giovedì 31 maggio 2012

La circoncisione di massa come attrazione turistica in Malaysia

La circoncisione di massa come attrazione turistica in Malaysia

Il ministro malaysiano della cultura, dell'arte e del turismo ha suggerito già l'anno scorso che le cerimonie di circoncisione di massa devono essere promosse come attrazioni turistiche. -

See Malaysian Circumcisions on Your Next Vacation

Watching mass circumcisions offers tourists "something different from the norm," Malaysia's Minister of Culture, Arts and Tourism was quoted as telling the daily Star newspaper.

Mass circumcision ceremonies could become a money-making tourist attraction in Malaysia. "By charging tourists a small watch such cultural events, the organizational costs can be covered," the minister told the paper after attending a circumcision ceremony in Kuala

Da Asia.News


Un pò come accade ormai da anni in Indonesia, dove la circoncisione di massa diviene uno disgustoso spettacolo per turisti armati di macchine fotografiche e videocamere..... -_-

martedì 29 maggio 2012

Dr Smith contro la circoncisione in età pediatrica

Primario di Ostetricia / Ginecologia auspica la fine della circoncisione, intervento controverso, negli Ospedali americani.

Creighton University School of Medicine OB/GYN chairman James Smith Jr., M.D. calls on fellow OB/GYN professionals to "no longer passively accept or actively maintain" the practice of circumcision.

(NEW YORK, NY) - James F. Smith, MD, chiede alle ostetriche, alle infermiere e ai ginecologi degli ospedali americani di non eseguire più circoncisioni infantili “di routine“. Il dottor Smith sostiene che la circoncisione infantile ha numerosi rischi e complicazioni per il bambino che a volte vengono sottovalutati e non ha alcun tipo di vantaggio medico, come confermato dalle maggiori istituzioni mediche internazionali, tra cui l‘AAP.

Dr. Smith discusses the early history of circumcision in the medical profession in the United Sates, a procedure that was "promoted to reduce the risk of syphilis, various neurological conditions, and [masturbation]." While historically circumcision was performed immediately after birth by delivery attendants out of convenience, Dr. Smith argues that OB/GYN professionals should no longer perform this procedure, as "[t]he clinical, epidemiological, social, and ethical issues related to the procedure of circumcision reside squarely in the male pediatric, adolescent, and adult medical and surgical realm."

Dr. Smith outlines steps to complete this move: professional OB/GYN societies such as the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists must recognize infant circumcision as a nongynecolic procedure; education and training on infant circumcision should be dropped from OB/GYN curriculums, which are currently offered in about 90% of these programs; and OB/GYN professionals should not perform circumcision, and instead focus more on women's health issues.

Nel 2004, l'Università del Michigan Dipartimento di Ostetricia e Ginecologia aveva già vietato la circoncisione di routine, in quanto dannosa e pericolosa per il bambino. While the idea of consolidating male infant circumcision to the realm of pediatrics has been gaining traction, there are currently no studies on how this transition would affect incidence and complication rates.


Dr. Smith is chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB/GYN) at the Creighton University School of Medicine, a maternal/fetal medicine specialist with Creighton Medical Associates, and a professor of OB/GYN with Creighton University School of Medicine. Smith has practiced in Virginia, Colorado, California and New York. Smith served as chief of perinatal medicine at New York Medical College/Westchester Medical Center. A professor of clinical obstetrics and gynecology at New York Medical College/Westchester Medical Center, Smith’s previous academic activities have included serving as director of the OB/GYN residency program at Exempla St. Joseph Hospital in Denver and on the faculty of Stanford University in California as a clinical associate professor of maternal/fetal medicine.


domenica 27 maggio 2012

South African Medical Association contro la circoncisione


South African Medical Association contro la circoncisione neonatale

In una lettera di risposta a NOCIRC-SA, la South African Medical Association denuncia la circoncisione neonatale maschile come "immorale" e "illegale".

