedel
• Dr. med. Dirk Pirschel, HNO-Arzt , Salzwedel
• Prof. Dr. med. Martin Pfohl, Chefarzt der Klinik für Allgemeine Innere Medizin, Diabetologie und Endokrinologie, Mitglied der Ethikkommission der Ärztekammer Nordrhein, Evangelisches Krankenhaus BETHESDA zu Duisburg GmbH, Akad. Lehrkrankenhaus der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
• Tom Philipp, Mitglied des Vorstandes B'90/GRÜNE Kreisverband Minden-Lübbecke
• Diplom-Psychologe Winfried Pohl, Tübingen
• Dr. Rigbert Polaczek, FA für Neurologie und Psychiatrie iR, Innsbruck
• Rechtsanwältin Martina Poll
• Sabine Ponader, Dr. rer. nat., Universitätsklinikum Köln
• Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Gabriele Pöndl, Klinische Kunsttherapeutin, HP-Psychotherapie, Wissenschaftsjournalistin (DJV), Uttenweiler
• Udo Porsch, PD Dr. phil. et med. habil. Dipl.-Psych., Mainz
• Dipl.-Psych. Regine Posé, psychologische Psychotherapeutin, Köln
• Ingrid Prassel, Fachärztin für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Psychoanalytikerin, Köln
• Dr. Peter J. Preusse, Zahnarzt, Marburg
• Dr. med. Bernhard Puppe, Güntersleben
• Prof. Dr. Holm Putzke, Universität Passau
• Prof. Dr. med. Hartmut Radebold, Psychoanalytiker, Kassel
• Dipl.-Psych. Manfred Radau, Psychotherapeutische Praxis, Münster
• Rechtsanwalt Markus Rainer, Gröbenzell
• PD Dr. Rainer Rahn, Frankfurt/Main
• Dipl. Soz-Päd. Christina Ralfs, Essen
• Jan Raming LL.M. (Auckland), Rechtsreferendar Berlin.
• Andreas Rammelmeyer, Richter i. R., Darmstadt
• Prof. Dietrich Ratzke, Wehrheim
• Wolfram Rechbauer, Diplom-Psychologe, Psychotherapeut und Kinder- und Jugendlichen-Psychotherapeut, Kaiserslautern
• Eugen Rehm, Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin i. R., Königseggwald
• Ass. Iur. Sascha Rehberg, Berlin
• Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Johannes Reichwein, Biebertal
• Dr. med. Jung Reiermann, Fachärztin für Innere Medizin und Nuklearmedizin, Mainz-Kastel
• Dr. med. vet. Eckart Reif, Böbingen
• Christian Rein, Facharzt für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Haßfurt
• Dr. med. Andreas Reuland, Schriesheim
• Dr. med. Brigitte Reuther, FÄ Allgemeinmedizin, Bad Waldsee
• Dr. med. Ralph-M. Reuther, Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin, Bad Waldsee
• Dr. Sabine Reyer, Hamburg
• Jörg Richert, Geschäftsführung KARUNA Zukunft für Kinder und Jugendliche in Not eV
• Dr. Ina Richter, Rechtsanwältin, Dresden
• Dr. rer. nat. Falk Richter, Dipl.-Psych., Dresden
• Silke Richter, Diplom-Psychologin, Kinder- und Jugendpsychotherapeutin, Sozialpädiatrisches Zentrum SPZ, Klinikum Esslingen GmbH
• Dr. med. Christoph Richtmann, FA f. Anästhesie/Notfallmedizin, Ulm
• Maria Riehemann, Dipl. Theologin, Dipl. Religionspädagogin, Meppen
• Dr. Henrike Rieken
• Jürgen Riemer MA, Diplom-Sozialpädagoge, Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf
• Dr. Michael Riess, Facharzt für Innere Medizin, Pneumologie, Kassel
• Dr. med. Ripkens, Augenarzt, Ravensburg
• Lutz Rohde, FA f. Chirurgie/Unfallchirurgie, Halle
• Prof. Dr. jur. Fredrik Roggan, Berlin
• Phillip Rogge, Stv. Sprecher des Arbeitskreises kinderchirurgischer Assistenten (AkA) in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinderchirurgie (DGKCH)
• Dr. rer. nat. Arne Röhrs, Hilgermissen
• Dipl. psych. Walter Rokita, psychologischer Psychotherapeut
• DP Grit Ronneburg, Psychologische Psychotherapeutin, Jena
• Dr. med. Stephan Rose, Privat- und Gutachtenpraxis, Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Suchtmedizinische Grundversorgung, Facharzt für Anästhesiologie, Notfallmedizin, Segnitz
• Dr. Rainer Rosenzweig, Nürnberg
• Prof. Dr. iur. Dieter Rössner, Universitätsprofessor i. R., Institut für Kriminalwissenschaften der Philipps-Universität Marburg
• Dr. Hans-Jörg Rotberg, Rechtsanwalt, Bundesrepublik Deutschland
• Dr. jur. Gerald Roth, Karlsruhe
• Dr. Med. H.-M. Rothe, Facharzt für Innere Medizin, Facharzt für Psychosomatische Medizin, Görlitz
• Dr. med. Elisabeth Rowe, Berlin
• Dr. Michel Royeck, Neurowissenschaftler, Uniklinik Bonn
• Dr. med. Johannes Rudnick, Gießen
• Dipl.-Psych. Sebastian Rühl, Linsengericht
• Dr. iur. Joachim Rumpf - Rechtsanwalt -, München
• Britta Ruppert, Ärztin für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und –psychotherapie, Essen
• Dr. med. Frank Rußbild, Facharzt für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin – Neuropädiatrie, Münster
• Dr. med. Heino Rutner, Chirurg, Chefarzt iR, Schlüchtern
• Gerd-Reiner Sambale, Rechtsanwalt, Bremen
• Dr. med. Robert Sarhatlic-Voegtle, Freiburg
• Viktor Sarrazin
• Christoph Sauer, Pfarrer Stein SG, Schweiz
• Rechtsanwalt Wolfram Schaalo, Singen
• Cand. jur. Henrik Schacht, Europäischer Gerichtshof, Luxemburg
• Dierk Schäfer, Diplom-Psychologe, Diplom-Theologe, Pfarrer iR, Kinderrechtepreis-Träger, Bad Boll
• Dr. med. Mattias Schäfer, Facharzt für Kinderchirurgie, Abteilung für Kinderchirurgie und –urologie, Cnopf'sche Kinderklinik, Nürnberg
• Helmut Schallock, Notar, Nürnberg, stellvertretender Landesvorsitzender der Liberalen Senioren Bayern
• Dr. Octavian Schatz
• Dr. med. Thomas G. Schätzler, Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin, Dortmund
• Prof. Dr. Henning Schauenburg, Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, Klinik für Allgemeine Innere Medizin und Psychosomatik
• Dr. Dr. Bernd Scheibe, Neusäß
• Privatdozent Dr. iur. Jörg Scheinfeld, Mainz
• Rechtsanwalt Georg Schepper, Bielefeld
• Prof. Dr. med. Wolfram Scheurlen, Leitender Chefarzt der Cnopf´schen Kinderklinik, Nürnberg
• Dr. phil. Bernd Schick, Diplom-Psychologe, Psychologischer Psychotherapeut, Klinischer Hypnotherapeut (DGH), Gelnhausen
• Dirk Schieck (Dipl. Soz.-Arb.), Analytischer Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeut, Trauma-Psychotherapeut (EMDR)
• Markus Schindler, Diplom-Psychologe, Wesseling
• Dipl.-Soz. Robert Schlack, Robert Koch-Institut, Berlin; Abteilung für Epidemiologie und Gesundheitsberichterstattung
• Dr. Matthias Schlick, Arzt für Innere Medizin – Kardiologie, Karlsruhe
• Dr. med. Christa Schlierf, FA für Innere Medizin, Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik, • Psychoanalytikerin DPV/IPV, Frankfurt a.Main
• Dr. med. Michael Schmelz, Oberarzt, Universitätsspital Basel, Klinik für Traumatologie, Behandlungszentrum Bewegungsapparat
• Dipl.-Psych. Regine Schmelzer, Klinisches Institut für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf
• Dr. med. Armin M. Schmidt, Mülheim/Ruhr
• Prof. Dr. Peter Schmidt aD
• Prof. Dr. Dr. Jens Schmidt aD
• Klaus Schmidt, Pfarrer i. R./ Historiker, Köln
• Dr. phil Eckhard Schmidt MA
• Dr. med. Rolf Schmidt, Hamburg
• Karl Rudolf Schmidt, Seefeld
• Dr. Christoph Schmid-Tannwald, Assistent des Instituts für klinische Radiologie an der LMU München
• Dr. phil. Michael Schmidt-Salomon, Philosoph, Vorstandssprecher der Giordano-Bruno-Stiftung
• Dr. med. Klaus Schmid-Ullrich, FA für Orthopädie, Freiburg
• Heinz Helfried Schmiedhofer, Dipl. Päd., Judenburg, Österreich
• Dr. Norbert M. Schmitz, Verlagslektor, Duisburg
• Hans Schmitz, Psychoanalytiker (DPG/DGPT), Brühl
• Reinhold Schneider, Diplom-Psychologe, Düsseldorf
• Detlev Schneider, Kulturwissenschaftler, Berlin
• Dr. Ansgar Schneider, Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, Bonn
• Dipl.-Psych. Elisabeth Schneider-Reinsch, Psychologische Psychotherapeutin (Verhaltenstherapie), Wiesbaden
• Prof. Dr. med. habil. Thomas Scholbach, Chefarzt, Klinik für Kinder und Jugendmedizin Chemnitz
• Dr. med. Karl-Heinz Schöter, Facharzt für klinische Pharmakologie, Erbes-Büdesheim
• Dipl. Volksw. Silvia Schöter, Erbes-Büdesheim
• Dr. med. Uta Schramm, Berlin
• Dr. Dr. med. Jan-Uwe Schreiber, Facharzt für Anästhesiologie, spezielle Intensivmedizin, Notfallmedizin, Aachen
• Dr. med. Matthias Schreiber, Kinderchirurg, Schwerpunkt Kinderurologie, Erlangen – Esslingen
• Marion Schrezenmaier, Rechtsanwältin, Hürth
• Dr. Alfred Schröcker, Wunstorf
• Dr. Rolf Schröder, Hamburg
• Holger Schröder, Jurist, München
• Priv.-Doz. Dr. Eberhard Schröder, Universität Potsdam, Department Psychologie
• Till Schuller, Dipl. Sozialarbeiter/ Sozialpädagoge, European Master in Childhood Studies and Children's Rights an der Freien Universität zu Berlin
• Dr. iur. Bernd Schulte, wiss. Referent, München
• Prof. Dr. med. Ulrich Schultz-Venrath, Klinik für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik EVK Bergisch Gladbach, Kooperationsklinik der Universität Witten/Herdecke
• Dr. Herbert Schultz-Gora, Facharzt Psychosomatische Medizin,Psychotherapie – Psychoanalyse, Hofheim a. Ts
• Dr. Christian Schulz MSc, Stellv. Leiter des Zentrums Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Palliativmedizin (IZP, Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf
• Julia Schulz, MA, Universität Leipzig
• Thomas Schulz-Spirohn, Staatsanwalt, Berlin
• Dr. med. Richard Schütte, Remagen
• Rechtsanwalt Andreas Schwartmann, Köln
• Ass.-Prof. Dr. Peter Schwarzenegger, Universität Graz
• Eva Schweitzer-Köhn, Psychologische Psychotherapeutin, Bundesvorsitzende im Verband Psychologischer Psychotherapeutinnen und Psychotherapeuten im BDP eV, Berlin
• Wolfgang Schwenn, Dipl.-Psych., Psychologischer Psychotherapeut, Berlin
• Susanne Schwirske, Krankenschwester und Ergotherapeutin
• Manfred Michael Schwirske, Sozialwissenschafter
• Dipl. Psych. Ute Schwittek, Psychologische Psychotherapeutin, Bochum
• Dr. Rolf Seel
• Prof. Dr. Hans Reinhard Seeliger, Lehrstuhl für Alte Kirchengeschichte, Patrologie und Christliche Archäologie, Kath.-Theologische Fakultät, Eberhard Karls-Universität Tübingen
• Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Seitz, Universitätsklinik Düsseldorf
• Olaf Sens, Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin
• Dipl.-Psych. Constantin Sieg, Psychologischer Psychotherapeut, Bad Hersfeld
• Wolfgang Sigel, HNO-Arzt, Wedel
• Guy Sinden,
• Dr. phil. Sabine Skutta, Diplompsychologin, Berlin
• Dr. Robert Söll, Chefarzt Anästhesie, Krankenhaus Tirschenreuth
• Rose Walsh Spaniol, USA
• Dr. Joseph Specht, Nussloch
• PD Dr. med. Tilmann Spieker, Pathologe, Universität Münster
• Dr. med. Ina H. Sprenger, Fachärztin für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Schwelm
• Anne Springer, Ärztin, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
• Kristian-Peter Stange, Diplomaten International
• Staudacher
• Dr. med. Hans-Jürgen Staudt, Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin, Kleinostheim
• Prof. Dr. Maximilian Stehr, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
• Dr. med. Jochen Steinbrenner, MAS FHO, Vorsitzender Spitalleitung Spital Grabs, Ärztlicher Leiter Notfall & Ambulatorium Spital Grabs, Ärztlicher Leiter Rettungsdienst SR RWS