(NEW YORK, NY) — The South African Medical Association sent a letter response last week to NOCIRC-SA—the South African chapter of the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers— denouncing male infant circumcision as "unethical"and "illegal." The letter was signed by Ms. Ulundia Berhtel, head of the Human Rights, Law & Ethics unit, and Obo Chairperson of the Human Rights, Law & Ethics Committee.


Secondo la legge vigente un bambino può essere circonciso solo per "ragioni mediche" direttamente connesse a problemi con il prepuzio. La circoncisione è un intervento serio, con un alto tasso di rischi e complicazioni, traumatico per il bambino, irreversibile e si traduce in una significativa perdita di sensibilità sessuale e capacità di provare l‘orgasmo nell‘età adulta. Un prepuzio sano è importante per il normale funzionamento sessuale quando il bambino diventa un adulto e per la protezione del glande da batteri e virus. La circoncisione dei bambini è pertanto illegale in base al Children's Act e i bambini possono citare in giudizio i loro medici quando saranno adulti per la violazione del loro corpo.



giovedì 24 maggio 2012

Detenuto cita in tribunale Ospedale per circoncisione che lo ha reso impotente

SD man's lawsuit says circumcision 'robbed' him

SIOUX FALLS, SD (AP) - Da una prigione in South Dakota un detenuto ha citato in giudizio l'ospedale dove è stato circonciso da neonato, dicendo che solo recentemente si è reso conto che tale procedura lo ha “derubato” della sua potenza sessuale.

Cochrun Dean, di 28 anni, ha chiesto oltre 1.000 dollari per danni e lesioni e come forma di compensazione per quanto perduto. Nella causa chiede anche che il suo prepuzio sia ripristinato, "nella speranza di riuscire nuovamente a provare piacere sessuale come ogni altro uomo “normale“", e a confessato, inoltre, di volere tale “foreskin restoration” anche per fini estetici.


Cochrun afferma che "un medico a lui sconosciuto" presso il Sioux Valley Hospital ha ingannato sua madre portandola a credere che la procedura era medicalmente necessaria. Cochrun sostiene invece che la procedura era inutile, immorale e senza beneficio medico.

"I was recently made aware of the fact that I had been (circumcised) and that ... I was robbed of sensitivity during sexual intercourse as well as the sense of security and well-being I am entitled to in my person," he argued in the lawsuit, adding that neither he nor his partners would "have that sensitivity during sexual intercourse and have a normal sex life."

Cochrun isn't represented by a lawyer in the lawsuit, which includes a letter from Sanford officials responding to a letter requesting that his foreskin be replaced. Patient relations representative DyAnn Smith replied that Sanford would not pay for the procedure.

"There will be no further correspondence about this matter," she wrote.



martedì 22 maggio 2012

Norvegia considera divieto di circoncisione

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NORWAY: Ban considered after circumcision death

Un neonato di sole 2 settimane è morto in seguito alle complicazioni sopraggiunte dopo essere stato circonciso da un medico a Oslo.

Published: May 2012

La circoncisione è avvenuta in uno studio medico nel distretto est di Oslo, ora sia la polizia sia il medico distrettuale della contea di Oslo stanno indagando sulla questione, scrive Aftenposten.

Il bambino era stato circonciso domenica scorsa e è morto due giorni dopo. Il medico ufficiale della Contea, Peter Schou, conferma che il bambino è morto per le complicazioni dovute alla circoncisione. “Abbiamo messo due medici sotto inchiesta, ha detto Schou.” Secondo Schou ci sono numerose complicazioni e rischi nell’eseguire la circoncisone in età neonatale.

- These are very difficult cases to investigate because patients rarely complain about circumcision, but we have had serious concern from hospitals that put these children into therapy later, he told Aftenposten.

Each year an estimated 2000 boys are circumcised in Norway, many of them privately and without professional control.

Health and Care Services is now considering tighter laws to make circumcision safer, but both within government and within the coalition parties, there is disagreement about of circumcision of boys. Some want to ban it, while others would offer the procedure in the public health system. A bill has recently been circulated, and many would ban or limit it.

Prohibition or limit
Weightier bodies consulted believe the circumcision of male children should be banned.

Il Medical Association, l’associazione degli infermieri, il difensore civico dei bambini, il NHA, le associazioni norvegesi per la famiglia e la Facoltà di Medicina dell'Università di Oslo vuole che la prassi della circoncisione senza motivazione medica sia posta fuorilegge.

Il Mediatore per l’infanzia Reidar Hjermann vuole un dibattito pubblico circa l'età minima, ma ritiene che la circoncisione rituale dovrebbe essere vietata se praticata ai minori di 15-16 anni.

Il portavoce del Justice Policy Center, Jenny Klinge, ha detto che la circoncisione rituale dei ragazzi dovrebbe essere vietata in linea con la [legge contro] la circoncisione delle ragazze.


domenica 20 maggio 2012

Ostetrica uccide bambino in seguito a circoncisione


Midwife on baby death charge

Date published: 16 April 2012
Ostetrica accusata di aver ucciso un bambino in seguito a circoncisione

Grace Adeleye (66), of Sarnia Court, Salford, appeared in the dock for the first time at Oldham Magistrates Court on Friday, charged with the manslaughter of Goodluck Caubergs by gross negligence.

Una levatrice è stata accusata di omicidio colposo dopo che un bambino è morto dissanguato in seguito a una circoncisione. Grazia Adeleye (66),of Sarnia Court, Salford, è apparsa sul banco degli imputati per la prima volta presso la Oldham Magistrates Court venerdì, accusata di omicidio colposo con l'uso di un “l'Goodluck Caubergs” per negligenza grave.

La corte ha riferito che l'incidente è avvenuto il 17 aprile 2010, a Oldham, e ha rinviato la causa ad un giudice a Manchester al Manchester Crown Square Crown Court.

The court heard the incident happened on April 17, 2010, in Oldham, and adjourned the case to a court hearing tomorrow at Manchester Crown Square Crown Court.

Oltre alle molte complicazioni fisiche, sottoporre bambini e ragazzi a un inutile intervento chirurgico genitale è stato trovato può causare stress post-traumatico, tendenza al suicidio, depressione, rabbia, stati maniaco-depressivi, bassa autostima e problemi l'intimità. Inoltre gli uomini circoncisi hanno il 60% in più probabilità di sviluppare l'alessitimia, che è l'incapacità di sentire o comprendere le emozioni.

As well as the many physical complications, subjecting infants and boys to unnecessary genital surgery has been found to cause post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anger, low self-esteem and problems with intimacy. Furthermore, circumcised men are believed to be 60% more likely to develop alexithymia, which is the inability to feel or understand emotions.

Nessun motivo è stato indicato da Adeleye per la circoncisione del bimbo, a lei è stata data per ora la condizionale con cauzione, con obbligo di non lasciare il Regno Unito e non di effettuare mai più circoncisioni.

No plea was indicated by Adeleye and she was given conditional bail, which consisted of not leaving the UK and not to carry out any circumcisions.


venerdì 18 maggio 2012

Danimarca, circoncisioni a rischio

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Danimarca, circoncisioni a rischio

L’infibulazione è vietata, la circoncisione no. Come rende noto il sito Al Nord del mondo, in Danimarca si sta cominciando a discutere dell’argomento: sia il Consiglio Etico che il Consiglio Nazionale per i Bambini hanno criticato questa pratica menomativa, dichiarando che il ragazzo dovrebbe essere messo in grado di decidere da solo (per la legge danese, dal quindicesimo anno in poi).

La proposta ha finora ricevuto il consenso di parlamentari liberali, socialdemocratici e verdi.

lunedì 14 maggio 2012

Circoncisione e morte

Circumcision Deaths

Some babies die of complications of circumcision.1 There has been a need to assemble information concerning death from complications of circumcision in one convenient location. This page is designed to fill that need.

Deaths occur secondary to loss of blood or systemic infection from the circumcision wound.


A few deaths are reported in the medical literature. Other medical literature discusses the frequency of those deaths. A few deaths are reported in the popular press.