• Blanka Steinbrenner, Fachärztin für Pädiatrie & Neonatologie
• Dipl. Psych. Christoph J. Stengel, Psychotherapeutische Praxis, München
• Maria Steuer, Kinderärztin, Familientherapeutin, Familiennetzwerk
• Dr. Dr. Werner Stibbe, Hannover
• Gerhrad Stickel, Dipl. Informatiker (FH), Filderstadt
• Dieter Stieglitz, Diplom Psychologe/freie Praxis
• Petra Prof'in. Dr. phil. Dr. med. Stoerig, Institut für Experimentelle Psychologie, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
• Dr. Jutta Stoll, LL.M., Rechtsanwältin, Frankfurt am Main
• Jürgen Stolz, Diplom-Psychologe und Psychotherapeut, Stuttgart
• Grit Stottok, Richterin am Landgericht Ansbach
• Dr. Martin Stransky, Psychologischer Psychotherapeut, Aachen
• Klaus Michael Strauß DEAA, Arzt für Anästhesiologie, Baden-Baden
• Dipl. Psych. Charlotte Streibl-Henning, Mannheim
• Rechtsanwalt Patrick Strösser, Hilden
• Assessor Dr. med. Martin Stübner, Arzt für Öffentliches Gesundheitswesen, Ltd. Ministerialrat a. D., München
• Dr. med. Bettina Stübner, Ärztin für Allgemeinmedizin, Gräfelfing
• Dipl.-Ing. Franz Stuhrmann
• PD Dr. med. Philipp Szavay, Leitender Oberarzt/Stellv. Physicians. Direktor, Facharzt für Kinderchirurgie, Rettungsmedizin, Intensivmedizin, Abteilung und Lehrstuhl für Kinderchirurgie, Universitätsklinikum Tübingen
• Dr. H. Peter Szutrely, FA für Urologie und Andrologie in Ruhestand, Solingen
• Dr. med. Carsten Tschechne, Internist, Weingarten
• Prof. Dr. Peter Their, Department of Cognitive Neurology, Hertie Institute of Clinical Brain Research, Tübingen
• Monika Theisen, Diplom-Psychologin, Essen
• Dipl.-biol. Martin Theiß (Doktorand Entwicklungsneurobiologie Heidelberg)
• Rechtsanwalt Rainer Thesen, Nürnberg
• Dr. med. Hans-Hartwig Thienemann, Freilassing
• Jochen Timmermann, FA für Psychosomatische Medizin, Sprecher der Sektion Psychosomatik der DGPM, Cuxhaven
• Wilhelm Tophinke, Arzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Forensische Psychiatrie, (Ärztekammer HH/ DGPPN), Hamburg
• Dagmar Trees, Köln
• Prof. Dr. Vera E. Troeger, Professor of Quantitative Political Science, Department of Economics and PAIS, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom
• Rechtsanwalt Dr. André Turiaux, München
• Prof. Dr. Stefan Uhlig, Dekan der Medizinischen Fakultät der RWTH Aachen
• Dr.rer.nat Bernhard Ulrich, Bockenheim
• Dr. med. Stefan Umnus, Facharzt für Neurologie und Psychiatrie
• Dr. med. Andreas E. Urban, FECTS (Kinderchirurg, Kinderherzchirurg), ehem. Direktor des Deutschen Kinder-Herzzentrums Sankt August
• Dr. med. (Univ. Rijeka) Jana Urban-Ukic, Klinisches Institut für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Düsseldorf
• Christian Utermöhlen, Arzt, Kiel
• Dr. med. Michael Veittinger, Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin, Berlin
• Dr. Friedrich Vogel, Wachenheim
• Karin Vogelpohl, Dipl.-Pädagogin, Hintergrund-Verlag Osnabrück
• Dr. rer. nat. Jens-Uwe Voss, Mitglied der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie (DGPT), Müllheim/Baden
• Dr. Bernd Vowinkel
• Prof. Dr. rer. soc. hab. Gerhard Wagner, Fachbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaften, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main
• Dr. phil. Florian Wagner, Hamburg
• Doris M. Wagner, DESA, FÄ für Anästhesiologie, Kempten im Allgäu
• Barbara Wagner und Dr. med. Horst Wagner, Kinderarzt im Ruhestand, Bremen
• Dr. med. Jürgen Wagner, Arzt für Innere Medizin/ Kardiovaskulärer Präventivmediziner DGPR
• Dr. med. dent. Peter F. Walker, Giessen
• Dr. phil. Thomas Wanninger, Oldenburg
• Kurt Weber, Frauenarzt, München
• Oliver Z. Weber, Medien- und Kulturwissenschaftler, Köln
• Prof. Dr. jur. Erhard Weichhaus, Düsseldorf
• Dr. med. Stefan Weis, FA Neurologie und Psychiatrie, Neckarsulm
• Ulrich Weiskopf, Richter am Amtsgericht Butzbach ( Hessen)
• Dr. jur. Manfred Weitz, LL.M., Düsseldorf
• Rechtsanwalt J. Weitzmann, Hamburg
• Dipl. Psych. Elke Weyel, Psych. Psychotherapeutin, Neu-Isenburg
• Prof. Dr. Lars D. Wellejus, Business Administration, Decision Systems, FH Frankfurt - University of Applied Sciences
• Christian Wenig, Arzt am Bezirksklinikum Regensburg, Klinische Suchtmedizin
• Burkhard Wepner, professor of music theory and ear training (composer and conductor) at the Academy of Music and Dance Cologne (Köln HfMT), board member of the Giordano Bruno Foundation, regional group in Cologne
• Prof. Dr. Claus Werning, Frechen
• Dr. Klaus Wessel, chemists, Bad Vilbel
• Manon Weßler, psychologist, Berlin
• Dr. Dipl.-Psych. Franz Wienand, practice for child and adolescent psychiatry, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, social psychiatry
• Dipl-Psych., Psychol psychotherapist Marlies Wildenberg, Kandel
• Dr. rer. nat. O.-H. Wilhelms
• Horst-G. Will Weber, Assessor jur., Cologne
• Dr. Christopher Wineken, internal medicine and cardiology, Zurich
• Dr. Reinhold Winkler, neurosurgeon, Munich
• Dr. phil. Ingeborg Wirries, graduate teacher, retired teacher and lecturer (1992-2010) / Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institute of Education
• Prof. Dr. Matthias Wjst, Technical University of Munich and Helmholtz Center Munich
• Dr. Bernd Woitsch, Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital Sches, Munich
• Dr. phil. Andrea Wolf, historian, Vienna
• Dr. Ludger Wollring, ophthalmologist, Essen-Altenessen
• Tobias J. Wolters MA, doctor, emergency medicine, health promotion and prevention, occupational health center Rheine
• Dr. M. Wolters, Seelze
• Gabriele Wörn, Psychologist, Department of Child and youth, Klinikum GmbH Esslingen
• Dr. Tanja Wörner, gynecologist and Zytologin, Wetzikon, Switzerland
• Dipl.-Biol. Jann Wübbenhorst, Bleckede
• Dr. Marc-Andre Wulf, MA (phil.), a specialist in psychosomatic medicine
and Psychotherapy, LVR-Hospital Düsseldorf, Department of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf
• Dr. Moritz worm, Center for Mind / Brain Sciences, University of Trento
• Adrian Wrzesinski (Diplom-Jurist)
• Mag Christine Wytrzens, practice for dyslexia, dyslexia
Dyscalculia, dyscalculia, Vienna
• Dipl.-Psych. Stefan Zeidler, M.Sc. / Univ. of Oregon, psychotherapist behavioral therapy, Villingen
• Prof. Dr. jur. Dr. hc Gisela Zenz. Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
• Dr. iur. Uwe Zenske, lawyer, Falkenfels
• Bernhard Zerjeski, Zuerich, Switzerland
• Lawyer Dr. Fabian Ziegenaus, LL.M., Munich
• Silvio Ziegler, Dipl.-Psych., Psychotherapist, behavioral therapist, Berlin
• Dr. Michael von Zielonka, Munich
• PD Dr. Ulrich Zimmermann, Specialist in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Dresden
• PhD, Bodo Zimmermann, Waibstadt
• Neithart Zimmermann, children and young doctor, Mönchengladbach
• Dr. Alexandra Zinck, Philosophy, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
• Dipl. Psych PP gates Zuber, Furth
The circumcision debate on FAZ.NET appeal more than 700 physicians and lawyers in federal government and parliament to protect the children more.
All we can say is medically clear that there are no medical reasons for removal of a healthy prepuce in a healthy, incompetent little boy
Oltre 700 medici, psicologi, giuristi, scienziati contro la circoncisione rituale-religiosa, per i diritti dei bambini:
The co-signer:
• Prof. Dr. Jörg Abbing, St. Wendel
• Graduate economist Nicola Abu-Khalil, a board member of the Refugee Council of Schleswig-Holstein
• Prof. Dr. Dieter Adam, Munich
• Lutz eagle, 1 Chairman of the DEMO (The former child victims) National Association Hessen eV
• Mina Ahadi, chairwoman Central Council of Ex-Muslims
• lawyer Franz Albrecht, Marktredwitz / Upper Franconia
• Dr. Rudolf Albrecht, Vienna
• Dr.Irmgard Albrecht, Marktredwitz
• Prof. Dr. Heiko Alfke, EBIR, Director, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Klinikum Lüdenscheid
• Lawyer Oliver Allesch, Food
• Prof. Hartmut Amft, Professor of Social Medicine Emeritus, Zollikon, Switzerland
• Norbert Andersch MD, MRC Psych, neurologist / psychiatrist, London and Praelo (It)
• Dr. Hellmut Anger, Doctor, Bielefeld
• Dr. jur. Alexander Archangelsky, Berlin
• Dr. Jens-Uwe Asmussen, specialist in general medicine and surgery, Gross Wittensee
• Lawyer Seyran Ates, Berlin
• Thomas Baader, spokesman of Peri Association for Integration and Human Rights eV
• Daniel Bäde, Leipzig
• Christian Bahls, 1st Chairman MOGiS eV - a voice of reason (Association of victims of sexual violence in childhood)
• Dr. Michael Balke, judges in the 7th Senate Finance Court of Lower Saxony
• Dr. Waltraud Ballmer-Omar, Ruhr-University Bochum, Department of Psychology Cognitive Psychology GAFO
• Dr. med. Heidrun Baronowski, Zurich
• Dr. Max Bartel, Psychotherapist, Berlin
• Lawyer Matthias Bartel, Wiesbaden
• Dr. Jan Bartussek, neuroscientists, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
• Dr. rer. nat. Michael Basten, Dipl.-Psych., Psychotherapist, Hamburg
• Dr. Jens Bathmann, specialist in nuclear medicine, Freiburg
• Reinhard Bauerschmitz, Geographer, Wiesbaden
• Andrea Baumann, doctor, psycho-oncological care Skin Cancer Center, University Hospital Düsseldorf
• Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Beck, Berlin
• Heike Beck, MD, specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, Frankfurt / Main
• Dr. Joachim Becker, gynecologist
• Manfred Beckers, Dipl.-Phys., Dresden
• Lawyer Masoud Behraznia, Hamburg
• Prof. Dr. Hans Behrendt, Bielefeld
• Dr. Gisela Behrmann, Education and Ethics, retired, Potsdam
• Prof. John Bellmann, General Education, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
• Prof. Dr. oec. HSG Oliver Bendel, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, School of Business, Institute of computer science, director competence focus on Digital Innovation & Learning (DIL)
• Wolfgang Benn, psychiatrist and psychotherapist, Weinheim / Bergstraße
• Dr. Wolfgang Bensch, specialist in orthopedics, Isny
• Gisela Bergmann-field mouse, psychologist and psychoanalyst, Danish Nienhof
• Dipl.-Psych. Best Dieter, Psychotherapist, National Chairman of the
German Association of Psychotherapists
• Hening Bettermann, school doctor retired, Oslo
• Dr. Gottfried Beyvers, specialist in occupational medicine, author, Landshut
• Dr. jur Peter Bezler, lawyer
• Lawyer Brigitta Biehl, Vice Chairman peri eV, Cologne
• Prof. Dr. theol. Reimund Bieringer, professor of New Testament exegesis, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
• Drs Ingrid and Wolfhard Bindeballe
• Gitta Binder Klinsing, physician general practitioner and psychosomatic medicine, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, Frankfurt / M.
• Lawyer Alexander Beer, LL.M., King Winter
• Professor Mark Binz
• Dr. med Bisler, Sebastian, LVR-Klinikum
• Gerhard Bleckmann, children and young doctor, Baunatal
• Astrid Blumenstock, Attorney & Mediator, Food
• Dr. Frederick Bode, Former Undersecretary, Mönchengladbach
• Thomas Böhm, urologist, yard
• Jens Böhmer, Queen Silvia Children's Hospital, Sahlgrenska University, Gothenburg / Sweden
• Attorney Anna E. Boldt, Reinbek
• Dr. Ing. Arnold Bölkow, a specialist in internal medicine and diploma in electrical engineering, Hauzenberg
• PhD. Ralf Bönt
• Dr. Joachim Börner, wages
• Dr. Dietrich bosses, Leverkusen
• Dr. Hans-Werner Bouman
• Dr. Annegret Brauer, specialist in child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy, Halle / Saale
• Prof. em. Dr. iur. John Brown, Passau
• Attorney Alexandra Brown, Hamburg
• Dr. Nico Breitbach-Faller, Consultant Child and Adolescent Medicine with emphasis pediatric neurology, director of the Social Paediatric Centre Esslingen, Children's Hospital
• Dr. Hans Breuninger, Ravensburg
• Priv. Prof. Dr. med Karl Heinz Brisch, Munich
• Dipl.-Psych. Waltraud Brecht, Psychotherapist, Backnang
• Dipl.-Psych. Ellen Broos-Marr, Bochum
• Dr. Carla Bruchhausen, radio log, Wiesbaden
• Dr. med. Klaus EF Brucker, Offenburg
• Dr. Klaus-Peter Bruck Mooser, anesthesiologist, Dr. Horst Schmidt Hospital, Wiesbaden
• Dipl.-Psych. Monika Brzoza, Psychotherapeutic Practice, Frankfurt
• Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joerg J. Buchholz
• Regine Buchold, doctor
• Bühmann, Consultant Urologist - Andrology Med.Tumortherapie - quality management, Westerland Sylt OT
• Dr. phil. Dipl.rer.pol. Joachim Bullinger MA, naturopaths for psychotherapy, Offenbach
• Retired Pastor Michael Buelow, Witten
• Christoph von Bülow, LL.M., Attorney at Law of the State of New York
• Georg citizens, Dipl.-Psych., Oldenburg
• Prof. Dr. Carsten Burstedde, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University of Bonn
• Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fritz Büsching, Brunswick
• Carsten B. Caspers, Dipl Chem, Rommerskirchen
• Dr.rer soz Alessandro Cavicchioli, Psychotherapist, child and adolescent psychotherapist, lecturer and supervisor (DVT), Schwäbisch Hall
• Tomislav Chagall, Frankfurt
• Med pract. Homayon Reinhardt Chaudhry, Federal and FMH specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy practitioner, Zurich
• Frank Christmann, Ph.D. in Philosophy and Ethics, St. Louis University, Dipl.-Betr.W., HTW Saarland
• Dr. onk. Maraijke Helga Claar, Kertváros Keszthely, Hungary
• Dr. Birgit Clever, chairman bvvp Federal Association of Psychotherapists contract
• Dr. Cornelius Courts, Department of Forensic Medicine, functional area of Forensic Genetics, University of Bonn
• Lawyer Norman Czoch, Oranienbaum-Wörlitz
• Dr. Ulrich Damerau, Gifhorn
• Carsten Dams, lawyer, Food
• Dr. Horst Christian Danner, specialist in anesthesiology, Kelheim
• Timo Deba, medical student, University of Witten / Herdecke
• Michael Degen, psychologist, psychoanalyst, psychotherapist Psycholgischer, child and adolescent psychotherapist, Cologne
• Eva Julia Dehl, dentist, Ratingen
• Dr. phil. Dipl.-Psych. Frank Roland Deister, Psychol psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, Frankfurt
• Norbert Denef, Chairman netzwerkB - Network and survivors of sexual violence eV
• Dr. Franz Lothar Deres DESA, anesthesiologist and pain management
• Carsten Dettbarn, Dipl.-Ing. (Univ)
• Prof. Dr. V. Patrick Dias (Dr. Theol., PhD, Dipl.-Psych., Professor Emeritus, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Department of Education)
• Christian Dibbert; physician pediatric surgery; Schwerin
• Lawyer Bernd thickness Müllrose
• Andreas Dieckmann
• A. Diemand, Dr. rer. nat., agronomist and bioinformaticians, Schaffhausen
• Dr. Ralph Dietrich, surgeon, Munich
• Dr. Brigitte Dietz, practicing child and youth health care professional deputy. Chairman of the Professional Association of Child and Adolescent Physicians in Bavaria, Taufkirchen
• Prof. Dr. Dr. hc Hans Georg Dietz, Children Surgery, Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital Sches, Hospital of the University of Munich
• Axel Dinslage, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Bad Vilbel
• W.Dittrich, Dipl.-Psych. (Ret.), Düsseldorf
• Adem Dolas, Neurology, University Hospital Düsseldorf
• Dr. S. Raymond Dominguez, Augsburg
• Lutz Dondit, neuro pediatrician, neonatologist, clinic for children and adolescents, a member of the child protection team, Klinikum GmbH Esslingen
• Dr. Kai Dordelmann, general practitioner, Karlsruhe
• Elisabeth von Dorrien, top government and lecturer at the University of Koblenz, Andernach
• Lawyer Klaus W. Dörwald, Wolfertschwenden
• Henning Droege, General medicine, homeopathy, naturopathy, Waldenburg
• Dr. Ingo Dulisch, General Medicine, Karlsruhe
• Dr. phil. Benita von Eberstein, psychologist, Merzen
• Professor Dr. Theodor Ebert, Erlangen
• Dr. Klaus Eckhardt, M Oers
• Prof. Dr. theol. hab. Angelika M. Eckart, Department of Pastoral Psychology at the Faculty of Theology Vallenda
• Prof. Dr. theol. hab. Joachim Eckart, Philosophy and Theology Vallendar
• Thomas Eckelmann, a specialist in internal medicine, Oelsnitz iV
• Dr. Michael Eckstein, FA in internal medicine, sports medicine, emergency medicine, family doctor, Reilingen
• Prof. Dr. Ulrich Egle, Freiburg, Chairman of the Interdisciplinary Society for Psychosomatic Pain (IGPS)
• Dr. phil. Hans-Jörg Ehni, Deputy. Director, Institute for Ethics and History of Medicine, Tübingen
• Dr. Alexander Ehnis, Consultant Dermatology and Venereology, Lampertheim
• Lawyer Georg Ehrmann, CEO of Deutsche Kids Help
• Patrick O. Ehrmann, Chemist (University of Karlsruhe), Microsoft Certified Professional Sytemanalytiker
• Dr. Verena Ellerkamp, Specialist in Pediatric Surgery, University Hospital Tübingen
• Attorney Heiner end, Cologne
• Prof. Dr. phil. hab. Bernd Enders, musicologist, Osnabrück
• Dr. Gerhard Engelmayer Chairman freethinkers Confederation Austria
• Edgar E. Engesser, children, youth and family psychologist, Karlsruhe
• Martin heritage, doctor, Saarlouis
• Prof. Dr. Jeanette Erdmann, University of Lübeck
• Prof. Dr. Bernd Erichson
• Dr. Holger C. Erne, Munich
• Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Helmut Esche, Cologne
• Prof. Michael Falkenstein, Dipl.-Psych., Dipl.-Ing. Head of Project Group "Aging and CNS alterations", Leibniz-Institute for Industrial Research at the Technical University of Dortmund (IfADo), Dortmund
• Attorney Bernard J. Fassbender, Lecturer of Business Law at the University of Applied Sciences North-DIPLOMA Hesse
• Dr. Heidrun Fehling, Hamburg
• Professor Thomas J. Feuerstein, doctor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Neurology and Psychiatry
• Dr. Christian Fiala, a specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, Vienna
• Graduate Jur Henry Figge, Law Clerk
• Egbert Finck, Specialist in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine - Chiropractic - Acupuncture, inpatient and outpatient surgery, Sana Clinic Düsseldorf - Benrath practice of Orthopaedic Surgery, Düsseldorf
• Law Auditors Hanns-Erich Fink, Berlin
• Herwig Fischer, retired judges, Salzhemmendorf
• Helmut Fink, Nuremberg, Chair of the Humanist Association HVD Bavaria
• Dr. Monika Fierus, Leverkusen
• Dr. Hans Fischer, dermatologist, allergist, Dornstetten
• Dr. Peter Fischer, Arnstein
• Dr. Doris Fischer, Specialist Children's Hospital, Frankfurt / Main
• Peter Fleiner, vice-president of the Social Court, retired, Waldkirch
• Gabrielle Fleitmann, Dipl.Psych. & Doctor Heidelberg
• Dipl. Psych Michael B. Flöter, Psychotherapist / behavioral therapist, teacher contract Therapist kvno, member of the German Association of Psychotherapists, a member of the DVT, Cologne
• Graduate - Psych Regina Forberger, Bensheim
• Dr. Helmut Förster, Food
• Andrea Frank, doctor, assistant training in general medicine, Munich
• psychotherapist Konrad Franke, Frankfurt
• Prof. Dr. Matthias Franz Düsseldorf, Clinical Institute of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, University
• Prof. Dr. Berthold Franzen, course director engineering computer science, Institute of Engineering and computer science, department of mathematics, science and computer science, Technical University of Central Hesse
• Peter Paul Friday, a psychologist and psychotherapist, Nuremberg
• Dr. Dieter Freundlieb
• Prof. Dr. Ivar Friedrich, cardiothoracic surgeon, Trier
• Heike Friederichs, Specialist in Neurology and Psychiatry, Zurich
• Dr. med.dent. Fritz Berthold, specialist in orthodontics, court experts in local and district courts in NRW
• Dr. Fritz Berthold, Duisburg
• Manfred Fröde, Köthen
• MD, Thomas Fröhlich, pediatrician, doctor
• Jochen Gaedcke, biologist, Ettenheim
• Dr. med. Miriam Gaggl, Dielsdorf
• Manfred Galland, a specialist in neurology and psychiatry, psychotherapy, Horb
• Thomas Galos, MBA, Vienna
• Prof. Dr. iur. Ulrich M. Gassner, Mag rer. publ., M. Jur (Oxon.), University of Augsburg
Faculty of Law, Institute for Organic, Health and Medical Law (IBGM), Augsburg
• Timm Guard doctor - psychotherapy, Nettetal
• Dipl.-Phys. Dr. rer. nat. Hans-Georg von Garßen, Höhenkirchen-Siegertsbrunn
• Prof. Dr. iur. Ulrich M. Gassner, Mag rer. publ., M. Jur (Oxon.), University of Augsburg,
Faculty of Law, Institute for Organic, Health and Medical Law (IBGM)
• Tobias Gauss, Consultant, Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care, Beaujon Hospital, University Hospital, Paris Nord Val de Seine
• Gabriele Gawlich, deputy chairman MOGiS V.