There is reason to believe that many deaths from circumcision are attributed to other causes. For example, if a baby were to die of meningitis that was contracted through the circumcision wound, the death may be attributed to meningitis while ignoring the fact that the baby would not have had meningitis if he had not been circumcised.

Circumcision originated before the dawn of history. There was no knowledge of sanitation or the need for a sterile operating environment. Jews have traditionally performed circumcision on the eighth day after birth for many thousands of years. The medical literature was still reporting numerous deaths from ritual circumcision in the early twentieth century.2, 3 There must have been vast numbers of babies who died under those conditions through the centuries. Jewish law allows parents who have had three sons die from circumcision to leave the fourth son intact.6

Doctors are highly motivated to conceal the true cause of circumcision death. Neonatal circumcision has no medical indication and is now considered to be an unnecessary7 non-therapeutic8 operation. It is unethical to carry out such operations on minors who cannot consent for themselves.9 Consequently, most doctors who have a baby die after a circumcision would prefer to attribute the results of his unethical operation to secondary causes, such as infection or bleeding, while ignoring the primary cause, which is the circumcision that resulted in the infection or bleeding. It is, therefore, very hard to identify the total number of deaths that occur from circumcision. One senses that one may be seeing only the "tip of the iceberg," with the vast majority of deaths from circumcision being concealed. The deaths undoubtedly cause an increase in infant mortality. Male infant mortality is higher than female infant mortality. It is not known how much of this increased mortality is due to the practice of male circumcision.

Several doctors have given estimates of the number of deaths that occur each year. Douglas Gairdner reported 16-19 actual deaths a year in England and Wales from neonatal circumcisions in the 1940s.10 Sydney Gellis believed that "there are more deaths from complications of circumcision than from cancer of the penis.11 There are various figures for the number of deaths from penile cancer ranging from 200 to 480 deaths per year. Robert Baker estimated 229 deaths per year from circumcision in the United States.12

There are several case reports of death in the medical literature. These are deaths from various infections.2-5,13-15 Sauer reported the death of an 18-day-old infant from Staphylococcal bronco-pneumonia.5 Hiss et al. reported the death of an infant in Israel from haemorrhage and hypovolemic shock after ritual circumcision.21

There are several newspaper accounts of boys who have died after circumcision. These are from bleeding and from complications of anesthesia.16-17,19-21,22-36

Several coroner's reports of deaths from circumcision are known to exist.18 38 Demetrius Manker died from blood loss in Dade County, Florida on June 23, 1993.18 The coroner's report on the death of a previously healthy one-month-old infant, Ryleigh Roman Bryan McWillis, less that 48 hours after his circumcision,24 is available. Baby Ryleigh died of hypovolemic shock, after exsanguination caused by hemorrhage at the circumcision wound.38 39 Ryleigh's mother said, "I unplugged his life support at 5 a.m. on the 22nd of August, one month and one day after he was born."39

Despite the abundant evidence of death from circumcision-related-causes, the March 2009 Circumcision Policy Statement of the American Academy of Pediatrics omitted any mention of possible death from circumcision-related-causes, thereby helping to keep American parents uninformed of the possibility of death following circumcision.

Many African tribes have initation ceremonies in which a youth or young man is initiated into manhood. The youths are sent to a camp in a remote area where initiation ceremonies, including circumcision, take place. The circumcisions are carried out by persons without medical training. African tribal ritual circumcision produces reports of death or serious injury every year.28-36, 39,40 The Mail and Guardian reports seven dead in the Fall of 2003 and a total of 250 dead since 1995.36

Amitai Moshe, age 8 days, went into cardiac arrest after a ritual circumcision at Golder's Green Synagogue, London. He was taken from the synagogue directly to hospital and died eight days later.43-45

A family doctor in Ontario circumcised an unnamed healthy infant at seven days of age. The infant suffered multiple complications and died seven days later of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.46