• Dr. Guido F. Gebauer, a psychologist, legal psychologist, Hanover
• Christian Gebel, for the Dortmund pirates
• Lawyer Ludwig Gemeinhardt, Food
• Daniela Gerstner, Qualified Social, emphasis clinical social work - psychotraumatology Berlin
• Franz Gescher, lawyer and notary, Berlin
• Dipl.Biol. Dr. Med Bernhard J.Giesguth, general practitioner, Mönchengladbach
• Lawyer Oliver Glaser, Cologne
• Dr. Martin fortunate children and young doctor, neonatal ambulance, Fritzlar
• Priv-Doz. Dr. Georg Göbel, biostatistician, Medical University Innsbruck, Austria
• Prof. Dr. Hartmut Goebel, a specialist in neurology, special pain therapy, psychotherapy, Kiel Pain Center
• Dr. sc. Tobias Goerdt, MSci, Departamento de Física Teorica, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
• Daniel Goldberg, president of Children's Lobby Switzerland
• Claudia Goldner, Dipl.Päd.univ., Counseling Landshut
• Angelica Santana Gonzalez, graduate lawyer, trainee lawyer and mediator
• Dr. Sebastian GoB, medical assistant (anesthesia), Cologne
• Prof. Dr. Rainer Gothe, a veterinary specialist in parasitology, veterinary DTVM for Tropical Veterinary Medicine (Edinburgh)
• Ass. Wolfgang Gourgé, Stade
• Prof. Dr. Dittmar Graf, biologist, University of Dortmund
• Prof. Dr. Oliver Grau, Danube University Krems
• Prof. Robert Greb, fertility centers Dortmund, Siegen, Dorsten MVZ, Dortmund
• Dr. Bernhard Greiling, specialist in internal medicine - gastroenterology, specialist in psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy - psychoanalysis, Eutin
• Detlev Gretsch, a psychologist, Berlin
• Lawyer Christoph Grimm
• Prof. Helfried Dimension, former chief physician at the Children's Hospital in Nuremberg
• Dipl. Psych Gesa Groh, University Hospital of Munich, Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital Sches
• Dr. Horst Gross, Anaesthetist and Intensive Care Medicine, Berlin
• Dr. Hans Peter Grunder, Specialist for Psychiatry, Zurich
• Tatjana Grützmann MA, Department of History, Philosophy and Ethics of Medicine
• Dr. Joachim Gubitz, Cologne
• Walter Gummersbach, Dipl.Psych, Dipl.Soz., Forensic Psychology, Berlin
• Dr. Helmut Günther
• Graduate Biochem. Jörg-Peter Gütlein, Beimerstetten
• Mag Olliver Haas, Independent Administrative Senate Vorarlberg Bregenz
• Attorney Dirk Stefan Haase, LL.M., Hamburg
• Dipl.-Psych. Gerhard Hafner, advice for men - violence, Berlin
• medical officer Dr. Rolf Hähnel, ophthalmologist, Neubrandenburg
• Dr. Walter Lorenz Hähnle, Hamburg
• Dr. phil. Walter Haider, a degree in education, Hochheim
• Maria U. Hammer, Dipl.-Psych., Psychotherapeutic Practice, Düsseldorf
• Prof. Dr. Klaus Hamper, wave
• Prof. Dr. iur. Bernhard Hard Tung, University of Rostock
• Norbert Hartkamp, specialist in psychosomatic medicine, psychoanalyst, practice for
Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Solingen
• Dr. Sabine Hartmann, Doctor of ENT, Speech Pathology and Audiology, Klinikum Dortmund
• Assia Maria Harwazinski, PhD., Islam and religious scholar, Tübingen
• Dr. Anh-Ha Thi Tam, ENT Specialist, Lüneburg
• Dr. Gunnar Hartung, FA f Neurology and Psychiatry / Psychotherapy, Chemnitz
• Dr. Robin Hau, Dipl.-Psych., Regensburg
• Dr. Hubertus Hautzel, Department of Nuclear Medicine (KME) ad site of the Forschungszentrum Jülich, Düsseldorf University Hospital
• Ulrich Hegemann, Dipl.-Psych, PP, Greven
• Dr. med Marcus Heidemann, Fachazt for Child and Adolescent Medicine, Bielefeld
• Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Eduard Heindl
• Frank Heinze, nurse, member of the clinical ethics consultation at the University Hospital Erlangen
• Priv-Doz. Dr. rer. nat. Juergen Henke, Neuss
• Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Biol. Alexander Henke, tumor biologist at the University Hospital of Cologne
• Ass Jur Dirk Henke, Dortmund
• Günter hen, Cologne
• Dr. jur. Gudrun Henne, lawyer and coach, Berlin
• Lawyer Kristof Henrich, Frankfurt
• Dr. Jochen Hentschel, lawyer, Cologne
• Hermann Herf, Director of Studies, Westfalenkolleg Bielefeld (establishment of the Second
Educational path), Bielefeld
• Rainer Herlitz, lawyer (member of the Düsseldorf Bar Association)
• Martina Herpich, running
• Dr. Mark Herpich, Berlin
• Professor, Doctor of Divinity. Horst Herrmann, University of Münster
• Prof. (emeritus) Dr. Rolf Dietrich Herzberg, Ruhr-Bochum Univerity
• Dr. Martin Heyse, Bad Wurzach
• Prof. Dr. Uwe Hillebrand, Wolfenbüttel
• Dr. GW Himmelmann, Hamburg
• Clemens Hirsing dentist
• Dr. Mathias Hirsch, a specialist psychiatric, psychotherapeutic medicine, psychoanalysis, Düsseldorf
• Dipl.Psych. Raimund Hirth, Birkenheide
• Carsten HOBBJE psychologist, psychotherapist, behavioral therapy, Quakenbrück
• Dr. phil. Fritz Erik Hoevels, Dipl.-Psych., Psychoanalyst, Freiburg iBr.
• Dr. Albrecht court Aalen
• Attorney Stephan Hoff, Frankfurt (Oder)
• Dr. Moritz Hoffmann
• Ass. Andreas Hofmann, Senior Research Fellow, Faculty of Law, University of Bayreuth
• Dr. Andreas Hofmann, Karlsruhe
• Dr. Johanna Holldack
• Prof. Dr. Walter Hollstein, Berlin / Basel
• Ulrike Hopf, senior public prosecutor, retired, Brunswick
• Dr. Gereon Hoppenkamps, occupational medicine, psychosomatic medicine, psychoanalysis (DGPT, DPV, IPV), Cologne
• Dipl.-Psych. Kordula Horstmann, Psychotherapist, Bohmte
• Dr. Oliver hoof, specialist in internal medicine / cardiology, Kaiserslautern
• Dr. Werner Paul Hürzeler stone
• Stefanie Immler, Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital Munich Sches
• Dr. Robert Ivancic, physician for Neurology, Psychiatry, Augsburg
• Associate Professor Dr. med. Renate Jahn, MD
• Kornelia Jahn, Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bad Wildungen
• Prof. Paul L. Janssen, Bochum
• Dr. Ludwig Janus, Heidelberg
• Felicitas Jendral, Fachärztin für Allgemeinmedizin, Dresden
• Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Dieter Jendrossek, Universität Stuttgart
• Professor Dr. iur. Dr. phil. Dr. iur. hc Günter Jerouschek MA, Lehrstuhl für Strafrecht, Strafprozessrecht und Geschichte des Strafrechts an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena; Appr. Psychotherapeut, Psychoanalytiker (DPV, IPV)
• Rechtsanwalt Heiko Jörges, Berlin
• Christoph Jovy, FA f. Pschychotherapie u. Psychosom. Medizin, Freiburg
• Angelika Jung, Diplom-Psychologin, Psychologische Psychotherapeutin,
Praxis für Psychotherapie, Bramsche
• Dipl.-Wirtschaftsinformatiker Andreas Jung, Fachhochschule Schmalkalden
• Rechtsanwalt Klaus Jung, Wettenberg
• Prof. Dr. Klaus Junker, Institut für Klassische Archäologie, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
• Dr. Dr. Joachim Kahl, Philosoph, Marburg
• Dr. med. Bita Kahlen, Universitätsklinikum Mainz
• Dr. med. Jan Kahrs, FA Allgemeinmedizin, Twist
• Prof. Dr. Jochen Kaiser, Direktor des Instituts für Medizinische Psychologie. Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
• Sebastian Guevara Kamm, Arzt, Promoviert in der Kinder und Jugendpsychosomatik der Universität Gießen Marburg, Stellv. Vorsitz des Vereins KroKi für chronisch kranke Kinder eV
• Dr. jur. Heinz Kammeier, Münster
• Dr. med. Wolfgang Kämmerer
• Dr. med. Thomas Kanthak, Urologisches Facharztzentrum Wetzlar
• Andre Karger
• Dipl.-Psych. Angela Kartschall, Praxis für Psychotherapie, Busdorf
• Dr. med. Ricarda Kauert, FÄ für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Wuppertal
• Gary Kaufhold, Dipl.Psych, Psycho-Analytiker, Glücksburg
• Karl-Heinz Keil, Riemerling
• Dipl.- Psych. Dr. Udo Keil, Darmstadt
• Dipl. Soz.-Wiss. (Soziale Arbeit und Erziehung), Dipl. Soz.-Wiss. ( Soziologie) Studienrat Peter Kelm, Krefeld
• Christian Kemper, Zahnarztpraxis, Hamburg
• Wolfgang Kemperdick (Dipl.Psych.), Psychologischer Psychotherapeut, Kinder- u. Jugendlichenpsychotherapeut, Soest
• Prof. Dr. Waltraut Kerber-Ganse, Psychologie/Erziehungswissenschaft, pensioniert, ehemals Technische Universität Berlin
• Nicolaus Kern, Assessor jur., Mitglied des Landtags NRW – Piratenfraktion
• Dr. med Norbert Ketteler, Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin, Bottrop
• Dr. Wolfgang M. Kieninger, Arzt f. Kinder u. Jugendliche, Meckenbeuren
• Dr. med. Michael Kirsch, Facharzt für Neurologie und Psychiatrie
Psychotherapie, Psychoanalyse, Dresden
• Ingo-Wolf Kittel, Facharzt für Psychotherapeutische Medizin, Philosophische und Psychotherapeutische Praxis, Augsburg
• Dr. med. Peter Klare, FA. Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe, SP Gynäkologische Onkologie, SP Reproduktionsmedizin und gynäkologische Endokrinologie, Berlin
• Prof. Dr. med. Johannes Klein, Zentrum Endokrine Medizin, Lübeck
• Dr. phil. Richard Klein, Horben
• Dr. med. Mathias Klemme, LMU München, Klinikum Großhadern, Neonatologie, Facharzt für Kinderheilkunde
• Dr. med. Mechthild Klingenburg-Vogel, Fachärztin für Psychotherapeutische Medizin – Psychoanalyse, Kiel
• Dr. med. Hartmut Klink, Künzelsau
• Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Klosterhalfen, Prof. für Medizinische Psychologie (nicht mehr aktiv)
• Oliver Kloth, Rechtsanwalt, Fachanwalt für Familienrecht, Teningen
• Dr. med. Christian Knobloch, Medical Consulting, Pharma - Biotech – Healthcare, Berlin
• Dr. med. Michael Knoch, Kindergarten- und Schularzt, FWS Kreuzberg, Berlin
• Dr. Wolfgang Köbele, Anger
• Dr. phil. Marion Koch, Sozialwissenschaftlerin, Bielefeld
• Dr. med. Veit Koch, Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin - Flugmedizin – Betriebsmedizin, Bühl-Vimbuch
• Andreas Koch, ETH, Hombrechtikon, Schweiz
• Professor Georgy Koentges, PhD, Laboratory of Systems Biomedicine and Evolution, School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
• Dr. Albrecht Köhl, FA für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, FA für Innere Medizin – Psychoanalyse, Wetzlar
• Dr. Bruno Köhler, Vorstandsvorsitzender MaNNdat eV - Geschlechterpolitische Initiative
• Diplom Biologe Joachim Köhne, Berlin
• Dipl.-Psych. Andreas Köhnke, Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeut, Hamburg
• Dr. med. Karsten König, Internist, Damme
• Ralf Konnopke, Diplom Sozialpädagoge/Sozialarbeiter(FH), Systemischer Therapeut und Familientherapeut(DGSF), Traumapädagogik und Traumazentrierte Fachberatung (DeGPT)
• Dr. med. Ulrike Koock, Prüfärztin in klinischen Studien sowie Assistenzärztin im Fachbereich Onkologie, Krankenhaus Nordwest in Frankfurt/Main
• Dr. med. Ursula Kouba, Oberstdorf
• Univ.-Prof. Dr. Klaus Kraemer, Institut für Soziologie, Universität Graz, Österreich
• Dipl.-Phys. OStR Torsten Krallmann, Burgdorf
• Dr. med. Sebastian Kramberg, Denkendorf
• Prof. Dr. Lothar Krappmann, UN-Ausschuss für die Rechte des Kindes (2003-2011)
• Hartmut Krauss, Sozialwissenschaftler, Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Aufklärung und Menschenrechte (GAM)
• Dr. rer. pol. Andreas Kraußer, MANNdat eV
• Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Krönert, Gransee
• Dipl. Psych. Stefan Krug, Georgsmarienhütte
• Stefanie Krumsdorf, Assistenzärztin Kinderchirurgie, Universitätsklinikum Jena
• Dr. Heinz-Werner Kubitza, Verleger, Tectum Wissenschaftsverlag, Marburg
• Anca Kübler, Rechtsanwältin und Opferschutzanwältin, Dresden
• Dr. med. Jochen Kuhl, Facharzt für Innere Medizin-Kardiologie, Gemeinschaftspraxis für Herz- und Kreislaufkrankheiten, Bonn
• Horst Kuhli, MA, Mag.theol., Dipl.-Pol., Dipl.-Päd., Pfarrer iR (Nidderau)
• Dr. med. Hans- Georg Kühn, Internist und Proktologe, Berlin
• Gisela Kühn, FÄ Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Berlin
• Dr. rer. nat biol. Uwe Kullnick, Neurophysiologe
• Dr. Gunther Kümel, Virologe, Kelkheim
• Tobias Kutschinski, Rechtsanwalt, Bremen
• Dr. Stefan Laarmann - Arzt für Chirurgie, Arzt für Urologie
• Dr. Ingeborg Lackinger Karger, Psychoanalytikerin und Frauenärztin, Autorin, Düsseldorf
• Dr. med. Hans-Dieter Lang, Facharzt für Innere Medizin iR, Kiel
• Dipl.-Psych. Fredi Lang MPH, Berlin
• Walid Laschin, MA
• Ulrich Lasse, Diplom-Psychologe, Erziehungsberatungtellenleiter im Ruhestand
• Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Lau-Bomert, Kassel
• Frau Corinna Laureys, Dipl.-Heilpädagogin, Familientherapeutin, SAFE-Mentorin
• Martina Leber, Psychoanalytikerin, Frankfurt
• Dr. med. Hanjo Lehmann, Berlin
• Tornalf Lehmann, Facharzt für Innere Medizin, Dietenhofen
• Dirk W. Lehmann, Arzt für Anästhesiologie, Köln
• Jochen Lehmann, Ass. iur. und Promovent, Düsseldorf
• Prof. Dr. Ulrike Lehmkuhl, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
• Prof. Dr. Gerd Lehmkuhl, Universität Köln
• Gerd-Elmer Lennartz , Facharzt für Neurologie und Psychiatrie , Psychotherapie , Suchtmedizin, Weingarten
• Dr. Manon Letzelter, Zahnärztin, Trier
• Prof. Dr. Anne Levin, Allgemeine Didaktik und Empirische Unterrichtsforschung, Universität Bremen
• Mathias Lexis, Diplom-Psychologe, Psychologischer Psychotherapeut, Speyer
• Sema Ley, Diplom-Psychologin und Psychologische Psychotherapeutin, München
• Prof. Dr. Manfred Liebel, European Master in Childhood Studies and Children's Rights (EMCR) an der FU Berlin
• Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Lieberz, Mannheim
• Dipl. pol. Jürgen Liminski, Publizist, Moderator beim Deutschlandfunk, GF des Instituts für Demographie, Allgemeinwohl, Familie ev
• Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Lipinski, Poughkeepsie, NY
• Dr. med. Ignatius vd Lippe, Augenarzt, Neustadt an der Orla
• Christine Lipp-Peetz, Diplom-Pädagogin, Dozentin an der Pädagogischen Akademie Elisabethenstift, Darmstadt
• Gottfried Lobeck, Dresden
• Prof. Volker v. Loewenich, Kinder- und Jugendarzt, Frankfurt aM
• Katharina v. Loewenich, Frauenärztin, Frankfurt aM
• Dipl.Psych. Gisela Loh-Dietrich, Mainz
• Dr. Fiona Lorenz
• Olde Lorenzen, Volljurist, Sydney
• Dr. Silke Lüder, Fachärztin für Allgemeinmedizin, Hamburg
• Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Karl Ludwig, Chefarzt Radiologie, Herford
• Dr. Patrick HM Maas, Frankfurt am Main
• Gabriele Mahro, Verwaltungsjuristin, Bremen
• Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Bernd Mahro, Hochschullehrer, Bremen
• Ass. jur. Hans Maier, Buseck
• Rechtsanwalt Dr. Daniel Maier, Stuttgart
• Prof. Dr. med. Friedrich Manz, Kinderarzt, Dortmund
• Frau Irmgard Manz, Analytische Kinder- und Jugendlichen-Psychotherapeutin, Dortmund
• Prof. Dr. Jürgen Marenbach, Psychoanalytiker, Düsseldorf
• Rechtsanwalt Armand Maréchal, Frankfurt/M.
• Marcus Marquardt, praktischer Arzt, London
• Rechtsanwalt Andreas Marx, Königstein im Taunus
• Dipl.-Volkswirt Udo von Massenbach, President American German Business Club Berlin eV
• Dipl.-Psych. Frank Massow, Psychologischer Psychotherapeut, Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeut, Chemnitz
• Dr. med. Benedikt Matenaer, Facharzt für Anästhesie, Spezielle Schmerztherapie, Palliativmedizin, Bocholt
• Prof. Dr. Kosta Mathey, GLOBUS Global Urban Studies Institute International Academy at FU Berlin
• Dr. jur. Milosz Matuschek, Berlin
• Dr. Eugen Maus, Diplom-Psychologe, Mitbegründer und langjähriger Vorsitzender von „MANNdat e. V., Frankenthal
• Prof. Dr. Rainer Mausfeld, Institut für Psychologie, Universität Kiel
• Dr. rer. nat. Ekkehard May, Dipl. Biol.
• Wolfram Meier-Stuckenberger, Leitender Ministerialrat aD im bayerischen Gesundheitsministerium
• Günther Meinel, Europabüro Diplomaten International
• Rechtsanwältin Julia Meinken, Hamburg
• Dr. Wolfgang Meinrenken, Arzt für Kinder und Jugendmedizin, Bremen
• Dr. med. Michael L. Meiser, Facharzt für Innere Medizin und Arbeitsmedizin, Hamburg
• Klaus Menne, Diplom-Soziologe und Geschäftsführer, Bubenreuth
• Dr. Grischa Merkel, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Lehrstuhl für Strafrecht, Strafprozessrecht und strafrechtliche Nebengebiete, Juristische Fakultät, Universität Rostock
• Prof. Dr.Peter Meusers, Esssen
• Dr. med. Frank Meyer, Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Klinik für Forensische Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie Weissenau, Leitung Forensische Ambulanz, ZfP Südwürttemberg
• Dr. med. Ursula Meyer, Fachärztin für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Ravensburg
• Anja Meyer, Fachärztin HNO, Ravensburg
• Dr. Christopher Michaelsen, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of New South Wales, Sydney NSW 2052, Australia
• Hugo Mildenberger, Arzt, Grünberg
• Prof. Dr. Petra Mischnick, Wolfenbüttel
• Dr. Kai Moeller, Lecturer in Human Rights Law, Law Department, London School of Economics and Political Science
• Dr. Christina Morina, PhD, Lehrstuhl für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
• Dipl. Psych. Simone Mosch, Psychotherapeutin, wissenschaftliche Assistentin am Lehrstuhl für klinische Psychologie, Psychotherapie und Psychoanalyse, Zürich
• Dipl.-Phys. Mag. rer. nat. Roland Mross, Dietach, Österreich
• Dr. med. Frank Muenster, Verden
• Dr. med. Thomas Gerd Müller, Facharzt für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle – Wittenberg
• Dr. Jörg Müller, Augenarzt, Gera
• Dr. Sabine Müller, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
• Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dietrich O. Müller, Berlin
• Dr. Wolfgang Philipp Müller, Verleger
• Dr. med. Helmut Müller, Urologe, Oberarzt am Klinikum Deggendorf, 1. Vorsitzender des Ärztlichen Bezirksverbandes Niederbayern (KdÖR), Vorstandsmitglied der Bayer. Landesärztekammer, Bernried
• Dr. Karl Müller-Bruckschwaiger, Arzt und Zahnarzt, Zwettl, Österreich
• Eva Müller-Grathoff, Diplom Psychologin, Rennerod
• Dr. Jonas Müller-Hübenthal, Facharzt für diagnostische Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin, Köln
• Diplom-Psychologin Andrea Müller-Mann, Olgahospital Stuttgart, Sozialpädiatrisches Zentrum
• Prof. Dr. Jochen Musch, Universität Düsseldorf
• Simone Muth, Diplom-Sozialarbeiterin, Dernau
• Andreas Henning Nauenburg, Ltd. Oberarzt, Abt. f. Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin, Sana Hanseklinikum Wismar GmbH
• Dipl.-Phys. Dr. rer. nat. Arno Neidig
• Friedrich Neitscher
• Christian Nelles, Internist und Kardiologe, Karlsruhe
• Dr. med. Lars Nelleßen, Facharzt für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin -Sportmedizin-, Kassel
• Dr. med. Heide Nespital, Allgemeinmedizin/Sozialmedizin, Leitende Medizinaldirektorin aD
• Dr. Eva Neumann, Diplom-Psychologin, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Medizinische Fakultät, Abteilung für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie
• Prof. Dr. Ing. Dietrich Neumann, Architekturhistoriker, Brown University, Providence, RI USA
• Dr. med. Gregor Nietgen, Augenarzt, Ulm
• Dr. med. Thomas Noll, Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin, Enger
• Dr. Stephan Heinrich Nolte, Kinder- und Jugendarzt,Neonatologie-Psychotherapie-Homöopathie-Palliativmedizin, Lehrbeauftragter der Philipps-Universität Marburg, Bezirksobmann Marburg des Berufsverbandes der Kinder- und Jugendärzte
• Dr. med. Ulrich Onken, Burgebrach
• Kirsten Offermanns, Rechtsanwältin, Wiesbaden
• M.Sc. Dipl.-Ing. Christian Olt, Frankfurt
• Dr. Gerlinde Opel, niedergelassene Fachärztin für Dermatologie, München
• Wolfram Ortlieb, Facharzt für Orthopädie, Trier
• Walter Otte, Rechtsanwalt, Berlin
• Rechtsanwalt Dr. Oliver Panetta, Hannover
• Eerke Pannenborg, LL.M., Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Strafrecht, Wirtschaftsstrafrecht und Strafprozessrecht der Universität Osnabrück
• Prof. Dr. med. Mechthild Papousek, im Ruhestand, ehemals Leiterin der Forschungs- und Beratungsstelle „Frühentwicklung und Kommunikation“ am Institut für Soziale Pädiatrie, LMU München
• Dr. Willibald Pateter, Steiermärkische Krankenanstaltenges.mbH, LKH - Univ. Klinikum Graz Bereich Recht und Beschwerden, Graz
• Sandra Pauen Dipl. Sozialpädagogin, systemische Familienberatung Neuss
• Prof. Dr. Ulrike Petermann, Lehrstuhl Klinische Kinderpsychologie, Zentrum für Klinische Psychologie und Rehabilitation, Bremen
• ref. iur. Johannes Peters, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Strafrecht, Strafprozeßrecht und Geschichte des Strafrechts von Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. hc Günter Jerouschek der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
• Dr. med. Jörg Peters, Bundeswehrzentralkrankenhaus Koblenz
• Dr. med. Susanna Peters, Internistin, Hamburg
• Dirk Petsch, Dipl.-Politologe, Tönning
• Dr.Erich Pillwein, Präsident der Bundeszahnärztekammer aD
• Dipl. Phil. Helena Piprek, Kooperationspartnerin der Europäischen Kommission, Projektpartnerin für das Europäische Parlament, HUB Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin , Beeidigte Urkundenübersetzerin für die polnische Sprache, Hamburg
• Dr. med. Christine Pirschel, Augenärztin, Salzwedel
• Dr. med. Dirk Pirschel, HNO-Arzt , Salzwedel
• Prof. Dr. med. Martin Pfohl, Chefarzt der Klinik für Allgemeine Innere Medizin, Diabetologie und Endokrinologie, Mitglied der Ethikkommission der Ärztekammer Nordrhein, Evangelisches Krankenhaus BETHESDA zu Duisburg GmbH, Akad. Lehrkrankenhaus der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
• Tom Philipp, Mitglied des Vorstandes B'90/GRÜNE Kreisverband Minden-Lübbecke
• Diplom-Psychologe Winfried Pohl, Tübingen
• Dr. Rigbert Polaczek, FA für Neurologie und Psychiatrie iR, Innsbruck
• Rechtsanwältin Martina Poll
• Sabine Ponader, Dr. rer. nat., Universitätsklinikum Köln
• Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Gabriele Pöndl, Klinische Kunsttherapeutin, HP-Psychotherapie, Wissenschaftsjournalistin (DJV), Uttenweiler
• Udo Porsch, PD Dr. phil. et med. habil. Dipl.-Psych., Mainz
• Dipl.-Psych. Regine Posé, psychologische Psychotherapeutin, Köln
• Ingrid Prassel, Fachärztin für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Psychoanalytikerin, Köln
• Dr. Peter J. Preusse, Zahnarzt, Marburg
• Dr. med. Bernhard Puppe, Güntersleben
• Prof. Dr. Holm Putzke, Universität Passau
• Prof. Dr. med. Hartmut Radebold, Psychoanalytiker, Kassel
• Dipl.-Psych. Manfred Radau, Psychotherapeutische Praxis, Münster
• Rechtsanwalt Markus Rainer, Gröbenzell
• PD Dr. Rainer Rahn, Frankfurt/Main
• Dipl. Soz-Päd. Christina Ralfs, Essen
• Jan Raming LL.M. (Auckland), Rechtsreferendar Berlin.