Di seguito alcuni dei casi più significativi degli ultimi 150 anni

Identified victims

Some victims of circumcision are known by name. They are:
•Julius Katzenstein: 8-days-old, bled to death after circumcision, 14 December 1856, New York, NY, USA.
•Myer Jacob Levy: 8-days-old, bled to death after circumcision, 18 April 1858, New York, NY, USA.
•Aleck, Baby Boy: Died June 10, 1910, Island County, Washington, USA.
•Michael Julian Baldwin: infant boy, 4-days-old, hemorrhage after circumcision. 21 August 1927, Monroe County, Indiana, USA.
•Baby boy Lebeau, death by circumcision, April 1942, Quebec, Canada.
•Roland Albert McCarty: infant boy. Death by infection of circumcision wound. Died 1932, Jacksonville, Florida, USA.
•"J.B.": Died December 1942, Evanston, Illinois, USA.
•Bruce Wechsler: infant boy, Staph infection following circumcision. 1957, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
•Chino Burrell: 7-months-old, death by circumcision, 9 June 1974, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
•Christopher Dolezal: Died November 1982, Des Moines, IA, USA.
•Steven Christopher Chacon: Died November 1986, San Francisco, CA, USA.
•Boma Oruitemeka: Death by circumcision, severe hemorrhage. 1990, London, England, UK.
•Raju Miah: Death by circumcision. July 1991, Birmingham, England, United Kingdom.
•Allen A. Ervin: Died July 8, 1992, Spartanburg, SC
•Demetrius Manker: Died June 23, 1993, Carol City, Dade County, Florida, USA.17
•Jeremie Johnson: Died July 18, 1995, Houston, TX, USA.19
•Dustin Evans: Died October 1998, Cleveland, OH, USA.
•Ryleigh Roman Bryan McWillis: Died August 22, 2002, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada35
•Zola Mjamba: Died November 19, 2002, Umtata, South Africa
•Sifiso Kobo: Died November 21, 2002, Umtata, South Africa
•Nui Jia Yuan, 4-years-old. Death by asphyxia following circumcision. March 26, 2003, Singapore.
•Callis Osaghae: Monday, August 18, 2003, Regional Hospital, Waterford, Ireland.26
•Bennett Ntazina, adolescent boy. Death by circumcision. December 2003, Jan Kempdorp, South Africa.
•Thamsanqa Mnyaka, 19, of Whittlesea, South Africa: Died Friday, 12 December 2003.
•Myolisi Mayekiso, 18, also of Whittlesea, South Africa: Died Friday, 12 December 2003.
•Andile Masabalala, 21, of Tsomo, South Africa: Died Monday, 15 December 2003.
•Sabelo Marotya, 17, at Mdantsane, South Africa: Died Sunday, July 4, 2004.
•Infant twin (by herpes virus, circumcised by Rabbi Yitzhok Fischer who had herpes and performed metziza by mouth [sucking the blood] on baby's penis) New York, New York, USA, October, 2004.
•Dontsa Lwane, 19 (by suicide after botched circumcision of Dec 11, 2004) Gqebenya, Lady Frere, South Africa, January 8, 2005.
•Wandile Lwane, 21 (Dontsa's brother, by suicide after learning of Dontasa's death) Ezibeleni, Queenstown, South Africa, January 9, 2005
•Muyoddin Khan, 5, Indrapur, Nepal, February 10, 2005.
•Abou Quir, infant boy, Alexandria, Egypt, February 15, 2005.
•Jacob Christian Holliday. Circumcision damaged already-defective heart, requiring heart transplant at age two. Death resulted from cancer caused by immuno-suppresant drugs and resultant cancer at age 4, 20 October 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA.
•Patrick Hoho, 58 (hacked to death by Hoho's circumcision victim), Port Elizabeth, South Africa, July 3, 2006.
•Sello Ntsie, 18 (beaten to death at a circumcision "initiation school" before he could be circumcised), Zuurbekom, near Westonaria, South Africa, July 5, 2006.