• Andreas Rammelmeyer, Richter i. R., Darmstadt
• Prof. Dietrich Ratzke, Wehrheim
• Wolfram Rechbauer, Diplom-Psychologe, Psychotherapeut und Kinder- und Jugendlichen-Psychotherapeut, Kaiserslautern
• Eugen Rehm, Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin i. R., Königseggwald
• Ass. Iur. Sascha Rehberg, Berlin
• Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Johannes Reichwein, Biebertal
• Dr. med. Jung Reiermann, Fachärztin für Innere Medizin und Nuklearmedizin, Mainz-Kastel
• Dr. med. vet. Eckart Reif, Böbingen
• Christian Rein, Facharzt für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Haßfurt
• Dr. med. Andreas Reuland, Schriesheim
• Dr. med. Brigitte Reuther, FÄ Allgemeinmedizin, Bad Waldsee
• Dr. med. Ralph-M. Reuther, Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin, Bad Waldsee
• Dr. Sabine Reyer, Hamburg
• Jörg Richert, Geschäftsführung KARUNA Zukunft für Kinder und Jugendliche in Not eV
• Dr. Ina Richter, Rechtsanwältin, Dresden
• Dr. rer. nat. Falk Richter, Dipl.-Psych., Dresden
• Silke Richter, Diplom-Psychologin, Kinder- und Jugendpsychotherapeutin, Sozialpädiatrisches Zentrum SPZ, Klinikum Esslingen GmbH
• Dr. med. Christoph Richtmann, FA f. Anästhesie/Notfallmedizin, Ulm
• Maria Riehemann, Dipl. Theologin, Dipl. Religionspädagogin, Meppen
• Dr. Henrike Rieken
• Jürgen Riemer MA, Diplom-Sozialpädagoge, Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf
• Dr. Michael Riess, Facharzt für Innere Medizin, Pneumologie, Kassel
• Dr. med. Ripkens, Augenarzt, Ravensburg
• Lutz Rohde, FA f. Chirurgie/Unfallchirurgie, Halle
• Prof. Dr. jur. Fredrik Roggan, Berlin
• Phillip Rogge, Stv. Sprecher des Arbeitskreises kinderchirurgischer Assistenten (AkA) in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinderchirurgie (DGKCH)
• Dr. rer. nat. Arne Röhrs, Hilgermissen
• Dipl. psych. Walter Rokita, psychologischer Psychotherapeut
• DP Grit Ronneburg, Psychologische Psychotherapeutin, Jena
• Dr. med. Stephan Rose, Privat- und Gutachtenpraxis, Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Suchtmedizinische Grundversorgung, Facharzt für Anästhesiologie, Notfallmedizin, Segnitz
• Dr. Rainer Rosenzweig, Nürnberg
• Prof. Dr. iur. Dieter Rössner, Universitätsprofessor i. R., Institut für Kriminalwissenschaften der Philipps-Universität Marburg
• Dr. Hans-Jörg Rotberg, Rechtsanwalt, Bundesrepublik Deutschland
• Dr. jur. Gerald Roth, Karlsruhe
• Dr. Med. H.-M. Rothe, Facharzt für Innere Medizin, Facharzt für Psychosomatische Medizin, Görlitz
• Dr. med. Elisabeth Rowe, Berlin
• Dr. Michel Royeck, Neurowissenschaftler, Uniklinik Bonn
• Dr. med. Johannes Rudnick, Gießen
• Dipl.-Psych. Sebastian Rühl, Linsengericht
• Dr. iur. Joachim Rumpf - Rechtsanwalt -, München
• Britta Ruppert, Ärztin für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und –psychotherapie, Essen
• Dr. med. Frank Rußbild, Facharzt für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin – Neuropädiatrie, Münster
• Dr. med. Heino Rutner, Chirurg, Chefarzt iR, Schlüchtern
• Gerd-Reiner Sambale, Rechtsanwalt, Bremen
• Dr. med. Robert Sarhatlic-Voegtle, Freiburg
• Viktor Sarrazin
• Christoph Sauer, Pfarrer Stein SG, Schweiz
• Rechtsanwalt Wolfram Schaalo, Singen
• Cand. jur. Henrik Schacht, Europäischer Gerichtshof, Luxemburg
• Dierk Schäfer, Diplom-Psychologe, Diplom-Theologe, Pfarrer iR, Kinderrechtepreis-Träger, Bad Boll
• Dr. med. Mattias Schäfer, Facharzt für Kinderchirurgie, Abteilung für Kinderchirurgie und –urologie, Cnopf'sche Kinderklinik, Nürnberg
• Helmut Schallock, Notar, Nürnberg, stellvertretender Landesvorsitzender der Liberalen Senioren Bayern
• Dr. Octavian Schatz
• Dr. med. Thomas G. Schätzler, Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin, Dortmund
• Prof. Dr. Henning Schauenburg, Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, Klinik für Allgemeine Innere Medizin und Psychosomatik
• Dr. Dr. Bernd Scheibe, Neusäß
• Privatdozent Dr. iur. Jörg Scheinfeld, Mainz
• Rechtsanwalt Georg Schepper, Bielefeld
• Prof. Dr. med. Wolfram Scheurlen, Leitender Chefarzt der Cnopf´schen Kinderklinik, Nürnberg
• Dr. phil. Bernd Schick, Diplom-Psychologe, Psychologischer Psychotherapeut, Klinischer Hypnotherapeut (DGH), Gelnhausen
• Dirk Schieck (Dipl. Soz.-Arb.), Analytischer Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeut, Trauma-Psychotherapeut (EMDR)
• Markus Schindler, Diplom-Psychologe, Wesseling
• Dipl.-Soz. Robert Schlack, Robert Koch-Institut, Berlin; Abteilung für Epidemiologie und Gesundheitsberichterstattung
• Dr. Matthias Schlick, Arzt für Innere Medizin – Kardiologie, Karlsruhe
• Dr. med. Christa Schlierf, FA für Innere Medizin, Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik, • Psychoanalytikerin DPV/IPV, Frankfurt a.Main
• Dr. med. Michael Schmelz, Oberarzt, Universitätsspital Basel, Klinik für Traumatologie, Behandlungszentrum Bewegungsapparat
• Dipl.-Psych. Regine Schmelzer, Klinisches Institut für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf
• Dr. med. Armin M. Schmidt, Mülheim/Ruhr
• Prof. Dr. Peter Schmidt aD
• Prof. Dr. Dr. Jens Schmidt aD
• Klaus Schmidt, Pfarrer i. R./ Historiker, Köln
• Dr. phil Eckhard Schmidt MA
• Dr. med. Rolf Schmidt, Hamburg
• Karl Rudolf Schmidt, Seefeld
• Dr. Christoph Schmid-Tannwald, Assistent des Instituts für klinische Radiologie an der LMU München
• Dr. phil. Michael Schmidt-Salomon, Philosoph, Vorstandssprecher der Giordano-Bruno-Stiftung
• Dr. med. Klaus Schmid-Ullrich, FA für Orthopädie, Freiburg
• Heinz Helfried Schmiedhofer, Dipl. Päd., Judenburg, Österreich
• Dr. Norbert M. Schmitz, Verlagslektor, Duisburg
• Hans Schmitz, Psychoanalytiker (DPG/DGPT), Brühl
• Reinhold Schneider, Diplom-Psychologe, Düsseldorf
• Detlev Schneider, Kulturwissenschaftler, Berlin
• Dr. Ansgar Schneider, Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, Bonn
• Dipl.-Psych. Elisabeth Schneider-Reinsch, Psychologische Psychotherapeutin (Verhaltenstherapie), Wiesbaden
• Prof. Dr. med. habil. Thomas Scholbach, Chefarzt, Klinik für Kinder und Jugendmedizin Chemnitz
• Dr. med. Karl-Heinz Schöter, Facharzt für klinische Pharmakologie, Erbes-Büdesheim
• Dipl. Volksw. Silvia Schöter, Erbes-Büdesheim
• Dr. med. Uta Schramm, Berlin
• Dr. Dr. med. Jan-Uwe Schreiber, Facharzt für Anästhesiologie, spezielle Intensivmedizin, Notfallmedizin, Aachen
• Dr. med. Matthias Schreiber, Kinderchirurg, Schwerpunkt Kinderurologie, Erlangen – Esslingen
• Marion Schrezenmaier, Rechtsanwältin, Hürth
• Dr. Alfred Schröcker, Wunstorf
• Dr. Rolf Schröder, Hamburg
• Holger Schröder, Jurist, München
• Priv.-Doz. Dr. Eberhard Schröder, Universität Potsdam, Department Psychologie
• Till Schuller, Dipl. Sozialarbeiter/ Sozialpädagoge, European Master in Childhood Studies and Children's Rights an der Freien Universität zu Berlin
• Dr. iur. Bernd Schulte, wiss. Referent, München
• Prof. Dr. med. Ulrich Schultz-Venrath, Klinik für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik EVK Bergisch Gladbach, Kooperationsklinik der Universität Witten/Herdecke
• Dr. Herbert Schultz-Gora, Facharzt Psychosomatische Medizin,Psychotherapie – Psychoanalyse, Hofheim a. Ts
• Dr. Christian Schulz MSc, Stellv. Leiter des Zentrums Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Palliativmedizin (IZP, Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf
• Julia Schulz, MA, Universität Leipzig
• Thomas Schulz-Spirohn, Staatsanwalt, Berlin
• Dr. med. Richard Schütte, Remagen
• Rechtsanwalt Andreas Schwartmann, Köln
• Ass.-Prof. Dr. Peter Schwarzenegger, Universität Graz
• Eva Schweitzer-Köhn, Psychologische Psychotherapeutin, Bundesvorsitzende im Verband Psychologischer Psychotherapeutinnen und Psychotherapeuten im BDP eV, Berlin
• Wolfgang Schwenn, Dipl.-Psych., Psychologischer Psychotherapeut, Berlin
• Susanne Schwirske, Krankenschwester und Ergotherapeutin
• Manfred Michael Schwirske, Sozialwissenschafter
• Dipl. Psych. Ute Schwittek, Psychologische Psychotherapeutin, Bochum
• Dr. Rolf Seel
• Prof. Dr. Hans Reinhard Seeliger, Lehrstuhl für Alte Kirchengeschichte, Patrologie und Christliche Archäologie, Kath.-Theologische Fakultät, Eberhard Karls-Universität Tübingen
• Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Seitz, Universitätsklinik Düsseldorf
• Olaf Sens, Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin
• Dipl.-Psych. Constantin Sieg, Psychologischer Psychotherapeut, Bad Hersfeld
• Wolfgang Sigel, HNO-Arzt, Wedel
• Guy Sinden,
• Dr. phil. Sabine Skutta, Diplompsychologin, Berlin
• Dr. Robert Söll, Chefarzt Anästhesie, Krankenhaus Tirschenreuth
• Rose Walsh Spaniol, USA
• Dr. Joseph Specht, Nussloch
• PD Dr. med. Tilmann Spieker, Pathologe, Universität Münster
• Dr. med. Ina H. Sprenger, Fachärztin für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Schwelm
• Anne Springer, Ärztin, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
• Kristian-Peter Stange, Diplomaten International
• Staudacher
• Dr. med. Hans-Jürgen Staudt, Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin, Kleinostheim
• Prof. Dr. Maximilian Stehr, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
• Dr. med. Jochen Steinbrenner, MAS FHO, Vorsitzender Spitalleitung Spital Grabs, Ärztlicher Leiter Notfall & Ambulatorium Spital Grabs, Ärztlicher Leiter Rettungsdienst SR RWS
• Blanka Steinbrenner, Fachärztin für Pädiatrie & Neonatologie
• Dipl. Psych. Christoph J. Stengel, Psychotherapeutische Praxis, München
• Maria Steuer, Kinderärztin, Familientherapeutin, Familiennetzwerk
• Dr. Dr. Werner Stibbe, Hannover
• Gerhrad Stickel, Dipl. Informatiker (FH), Filderstadt
• Dieter Stieglitz, Diplom Psychologe/freie Praxis
• Petra Prof'in. Dr. phil. Dr. med. Stoerig, Institut für Experimentelle Psychologie, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
• Dr. Jutta Stoll, LL.M., Rechtsanwältin, Frankfurt am Main
• Jürgen Stolz, Diplom-Psychologe und Psychotherapeut, Stuttgart
• Grit Stottok, Richterin am Landgericht Ansbach
• Dr. Martin Stransky, Psychologischer Psychotherapeut, Aachen
• Klaus Michael Strauß DEAA, Arzt für Anästhesiologie, Baden-Baden
• Dipl. Psych. Charlotte Streibl-Henning, Mannheim
• Rechtsanwalt Patrick Strösser, Hilden
• Assessor Dr. med. Martin Stübner, Arzt für Öffentliches Gesundheitswesen, Ltd. Ministerialrat a. D., München
• Dr. med. Bettina Stübner, Ärztin für Allgemeinmedizin, Gräfelfing
• Dipl.-Ing. Franz Stuhrmann
• PD Dr. med. Philipp Szavay, Leitender Oberarzt/Stellv. Physicians. Direktor, Facharzt für Kinderchirurgie, Rettungsmedizin, Intensivmedizin, Abteilung und Lehrstuhl für Kinderchirurgie, Universitätsklinikum Tübingen
• Dr. H. Peter Szutrely, FA für Urologie und Andrologie in Ruhestand, Solingen
• Dr. med. Carsten Tschechne, Internist, Weingarten
• Prof. Dr. Peter Their, Department of Cognitive Neurology, Hertie Institute of Clinical Brain Research, Tübingen
• Monika Theisen, Diplom-Psychologin, Essen
• Dipl.-biol. Martin Theiß (Doktorand Entwicklungsneurobiologie Heidelberg)
• Rechtsanwalt Rainer Thesen, Nürnberg
• Dr. med. Hans-Hartwig Thienemann, Freilassing
• Jochen Timmermann, FA für Psychosomatische Medizin, Sprecher der Sektion Psychosomatik der DGPM, Cuxhaven
• Wilhelm Tophinke, Arzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Forensische Psychiatrie, (Ärztekammer HH/ DGPPN), Hamburg
• Dagmar Trees, Köln
• Prof. Dr. Vera E. Troeger, Professor of Quantitative Political Science, Department of Economics and PAIS, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom
• Rechtsanwalt Dr. André Turiaux, München
• Prof. Dr. Stefan Uhlig, Dekan der Medizinischen Fakultät der RWTH Aachen
• Dr.rer.nat Bernhard Ulrich, Bockenheim
• Dr. med. Stefan Umnus, Facharzt für Neurologie und Psychiatrie
• Dr. med. Andreas E. Urban, FECTS (Kinderchirurg, Kinderherzchirurg), ehem. Direktor des Deutschen Kinder-Herzzentrums Sankt August
• Dr. med. (Univ. Rijeka) Jana Urban-Ukic, Klinisches Institut für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Düsseldorf
• Christian Utermöhlen, Arzt, Kiel
• Dr. med. Michael Veittinger, Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin, Berlin
• Dr. Friedrich Vogel, Wachenheim
• Karin Vogelpohl, Dipl.-Pädagogin, Hintergrund-Verlag Osnabrück
• Dr. rer. nat. Jens-Uwe Voss, Mitglied der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie (DGPT), Müllheim/Baden
• Dr. Bernd Vowinkel
• Prof. Dr. rer. soc. hab. Gerhard Wagner, Fachbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaften, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main
• Dr. phil. Florian Wagner, Hamburg
• Doris M. Wagner, DESA, FÄ für Anästhesiologie, Kempten im Allgäu
• Barbara Wagner und Dr. med. Horst Wagner, Kinderarzt im Ruhestand, Bremen
• Dr. med. Jürgen Wagner, Arzt für Innere Medizin/ Kardiovaskulärer Präventivmediziner DGPR
• Dr. med. dent. Peter F. Walker, Giessen
• Dr. phil. Thomas Wanninger, Oldenburg
• Kurt Weber, Frauenarzt, München
• Oliver Z. Weber, Medien- und Kulturwissenschaftler, Köln
• Prof. Dr. jur. Erhard Weichhaus, Düsseldorf
• Dr. med. Stefan Weis, FA Neurologie und Psychiatrie, Neckarsulm
• Ulrich Weiskopf, Richter am Amtsgericht Butzbach ( Hessen)
• Dr. jur. Manfred Weitz, LL.M., Düsseldorf
• Rechtsanwalt J. Weitzmann, Hamburg
• Dipl. Psych. Elke Weyel, Psych. Psychotherapeutin, Neu-Isenburg
• Prof. Dr. Lars D. Wellejus, Business Administration, Decision Systems, FH Frankfurt - University of Applied Sciences
• Christian Wenig, Arzt am Bezirksklinikum Regensburg, Klinische Suchtmedizin
• Burkhard Wepner, professor of music theory and ear training (composer and conductor) at the Academy of Music and Dance Cologne (Köln HfMT), board member of the Giordano Bruno Foundation, regional group in Cologne
• Prof. Dr. Claus Werning, Frechen
• Dr. Klaus Wessel, chemists, Bad Vilbel
• Manon Weßler, psychologist, Berlin
• Dr. Dipl.-Psych. Franz Wienand, practice for child and adolescent psychiatry, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, social psychiatry
• Dipl-Psych., Psychol psychotherapist Marlies Wildenberg, Kandel
• Dr. rer. nat. O.-H. Wilhelms
• Horst-G. Will Weber, Assessor jur., Cologne
• Dr. Christopher Wineken, internal medicine and cardiology, Zurich
• Dr. Reinhold Winkler, neurosurgeon, Munich
• Dr. phil. Ingeborg Wirries, graduate teacher, retired teacher and lecturer (1992-2010) / Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institute of Education
• Prof. Dr. Matthias Wjst, Technical University of Munich and Helmholtz Center Munich
• Dr. Bernd Woitsch, Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital Sches, Munich
• Dr. phil. Andrea Wolf, historian, Vienna
• Dr. Ludger Wollring, ophthalmologist, Essen-Altenessen
• Tobias J. Wolters MA, doctor, emergency medicine, health promotion and prevention, occupational health center Rheine
• Dr. M. Wolters, Seelze
• Gabriele Wörn, Psychologist, Department of Child and youth, Klinikum GmbH Esslingen
• Dr. Tanja Wörner, gynecologist and Zytologin, Wetzikon, Switzerland
• Dipl.-Biol. Jann Wübbenhorst, Bleckede
• Dr. Marc-Andre Wulf, MA (phil.), a specialist in psychosomatic medicine
and Psychotherapy, LVR-Hospital Düsseldorf, Department of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf
• Dr. Moritz worm, Center for Mind / Brain Sciences, University of Trento
• Adrian Wrzesinski (Diplom-Jurist)
• Mag Christine Wytrzens, practice for dyslexia, dyslexia
Dyscalculia, dyscalculia, Vienna
• Dipl.-Psych. Stefan Zeidler, M.Sc. / Univ. of Oregon, psychotherapist behavioral therapy, Villingen
• Prof. Dr. jur. Dr. hc Gisela Zenz. Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
• Dr. iur. Uwe Zenske, lawyer, Falkenfels
• Bernhard Zerjeski, Zuerich, Switzerland
• Lawyer Dr. Fabian Ziegenaus, LL.M., Munich
• Silvio Ziegler, Dipl.-Psych., Psychotherapist, behavioral therapist, Berlin
• Dr. Michael von Zielonka, Munich
• PD Dr. Ulrich Zimmermann, Specialist in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Dresden
• PhD, Bodo Zimmermann, Waibstadt
• Neithart Zimmermann, children and young doctor, Mönchengladbach
• Dr. Alexandra Zinck, Philosophy, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
• Dipl. Psych PP gates Zuber, Furth
Diritti dei Bambini,
La Salute,
Pediatria e Bambini
sabato 18 agosto 2012
Scoraggiare la circoncisione maschile
Discourage circumcising
Katholieknieuwsblad (Amsterdam)
16 augustus 2012
Recently appeared in KN an article by Rabbi Lody van de Kamp , which it breaks the staff about the fact that doctors federation KNMG to discourage boys circumcision advocates. Yet the reasons for such a clear discouragement.
La circoncisione viola l’etica medica, è in contrasto con il principio fondamentale di Ippocrate a cui tutti i medici prestano solenne giuramento 'in primo luogo non nuocere' e la regola per cui quando i bambini non sono in grado di decidere per se, possono essere sottoposti a un trattamento solo se per motivi medici. Questa è la premessa del Knmg, l'organizzazione medica dei Paesi Bassi.
The International Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) says that the government is required to ensure that harmful traditional practices be eliminated. Science is no doubt that circumcision is harmful. When circumcision is 25-50 percent of the healthy tissue of the penis removed. In an adult man, the foreskin about the size of a postcard. Immediately after the operation occurs in two to five percent of the boys an infection or bleeding, which may require hospitalization.
Many boys (up to twenty percent) receive later a stricture urethra, causing problems with urination and bladder can cause. Still later get circumcised men and their partners much more sexual problems than non-circumcised men because a circumcised penis is less sensitive. Also, many men complain about the fact that they are circumcised without their consent. Any medical benefits - including a possible reduced risk of HIV transmission - are relevant at a later age and can not justify circumcision in infancy.
Religious freedom or physical integrity?
The debate about boys circumcision is often seen as a contradiction between the right to physical integrity of the child and the right to religious freedom of parents. What emerges is often forgotten that the ICRC is also the child's right to freedom of religion guarantees. This freedom implies that it is permissible for a child to educate religious, but that the child should keep the freedom to later choose a different opinion. This means that the child should remain protected from irreversible physical religious characters. |
A German court recently ruled that the right to religious freedom of parents is bounded by the right to physical integrity of the child. This legal ruling fits into a debate about circumcision boys in almost the entire Western world is conducted, even within religious groups. In Israel, a growing group of parents who refrain from the circumcision.
Il CICR dice anche che non può esistere una discriminazione tra i ragazzi e le ragazze.. E 'anche degno di nota ricordare che nei Paesi Bassi, tutte le forme di circoncisione femminile sono vietate - anche in forma simbolica, dove non viene rimosso nessun tessuto - e che invece la circoncisione dei ragazzi è tollerata. I ragazzi ebrei e musulmani non hanno ugualmente diritto di essere protetti dalla legge contro la circoncisione come le ragazze?
La pressione sociale
Molti genitori che ancora praticano la circoncisione sui figli lo fanno a causa della pressione sociale esercita dai parenti, non per una loro libera scelta o guidati da sentimenti religiosi. In America, un gruppo sempre più crescente di genitori ebrei, insieme con i leader religiosi, etici e educatori, hanno dato vita al Brit Shalom, rito alternativo alla circoncisione, in cui il bambino può essere incluso nella comunità religiosa ebraica, senza che l'integrità del corpo del bambino ne venga violata.
Crescente resistenza
La crescente resistenza contro la circoncisione maschile nel mondo non proviene solo dalla società medica e profana, da organizzazione per i diritti dei bambini o contro le mutilazioni genitali, ma anche dalla comunità religiosa stessa. Il dibattito non ha niente a che fare con l'antisemitismo o l‘essere contro la religione, come talvolta si ipotizza solo perché non si hanno altri argomenti validi su cui puntare per difenderla. Si tratta di una manifestazione di una crescente consapevolezza che i bambini hanno gli stessi diritti fondamentali degli adulti. Se non è ammissibile per un uomo farsi circoncidere contro la sua volontà, perché non può essere lo stesso per un bambino?
Scelta personale
La circoncisione è una scelta personale che spesso le persone fanno per diversi motivi, perlopiù religiosi. Fortunatamente viviamo in un paese dove le persone sono libere di fare questa scelta. Ma si deve lasciare che sia una scelta che prende la persona stessa. Perché alla fine c'è solo una persona che dovrebbe decidere se rimuovere o meno il suo prepuzio, una parte sana e funzionale del corpo, che protegge il glande da virus, batteri e infezioni, e questo è il ragazzo stesso quando sarà più grandicello. Non gli adulti, ne i religiosi.
Gert van Dijk studioso di etica presso il Knmg.
Katholieknieuwsblad (Amsterdam)
16 augustus 2012
Recently appeared in KN an article by Rabbi Lody van de Kamp , which it breaks the staff about the fact that doctors federation KNMG to discourage boys circumcision advocates. Yet the reasons for such a clear discouragement.
La circoncisione viola l’etica medica, è in contrasto con il principio fondamentale di Ippocrate a cui tutti i medici prestano solenne giuramento 'in primo luogo non nuocere' e la regola per cui quando i bambini non sono in grado di decidere per se, possono essere sottoposti a un trattamento solo se per motivi medici. Questa è la premessa del Knmg, l'organizzazione medica dei Paesi Bassi.
The International Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) says that the government is required to ensure that harmful traditional practices be eliminated. Science is no doubt that circumcision is harmful. When circumcision is 25-50 percent of the healthy tissue of the penis removed. In an adult man, the foreskin about the size of a postcard. Immediately after the operation occurs in two to five percent of the boys an infection or bleeding, which may require hospitalization.
Many boys (up to twenty percent) receive later a stricture urethra, causing problems with urination and bladder can cause. Still later get circumcised men and their partners much more sexual problems than non-circumcised men because a circumcised penis is less sensitive. Also, many men complain about the fact that they are circumcised without their consent. Any medical benefits - including a possible reduced risk of HIV transmission - are relevant at a later age and can not justify circumcision in infancy.
Religious freedom or physical integrity?
The debate about boys circumcision is often seen as a contradiction between the right to physical integrity of the child and the right to religious freedom of parents. What emerges is often forgotten that the ICRC is also the child's right to freedom of religion guarantees. This freedom implies that it is permissible for a child to educate religious, but that the child should keep the freedom to later choose a different opinion. This means that the child should remain protected from irreversible physical religious characters. |
A German court recently ruled that the right to religious freedom of parents is bounded by the right to physical integrity of the child. This legal ruling fits into a debate about circumcision boys in almost the entire Western world is conducted, even within religious groups. In Israel, a growing group of parents who refrain from the circumcision.
Il CICR dice anche che non può esistere una discriminazione tra i ragazzi e le ragazze.. E 'anche degno di nota ricordare che nei Paesi Bassi, tutte le forme di circoncisione femminile sono vietate - anche in forma simbolica, dove non viene rimosso nessun tessuto - e che invece la circoncisione dei ragazzi è tollerata. I ragazzi ebrei e musulmani non hanno ugualmente diritto di essere protetti dalla legge contro la circoncisione come le ragazze?
La pressione sociale
Molti genitori che ancora praticano la circoncisione sui figli lo fanno a causa della pressione sociale esercita dai parenti, non per una loro libera scelta o guidati da sentimenti religiosi. In America, un gruppo sempre più crescente di genitori ebrei, insieme con i leader religiosi, etici e educatori, hanno dato vita al Brit Shalom, rito alternativo alla circoncisione, in cui il bambino può essere incluso nella comunità religiosa ebraica, senza che l'integrità del corpo del bambino ne venga violata.