•Siyabonga Radebe, 14 (beaten to death at a circumcision "initiation school" before he could be circumcised), Zuurbekom, near Westonaria, South Africa, July 5, 2006.
•Nkhiphitheni Nehelula, 9, Guyuni-Dzumbama village near Mutale, Limpopo, South Africa, July 8 or 9, 2006.
•Xola Mbuqe, 18, Nelson Mandela Academic Hospital, Mthatha, Eastern Cape, South Africa, November 26, 2006.
•Lunga Nocanda, 18, Paarl, Western Cape, South Africa, December 18, 2006.
•Infant boy. Death by bleeding following circumcision in Creswell, Oregon,February 2007, Sacred Heart Hospital, Eugene, Oregon, USA.
•Amitai Moshe, 2 weeks, after a ritual circumcision at Golders Green Synagogue, London. February 9, 2007.
•Celian Noumbiwe, boy, nine weeks, death by circumcision, bled to death, 22 February 2007, Wexham Park Hospital, Slough, Berkshire, United Kingdom.
•Kulideep Kumar Vishnubhai Patel, 10-year-old boy, death by circumcision, 18 November 2007, Unjha, Gujarat, India,
•Infant boy, 18-days-old, death by circumcision, 18 November 2007, Pilar District, Tarragona, Nigeria.
•18-year-old male, death by circumcision, November 2007, Gxulu Village, Umtata, South Africa.
•Obosee Prince Aseh, boy, 2-months, death by circumcision, haemorrhage, 5 June 2008, Treviso, Italy.
•Gino Erojo, 11-years-old. Death by infection following circumcision, 3 August 2008, Panciao, Manjyod, Negroes Oriental, Philippines.
•Beasley Allen Terrebonne, age 48, death by suicide after botched circumcision and resulting depression. 23 December 2008, Thibodaux, Louisiana, USA.
•Eric Keefe, 6-week-old infant boy, death by blood loss following circumcision, 14 July 2008, Indian Health Service Hospital, Rosebud, South Dakota, USA.
•Yogama Boya, 18-year-old male, death by circumcision, July 2008, Qumbu area of Transkei, South Africa.
•Johnson Killed. Age 2 years and 7 months. death by circumcision. 22 July 2008, Bari, Italy.
•Bradley Dorcius, boy, 7-months-old. Death by circumcision, October 2009, SUNY Downstate Hospital. Brooklyn, New York, USA.
•Kaan Otuk, boy, one-month-old. Death by circumcision anaesthesia overdose, 31 October 2009, Çukurova State Hospital, Adana, Turkey.
•Sonke Foca, male, 19-years-old. Death by dehydration following circumcision, 11 November 2009, Butterworth, Transkei, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.
•Goodluck Caubergs, Baby. Bled to death after circumcision. Oldham, England, April 17, 2010.
•Saijad Hossain Mimu, 6-years-old. Death by lidocaine anaesthetic overdose, 25 September 2010, Safapur, Amirbad Union,Sonagazi Upazila, Feni District in the Division of Chittagong, Bangladesh.
•Joshua Haskins, 7-weeks old. Died 19 hours after having circumcision followed by prolonged bleeding, despite having congenital heart defect and being in intensive care. October 6, 2010, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
•Jaamal Coleson, Jr., toddler, of Brooklyn, New York. Died at Beth Israel Medical Center, Manhattan, New York City after a circumcision on Tuesday, May 3, 2011.50
•James Connor, infant, seven pounds eight ounces, 21 inches long. Born at Pittsburgh, Friday, November 25, 2011. Died Saturday night, November 26, 2011. Death by bleeding after circucision.
•Anonymous Jewish infant, two weeks old. Death from Herpes infection, Maimonides Hospital, Brookyn, New York, September 28, 2011.51
•Two boys, Arif, age 4 and Azhar, age 3,in Rakasipet, Bodhan, Andhra Pradesh India. The boys died on Monday, April 30, 2012 after a circumcision a few days before by a rural medical practitioner at Masjid Colony in the Rakasipet area due to uncontrolled "overbleeding".