Crescente resistenza
La crescente resistenza contro la circoncisione maschile nel mondo non proviene solo dalla società medica e profana, da organizzazione per i diritti dei bambini o contro le mutilazioni genitali, ma anche dalla comunità religiosa stessa. Il dibattito non ha niente a che fare con l'antisemitismo o l‘essere contro la religione, come talvolta si ipotizza solo perché non si hanno altri argomenti validi su cui puntare per difenderla. Si tratta di una manifestazione di una crescente consapevolezza che i bambini hanno gli stessi diritti fondamentali degli adulti. Se non è ammissibile per un uomo farsi circoncidere contro la sua volontà, perché non può essere lo stesso per un bambino?
Scelta personale
La circoncisione è una scelta personale che spesso le persone fanno per diversi motivi, perlopiù religiosi. Fortunatamente viviamo in un paese dove le persone sono libere di fare questa scelta. Ma si deve lasciare che sia una scelta che prende la persona stessa. Perché alla fine c'è solo una persona che dovrebbe decidere se rimuovere o meno il suo prepuzio, una parte sana e funzionale del corpo, che protegge il glande da virus, batteri e infezioni, e questo è il ragazzo stesso quando sarà più grandicello. Non gli adulti, ne i religiosi.
Gert van Dijk studioso di etica presso il Knmg.
Jewish on Circumcision,
Vietare la Circoncisione?
Paesi Bassi
mercoledì 15 agosto 2012
Circoncisione studi
Nessun rischio di infezioni al tratto urinario per bambini non circoncisi
Alexander Sasha
Bethany J. Foster,
Roman Jednak,
Elise Mok,
and David
Visibility of the urethral meatus
and risk of urinary tract infections in uncircumcised boys CMAJ cmaj.111372;
published ahead of print July 9, 2012, doi:10.1503/cmaj.111372
Visibility of the urethral
meatus and risk of urinary tract infections in uncircumcised
This study does not provide evidence that intact
children have an increased risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs). To
demonstrate an increased risk of UTIs, larger demographic data would be
required. The intact-to-circumcised ratio of all children living within the
hospital's catchment area would need to be determined and correlated with the
results of the positive urine cultures. In addition, all UTIs diagnosed outside
the emergency department would also need to be included, as well as the
circumcision status of each of those children.
Canadian Medical
Uncircumcised boys are at higher risk for urinary tract infections than
circumcised boys. Whether this risk varies with the visibility of the urethral
meatus is not known. Our aim was to determine whether there is a hierarchy of
risk among uncircumcised boys whose urethral meatuses are visible to differing
Methods: We conducted a
prospective cross-sectional study in one pediatric emergency department. We
screened 440 circumcised and uncircumcised boys. Of these, 393 boys who were not
toilet trained and for whom the treating physician had requested a catheter
urine culture were included in our analysis. At the time of catheter insertion,
a nurse characterized the visibility of the urethral meatus (phimosis) using a
3-point scale (completely visible, partially visible or nonvisible). Our primary
outcome was urinary tract infection, and our primary exposure variable was the
degree of phimosis: completely visible versus partially or nonvisible urethral
Results: Cultures grew
from urine samples from 30.0% of uncircumcised boys with a completely visible
meatus, and from 23.8% of those with a partially or nonvisible meatus (p = 0.4).
The unadjusted odds ratio (OR) for culture growth was 0.73 (95% confidence
interval [CI] 0.35–1.52), and the adjusted OR was 0.41 (95% CI 0.17–0.95). Of
the boys who were circumcised, 4.8% had urinary tract infections, which was
significantly lower than the rate among uncircumcised boys with a completely
visible urethral meatus (unadjusted OR 0.12 [95% CI 0.04–0.39], adjusted OR 0.07
[95% CI 0.02–0.26]).
Conclusion: We did not
see variation in the risk of urinary tract infection with the visibility of the
urethral meatus among uncircumcised boys.
This study received funding from the Montreal
Children’s Hospital
Research Institute Clinical Projects Funding Competition for fellowship
projects. The study sponsors had no role in the design of the study, the
collection, analysis or interpretation of data, the writing of the report or the
decision to submit the article for publication.
From the Divisions of Pediatric Emergency
(Dubrovsky, McGillivray), Pediatric Nephrology
(Foster), Pediatric Urology
(Jednak), the Department of Epidemiology,
Biostatistics and Occupational
Health (Foster)
and Montreal Children’s Hospital Clinical Research
(Mok), Montréal Children’s Hospital, McGill University
Centre, Montréal, Que.
There are often complex
psychological motivations among some physicians and researchers who compulsively
search for "a priori" medical justifications in order to perpetuate infant
circumcision. Even if circumcision provided 100% protection against UTIs, this
practice could never be justified based on the ethical principle of
proportionality - there are effective and less destructive therapies available
for preventing and treating urinary tract infections which do not involve the
prophylactic removal of healthy genital tissue.
Yes, little boys will
sometimes develop UTIs. As with little girls, they should be treated
appropriately with antibiotics, not with prophylactic surgery. Are we to believe
that non-circumcising countries like Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Japan
struggle with significant public health problems related to infant UTIs? If so,
why aren't physicians from these nations promoting circumcision as an effective
and ethical prevention strategy? Perhaps, they do not share the same irrational
fear and loathing of the prepuce as some North American physicians? Circumcision
prevents urinary tract infections the same way garlic prevents
Circumcision was only medicalized during the Victorian era as a
misguided attempt to curb masturbation. It was widely promoted by physicians as
a means of decreasing sexual pleasure and disrupting the normal gliding
mechanism of the penis. We now understand that the prepuce is richly innervated,
erogenous tissue which enhances sexual pleasure. In addition, the prepuce
provides a unique linear gliding mechanism during sexual intercourse. As
physicians, we have no right to amputate this functional tissue from powerless
infants without medical urgency.
This study illustrates how our endless
appetite for evidence-based medicine can sometimes distract us from the ethical
and moral responsibilities of our profession. Prophylactic circumcision is
medically unethical because it violates the child's fundamental human right to
bodily integrity. Non-therapeutic circumcision is a disgrace to our profession.
Canadian physicians have a moral obligation to oppose this cruel practice and
properly educate the public about the sexual function and proper care of the
prepuce. (Published July 19,
Circoncisione non riduce rischio di clamidia o gonorrea
J Infect Dis. Aug 1 2009;
Adult male circumcision does not reduce the risk of incident Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, or Trichomonas vaginalis infection: results from a randomized, controlled trial in Kenya.
Mehta SD, Moses S, Agot K, Parker C, Ndinya-Achola JO, Maclean I, Bailey RC.
Department of Epidemiology, University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
We examined the effect of male circumcision on the acquisition of 3 nonulcerative sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
We evaluated the incidence of STI among men aged 18-24 years enrolled in a randomized trial of circumcision to prevent human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in Kisumu, Kenya. The outcome was first incident nonulcerative STI during 2 years of follow-up. STIs examined were laboratory-detected Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, and Trichomonas vaginalis infection.
There were 342 incident infections among 2655 men followed up. The incidences of infection due to N. gonorrhoeae, C. trachomatis, and T. vaginalis were 3.48, 4.55, and 1.32 cases per 100 person-years, respectively. The combined incidence of N. gonorrhoeae and C. trachomatis infection was 7.26 cases per 100 person-years (95% confidence interval, 6.49-8.13 cases per 100 person-years). The incidences of these STIs, individually or combined, did not differ by circumcision status as a time-dependent variable or a fixed variable based on assignment. Risks for incident STIs in multivariate analysis included an STI at enrollment, multiple sex partners within <30 days, and sexual intercourse during menses in the previous 6 months; condom use was protective.
Circumcision of men in this population did not reduce their risk of acquiring these nonulcerative STIs. Improved STI control will require more-effective STI management, including partner treatment and behavioral risk reduction counseling.
Adult male circumcision does not reduce the risk of incident Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, or Trichomonas vaginalis infection: results from a randomized, controlled trial in Kenya.
Mehta SD, Moses S, Agot K, Parker C, Ndinya-Achola JO, Maclean I, Bailey RC.
Department of Epidemiology, University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
We examined the effect of male circumcision on the acquisition of 3 nonulcerative sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
We evaluated the incidence of STI among men aged 18-24 years enrolled in a randomized trial of circumcision to prevent human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in Kisumu, Kenya. The outcome was first incident nonulcerative STI during 2 years of follow-up. STIs examined were laboratory-detected Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, and Trichomonas vaginalis infection.
There were 342 incident infections among 2655 men followed up. The incidences of infection due to N. gonorrhoeae, C. trachomatis, and T. vaginalis were 3.48, 4.55, and 1.32 cases per 100 person-years, respectively. The combined incidence of N. gonorrhoeae and C. trachomatis infection was 7.26 cases per 100 person-years (95% confidence interval, 6.49-8.13 cases per 100 person-years). The incidences of these STIs, individually or combined, did not differ by circumcision status as a time-dependent variable or a fixed variable based on assignment. Risks for incident STIs in multivariate analysis included an STI at enrollment, multiple sex partners within <30 days, and sexual intercourse during menses in the previous 6 months; condom use was protective.
Circumcision of men in this population did not reduce their risk of acquiring these nonulcerative STIs. Improved STI control will require more-effective STI management, including partner treatment and behavioral risk reduction counseling.
J Pediatr Surg. 2012
Foreskin preputioplasty and intralesional triamcinolone: a valid alternative to circumcision for balanitis xerotica obliterans.
Wilkinson DJ, Lansdale N, Everitt LH, Marven SS, Walker J, Shawis RN, Roberts JP, Mackinnon AE, Godbole PP.
Source: Paediatric Surgical Unit, Sheffield Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, UK.
We previously reported our short-term experience of foreskin preputioplasty as an alternative to circumcision for the treatment of foreskin balanitis xerotica obliterans (BXO). In this study, we aimed to compare this technique with circumcision over a longer period.
Between 2002 and 2007, boys requiring surgery for BXO were offered either foreskin preputioplasty or primary circumcision. The preputioplasty technique involved triradiate preputial incisions and injection of triamcinolone intralesionally. Retrospective case-note analysis was performed to identify patient demographics, symptoms, and outcomes.
One hundred thirty-six boys underwent primary surgery for histologically confirmed BXO. One hundred four boys opted for foreskin preputioplasty, and 32, for circumcision. At a median follow-up of 14 months (interquartile range, 2.5-17.8), 84 (81%) of 104 in the preputioplasty group had a fully retractile and no macroscopic evidence of BXO. Of 104, 14 (13%) developed recurrent symptoms/BXO requiring circumcision or repeat foreskin preputioplasty. In the circumcision group, 23 (72%) of 32 had no macroscopic evidence of BXO. The incidence of meatal stenosis was significantly less in the foreskin preputioplasty group, 6 (6%) of 104 vs 6 (19%) of 32 (P = .034).
Our results show a good outcome for most boys undergoing foreskin preputioplasty and intralesional triamcinolone for BXO. There is a small risk of recurrent BXO, but rates of meatal stenosis may be reduced.
Foreskin preputioplasty and intralesional triamcinolone: a valid alternative to circumcision for balanitis xerotica obliterans.
Wilkinson DJ, Lansdale N, Everitt LH, Marven SS, Walker J, Shawis RN, Roberts JP, Mackinnon AE, Godbole PP.
Source: Paediatric Surgical Unit, Sheffield Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, UK.
We previously reported our short-term experience of foreskin preputioplasty as an alternative to circumcision for the treatment of foreskin balanitis xerotica obliterans (BXO). In this study, we aimed to compare this technique with circumcision over a longer period.
Between 2002 and 2007, boys requiring surgery for BXO were offered either foreskin preputioplasty or primary circumcision. The preputioplasty technique involved triradiate preputial incisions and injection of triamcinolone intralesionally. Retrospective case-note analysis was performed to identify patient demographics, symptoms, and outcomes.
One hundred thirty-six boys underwent primary surgery for histologically confirmed BXO. One hundred four boys opted for foreskin preputioplasty, and 32, for circumcision. At a median follow-up of 14 months (interquartile range, 2.5-17.8), 84 (81%) of 104 in the preputioplasty group had a fully retractile and no macroscopic evidence of BXO. Of 104, 14 (13%) developed recurrent symptoms/BXO requiring circumcision or repeat foreskin preputioplasty. In the circumcision group, 23 (72%) of 32 had no macroscopic evidence of BXO. The incidence of meatal stenosis was significantly less in the foreskin preputioplasty group, 6 (6%) of 104 vs 6 (19%) of 32 (P = .034).
Our results show a good outcome for most boys undergoing foreskin preputioplasty and intralesional triamcinolone for BXO. There is a small risk of recurrent BXO, but rates of meatal stenosis may be reduced.
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