sabato 12 maggio 2012

Interferone nelle cellule del prepuzio

SEM of human foreskin cells - G442/0424 Rights Managed

Interferone nelle cellule del prepuzio


Caption: Scanning electron micrograph of human foreskin cells, grown on microcarrier beads (positively- charged dextran spheres about 100 microns in diameter), & used to produce interferon. Interferon is a protein produced by cells which have been infected with a virus. As a drug it has the ability to inhibit viral growth & is used to treat cancer & other disorders. Shown are individual cells (puffy, elongated ) growing on the surface of two beads. Mag: X205 (at 35mm size).


Gli interferoni (IFN) sono una famiglia di proteine prodotte sia da cellule del sistema immunitario (globuli bianchi) che da cellule tissutali in risposta alla presenza di agenti esterni come virus, batteri, parassiti ma anche di cellule tumorali. Gli interferoni appartengono alla vasta classe di glicoproteine note come citochine.

La loro funzione specifica è quella di:
- inibire la replicazione di virus all'interno delle cellule infette;
- impedire la diffusione virale ad altre cellule;
- rafforzare l'attività delle cellule preposte alle difese immunitarie, come i linfociti T e i macrofagi;
- inibire la crescita di alcune cellule tumorali.

Gli interferoni agiscono in questo modo:
- si legano alla membrana delle cellule e ne stimolano la produzione di enzimi antivirali;
- quando un virus attacca una cellula attivata dall'interferone, non riesce a moltiplicarsi a causa degli enzimi antivirali;
- si verifica quindi un arresto o un'attenuazione dell'infezione.

(Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.)

lunedì 7 maggio 2012

Prepuzio artificiale per circoncisi


Artificial foreskin lets you keep your sensitivity!

Circumcised? Need a foreskin? Have no fear, Viafin's synthetic turtleneck's got you covered:

Being circumcised affects the natural operation, appearance and sensitivity of the penis. During recent years much medical research has been carried out in several countries into the function and purpose of the foreskin. There is now conclusive medical evidence that a circumcised penis with the glans exposed has less nerve receptors and is less effective than a naturally covered penis.

Over the years the exposed glans becomes less sensitive. There is well-documented evidence which shows that this can, and often does, have a disastrous effect on sexual performance, its consequences, and ultimately, on self esteem.

The SenSlip range of artificial retractable foreskins is available in different sizes, to allow for variation between individuals. With ten sizes we want you to be fitted correctly right from the start.


mercoledì 2 maggio 2012

Medico americano dell'AAP a favore delle FGC?

Dr. Hatem al-Haj says circumcision is "an honor" for women.

Scopri la posizione dell'AAP-American Academy of Pediatrics( 2009-2011)

US Pediatric Doctor Favors Female Circumcision

Published: April 30th, 2012

Dr. Hatem al-Haj, PhD, MD, un anziano membro del comitato dell'Associazione dei giuristi musulmani d'America (AMJA), ha recentemente pubblicato un articolo di 41 pagine in lingua araba intitolato "La circoncisione delle ragazze. Giurisprudenza e Medicina"

According to the “Translating Jihad” blog, il dottor al-Haj spiega perché la circoncisione femminile è consigliato e anche "un onore" per le donne.

According to the UN World Health Organization (WHO), FGM ” has no health benefits for women,” and causes “severe bleeding and problems urinating, and later cysts, infections, infertility, as well as complications in childbirth.”

The Translating Jihad blog was established in 2010 to provide translations of Arabic-language news, opinion, and fatwas related to Islamic intolerance, totalitarianism, and jihad.

Secondo il TJ, il dottor al-Haj, medico e ricercatore presso l'American Academy of Pediatrics, giustifica la sua posizione facendo riferimento più volte alle parole di studiosi classici islamici delle quattro scuole di pensiero tradizionale islamico-sunnita, i quali attestano FGM legittimità sotto l'Islam. Egli si riferisce anche alle parole del Profeta Maometto stesso, che si dice consigliò ai suoi tempi le persone su come eseguire le mutilazioni genitali femminili in un modo che sarebbe "più bello da vedere e meglio per il marito [della donna]."